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Regarding the token of Yuzhong Shang, when Chu Yan was approaching, the shirtless robust man seemed to think of something and suddenly opened his mouth to remind

Chu Yan Wen Fang, walked to the jade platform and stopped, carefully looked towards the token. Sure enough, a crack was found at the edge of the token.

“Yes, Senior, there is a crack!” Chu Yan replied.

“If this is the case, then very good!” Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, the shirtless robust man’s face showed surprise, and anxiously said

“If I guess right, this token is to control this forbidden spirit array, as long as you urge it, we can get out!”

Hearing this, the fat old fogey and the thin old fogey were anxious at that time and hurriedly urged

“Then don’t hesitate, brother, hurry …”

“Haha, I’m finally going to be free, this ghost place, I will stay forever!”

Chu Yan glanced at Sword Supreme. After two people stared at nodded, Chu Yan no longer hesitated. After pouring True Qi, Divine Consciousness felt.

Buzz …!

a Invisible aura fluctuations suddenly burst from in the sky, just like the sudden opening of the gate, and the pressure generated by it rushed to all directions in 4 directions.

The three people in the Forbidden Ground Spirit Array looked up towards the sky, and they saw the Guardian Spirit Array reacted, buzzing and trembling.

At this moment, the three people were astonished as if they were going crazy, where various jumps and jumps and roars continued.

Chu Yan didn’t pay much attention to the reaction of the three people. He lifted his foot out of the hall and continued to walk deeper.

It didn’t take long for Chu Yan and Kuangdao Supreme to have a sudden physique, and it seemed that they had hit some prohibition and could not move forward.

In the next moment, a blood light surged in front of him, but a blood-colored channel was formed under Chu Yan’s feet, pointing directly into the distance.

But in front of the Sword Supreme, it is a bloody long sword inserted in the ground, not at all blood channel.

This means, obviously, it is not to let the Sword Supreme go forward, but let Chu Yan continue to move forward.

This prohibition … I am afraid it is artificially manipulated!

That is to say, some people in this tomb, or rather, may be some kind of spirit wisdom.

“It should be here!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were fiery.

Since it hits now, it means that spirit wisdom is here, as long as you can see it again.

Well, that spirit wisdom is Divine Soul of the gods!

Just like Empress Xuantian, it is the Divine Soul body reincarnation of the Antiquity gods.

“Husband, be careful!”

Sword Supreme looked towards Chu Yan with a grieving face, Yurong small face squeezed a smile, full of worried warned repeatedly.


Chu Yan nodded, immediately breathes deeply, restrained mind, and raised his feet and walked forward.

Sure enough, this time no longer hit the ban, unimpeded.

At this time, outside the great hall …

“What happened !? What about Chu Yan !?”

Seeing the Sword Supreme coming out alone, the fat and thin old fogey and the naked man were both looking at her in a daze.

At the same time, three people’s pupil light flashed and Divine Consciousness poured out, but soon the three people’s pupils twitched, reveals an amazed look.

Their Divine Consciousness investigation was blocked by an invisible ban, and it was impossible to detect Chu Yan at all.

“It should be his chance!”

Supreme Faintly smiled and said “Congratulations on your freedom! What are you doing here !? Do you want to close it again !?”

While speaking, Supreme jade hand turned over and took out the token, with a grimace on his face and pretending to urge the token.

“Don’t! Don’t ah!”

“My great aunt, spare life ah!”


The fat and thin old fogey and the shirtless robust man were so scared that their faces were green, all flashed together, and they escaped from the range of the spirit array far away. Afterwards, they stopped in full panic and looked at Supreme Knife with a dark face.

“It’s kind of fun! For you …”

Kuang Dao Supreme looked at them, he could n’t help laughing, then threw the tokens, threw them, and turned his head to look at the direction of the great hall where Chu Yan was, before turning back to continue.

“When you owe something, when are you ready, just tell me!”

After receiving the tokens thrown by Supreme Knife Supreme, the 3 talents finally returned to normal and smiled.

“Haha, don’t be afraid if you have this thing! I don’t believe it. What else can be sleepy here … Woo … Woo, what are you doing !?”

Fat old fogey hasn’t finished a word, but he was covered by his thin old fogey and naked man.

“Shut up, idiot!”

“Now talk nonsense, throw you back!”

At this moment, fat old fogey reacted suddenly, glanced at the direction of the great hall where Chu Yan was, and suddenly understood.

Someone in this tomb!

On the other side, deep in the great hall …

Chu Yan went all the way, some inexplicable agitation in his heart, feeling that his mind was not controlled by himself, as if affected by something.

This is the first time this has happened, even before facing a powerful crisis.

Could it be that the front is really your own reincarnation! ?

With a complicated mood, Chu Yan walked shortly afterwards and saw a living hall with the door closed.

Chu Yan stood in front of the temple gate and looked at the temple gate quietly for a long time.

After a moment, slowly raise your hand and push towards the hall door!


The sound of the wooden shaft turning sounded in the empty in the sky, as if sleeping through the door of endless years, in this brief moment was pushed open.

It is like the past and present in which I have sealed the cycle of reincarnation for a long time, slowly appearing before myself.

Looking up, I saw that the hall turned out to be a small green courtyard, which was not an ordinary residence environment at all.

This hall gate turned out to be the entrance of a Transmission Array, stepped into the hall gate, and entered another small world.

The simple and ordinary small courtyard, red bricks and green tiles, wooden fence fence, the unknown vines planted in the courtyard, climbed the small courtyard sky.

On the other side of the courtyard, there is a big tree. Under the tree, a silhouette of a white robe, lying on the stone chair, holding a roll of old books in his hand, looks a little addicted.

Withered leaves fell from the tree and fluttered between them, even falling into the hands of white robed youth, just blocking the page he was looking at.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes fell on the white robed youth, and the eyes of white robed youth fell on the dead leaf.

Time seems to be completely frozen in this brief moment!

After 3 breaths time, white robed youth moved, a pair of clear and bright eyes lifted up, looking at Chu Yan.

In an instant, the gods … Awaken!

“Sir, are you here !?”

White robed youth’s mouth was light, and he told Chu Yan.

“Excuse me for not going out to meet you, but those gifts are too heavy! Please sit down!”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan reacted immediately, with a loud laugh, nodded, strode out, and sat across from the white robed youth.

“Sir, in the seventh of the next gods, the demonic path of cultivation, as for the name, I can’t tell you yet!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan couldn’t help being frowned.

I have met each other, but I can’t say my real name yet! ?

These gods seem to have some gods nagging, sackcloth old man, blue armor War God, flame hair youth, and then the white robed youth in front of him, how can the name be a treasure, hiding it! ?

“I want to know, who is my reincarnation !?” Chu Yan looked at each other and asked.

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