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“really strong !”

On the small face of the Sword Supreme, a rare expression of surprise appeared.

“Chu Yan, how is it !? Do you feel the power before your reincarnation !? Very strong! Ha ha ha….”

flame hair The voice of the youth sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, with a clear tone of turf.

“This is less than 30% of the strength, if it is not because of your turn … er, it is very strong anyway! Ha ha ha …”

Flame hair The words of the youth heard Chu Yan speechless for a while.

Do you need it so much? ?

This guy, how long has the complaint in my heart been backlogged! ?

Xiaoxiu gave a hand, and the endless Tesser in front of himself! ?

“It seems that I should have bullied this person before the reincarnation! Did I have more power than him before …”

There seemed to be something surging in Chu Yan’s heart, but it was extremely vague and could not be grasped at all.

However, even if this power is very strong, Chu Yan does not have any envy.

Since reincarnation, for whatever reason, it will be stronger than before!

He is just continuing his last life, and he has started a new one!

This is the difference!

“This person’s battle strength is too strong! You 4 will be entangled with him first, and I will cast a mystery technique! You must find his life gate!”

“Heng Wang, Jin Lou, those who guard against Ancient Sect! Execution without any mercy!”

In the old fogey 5 domain Peak of the 9 old men, while laying down the tactics, I did not forget that there was a group of blood-robe persons brought by the flame hair youth behind.

These blood-scientific Ancient Sect people have been standing there, like a statue, without any movement, but they can’t help but guard.

Next, Peak 9 Domain Peak again glanced at the forbidden Chu Yan and Mad Blade Supreme, Divine Consciousness sound transmission quietly whispered to 4 people.

“Remember, grab that Chu Yan if you have a chance!”

How could other people not understand what he meant, Qi Qi was nodded, and at the same time, True Qi broke out, played Antiquity Taobao, and rushed to flame hair youth.

At this time, before the ancient city of Pantian, it had completely transformed into a grand battlefield. News 4 spread out, and all influences changed in unison.

Ten Supreme, after all, was still killed, and the flame hair young man who came out of Forbidden Land in Pantian announced that he would establish a new Divine Realm Dao Lineage force, and at the same time be against the entire world!

What’s more terrifying is that the Legendary Blood Scient Ancient Sect seems to completely obey him!

In this way, the strength is there, and so are the horses and horses. According to this, Divine Realm continent is afraid that it will pick up a monstrous foul wind and bloody rain.

One sword kills Supreme, depending on other forces like grass and mustard, plus the ancient reputation of Blood Scient Ancient Sect, these factors add up, if the wishes of these flame hair youths are achieved, I am afraid that the whole world will be dangerous.

So, the best way is now, immediately, before killing him to Forbidden Land, and at least, he must be rushed back into Forbidden Land, waiting for Forbidden Land to close and trap him for countless years. .

For a time, the giants and bigwigs of all parties were shocked by these amazing news. After various discussions, discussions, and secret meetings, they almost reached the same conclusion.

However, Immortal Ascension Sect, Bazu, etc. have lost the power of 9 domain Supreme, so there is no need to discuss at all, and they are all angry.

“I have gone through the ages, after 100 generations, when have I suffered such a big loss !? This time, no matter who he is, a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

“Never let him go! Must take revenge!”

“This man is a good figure. All the mutations in this Forbidden Land are his conspiracy from beginning to end!”

“Hmph! Dare to calculate the power of the whole world, it depends on whether he has such a big appetite!”

“Subpoena, the whole family prepares for war! In addition, sue Patriarch, go to Holy Land, and ask Old Ancestor to get out!”

“Pan people go to other forces to discuss the formation of alliances.

“Subpoena …”


It did n’t take long for the 2 Dao Lineage, the Top 100 Ancient Race, and the 3 Chamber of Commerce forces. After some urgent discussions, they all started to act.

At the same time in their various Holy Land, Secret Realm depths, in the heavenly blessed land, a path of divine light dives into the sky.

“Ha ha ha, this guy, actually ran out, okay, I was too active under my muscles!”

In the huge black lake, a metallic silhouette of the whole body walked out of the lake, and his feet fell on the shore, while the god was like a monstrous storm, swept out.

“Interesting! Did you create Dao Lineage !? Really thought so easy !?”

10000 In the abyss, the bottom of the cliff with thick spirit fog, a pair of eyes opened, all the spirit fog in the void all directions instantly evaporated and disappeared.

“Antiquity gods are still alive !? Exactly, see how the gods are different!”

Among the large seas of bones, sitting on top of a mountain of bones, sits a horrible silhouette, slowly turning his head, it is 10,000 li Yin hiss howling, the sky is full of wind.

When he looked towards the horizon, the corners of his mouth were slightly cracked, revealing his mouth full of black fangs.

Each of these is an Old Ancestor of various forces, almost all immortal monsters survived by Great Ancient Era.

“The top ten gods, name is not in vain, after so many years, they came out again!”

“Do not damage the sea, I can’t fight now, but you, the seventh of the gods, dare to come out and dance, then I’m welcome!”

A golden body rises from Endless Blood Sea …

The sky’s blood mist rose, and at a glance, the horror silhouette did not rise from the sea of ​​blood, but the water of the entire blood sea poured into his body frantically, and his golden body slowly revealed.

A golden body, devouring 10,000 li blood sea!

These scenes are terrifying.

At this time, the 8 Yu Xuanhuang inside the sect on the other side, the independent small world in one side …

“Antiquity top ten gods are still alive! It is rumored that the top ten gods are ruined, Divine Soul reincarnated, didn’t expect so fast, there is one person in this world.”

Xuanhuang Supreme said, could not help browsing slightly wrinkle, hook the head and said, “This time all influence has suffered a loss, I am afraid that it will not be good, and it will not be long before that place will become an Asura hell, and many people will die ! “

In front of Xuanhuang Supreme, an old man sat, boiled tea and drank, nodded with a chuckle.

“Don’t bother! That Chu Yan, how is it now?”

Hearing Master ’s question, Xuanhuang Supreme shook the head, with a dark expression on his face, “The latest situation that came back from Pantian Forbidden Land, the one who knows Chu Yan and has captured him, other forces, all Asking about Chu Yan, the situation is not so good ah! “

In this battle of the sky, even the Royal Capital could not participate, but Chu Yan, the little Heavenly Venerate, became the focus of attention of 10000 people.

In this case, even if 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect wants to do something, it is unlikely!

old man hearing this, but his eyes were shimmering, and then said with a smile, “You have to remember, he is the discipline of my 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, no one can move with that! We can’t control that guy, this other force But it is to make a move! “

“As long as there is me, there are 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sects. On this Divine Realm continent, no one is allowed to play Chu Yan’s idea!”

This sentence landed, Xuanhuang Supreme looked towards Master, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

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