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Dawang Island this time, can be described as exciting teachers, come in a big way.

All forces of Pantian ancient city were shocked by Divine Soul’s move by King Wang Island’s move.

This is obviously the major event!

However, when everyone was shocked, suddenly, a very thick aura burst out of the Vault of Heaven.

At the next breath, a large red light emerged as if the fire sea invaded the sky above a 1000-mile radius, and a fire-red dragon resembling a continuous mountain range swam out of the fire sea.

Above the dragon’s head, a group of people stood proudly in fairy shirts.

Among this group of people, there is an old man with half black and half white hair, but the color is clear, the might is very strong when the eyebrows are raised, and the whole body aura is surging, like the sea of ​​the abyss, just like ruling Heaven and Earth Sovereign.

This person is the name of the 9th layer building, which suppresses Divine Realm on one side …. Iron Building Supreme!

Everyone present, seeing this scene clearly, all opened their mouths in shock, their faces full of astonished expression.

Because, it is not difficult to be Iron Tower Supreme, behind him there are a full of 3 9 Domain Supreme!

This time, the 9th layer floor came with 4 full 9 domain Supreme.

This situation is getting more and more terrifying! ?

“This … how many 9-domain Supremes will come !?”

The eyes of the fierce Hades were straight, and they took a deep breath.

“Not less! But these little fellows, that is, the pawns who came to explore the way, there should be some moneybags hidden behind them!”

Sword Supreme looked at the sky, the piece of Immortal Palace and a fire sea dragon, but chuckled.

Chu Yan and Xiu Hao heard this, and their lips twitched.

This … little fellow! ?

You mean, moneybags is more powerful existence than 9 domain Supreme! ?

What is that monster! ?

In the effort of everyone’s Qi petrification, in the void not far away, a large silhouette flew, but it was a group of God King Realm powerhouse such as Divine King Divine King.

It seems that they were summoned. After they flew over, without any obstruction, they flew directly to the top of the big leader in the 9th layer building.

Even Divine King of Great King Island, which was not dealt with by the 9th layer building, followed.

This scene is not surprising. Obviously, the Great King Island and the 9th layer building have joined forces and are asking the Divine Kings who have escaped from Pantian Forbidden Land about Pantian Forbidden Land.

The next step, I am afraid, is to set a joint strategy to solve the trouble of Forbidden Land.

“Ten 2 Dao Lineage and Ancient Race, and the 9th layer Lou Dawang Island have joined forces. This time, even if there is something hidden in Forbidden Land, it is impossible to resist!”

“Have a fart! I just heard that the Great King Array and the 9th layer building have all transferred the top-level Array Master. They are already arranging the Transmission Great Array. As long as the Array is 1%, the Supreme of all influence will rush!”

“God ah! In that case, Supreme, who is far away, will come!”

“This battle is probably Divine Realm continent 10000 years, the strongest battle!”

“so smart!?”


The entire Pantian ancient city, due to the arrival of a group of 9 domain Supreme, as well as the gathering of top forces, caused a monstrous storm.

Chu Yan and Hades did not enter the city. They were invisible in a mountain range outside the city, waiting patiently.

A looming rainstorm made Pantian ancient city’s atmosphere instantly tense and depressed.

However, with Heaven Sealing Xuan of Tianxuan Earth Palace, after opening a large number of handicap gambling stalls in Pantian ancient city, the atmosphere instantly became hot.

After all, in the battle of this time, it is almost impossible to participate under Supreme.

A large number of cultivators gathered in Pan Tian City, and there was nothing to do, that was only a bet.

Therefore, Jin Xuan Heavenly Palace this wave of operations, it is earning a good deal.

What makes all the forces and giants speechless is that Heaven Sealing Xuan Jiang’s Supreme in the ancient city and Supreme in the 9-domain Supreme all list the betting rates.

It is the Supreme who will bet on it, and will even lose, even giving the order extremely heavy odds.

Moreover, there is a Supreme in ancient city, Heaven Sealing Xuan immediately added a handicap.

This time, the entire Pantian ancient city has completely become a big casino.

However, even those Supremes are not very willing to bet on their own lives, but the other party is after all the reputation of Tianxuan Earth Palace, Divine Realm continent Number One Influence, so they will not say much.

After all, Tianxuan Earth Palace is the Chamber of Commerce force, and it ’s not just about betting on them.

Time is constantly passing in a tense and warm atmosphere.

Above the ancient city, above the magnificent Immortal Palace and the continuous dragons, there are silhouettes flying in and out, in the sky, various Spirit Mark auras continue.

In the mountain range below, Chu Yan 3 people are still waiting quietly.

Sword Supreme’s complexion has always been more dignified, constantly glancing back and forth in two directions, Xuan Emperor Bridge and Pantian ancient city.

Occasionally, I will take a look at the layout of several forces on the sky.

“Almost! It shouldn’t take long for them to start!”

This sentence of her just landed, a silhouette above the sky rushed out, raised her hand, and a large piece of Spirit Mark rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, 10000 Heavenly Thunder broke out, blasting into the void all around, instantly blasting the entire sky directly into the powder.

Endless turbulence in Space-Time rushed, colliding with the rushing Spirit Mark Great Array, as if two pieces of Beast Tide met.

But soon, the Spirit Mark Great Array rays of light masterpiece smashed all the Space-Time turbulence and rushed into the broken void of the void, which was a perfect fit.

The Spirit Array was completed, and a large amount of immortal strength was released immediately, dropping from the sky like ten water columns, all poured into the Ten Supreme within the body in the big pit below.

“That’s Supreme Race’s 9 domain Supreme. She is extracting Heaven and Earth spirit sources to heal the wounds of the 1 Supreme!”

Among those who gathered in the big pit all around, God King Realm powerhouse explained. .

Seeing the lively cultivators, although they are not clear, they all know what Spirit Race is good at.

If this cures the 1 injured Supreme situations, the power to attack Forbidden Land in Pantian will at least double.

Moreover, for each Great Influence, this is also a way to restore majesty.

If you want to kill them, I can’t kill you!

Saved, just tell you, Supreme you can’t kill any one!

Therefore, this principle allows all practitioners to keep their eyes on the Supreme in the big pit and look forward to the results of Spirit Race’s use of the heavenly means.

Seeing the sky, ten spiritual liquid gold pillars fell from the sky and poured like a waterfall. The huge blood holes on the Supreme Supreme began to heal slowly.

That speed can be clearly seen with naked eye.

However, the injury is recovering, and the ten Supremes have no intention of awakening at all.

“Tianah! At least 100 Xianjie spirit medicines were used!”

A cultivator who understands the spirit array looks at the Spirit Race Great Array in the sky, his face full of surprise.

With over 100 strains, it can almost straighten an ordinary person and directly break through to correct the environment.

It seems to feel that the ten Supreme below have not responded, a followed by a silhouette, flying out of the Immortal Palace and the dragon on the sky.

A group of Supreme, staring together, looked towards the ten large pits below.

“Get it!”

Headed by Hengwang Supreme and Iron Tower Supreme, the mouth and said were opened at the same time.

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