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The old and Constant Antiquity’s voice in the sky also sounded again.

“Wrong! Sir is the most promising, but a few are far away!”

“Heavenly Venerable Realm, coming soon! It will soon be able to reach 9 realms, when the time comes Sir will wake up!”

“Now the gods, whether it is the 9th, 6th, or 5th War God, have been born one after another, and the most troublesome guys at Taboo Ridge are also looking for it!”


Speaking of it, the voice of in the sky sank and seemed extremely eager

“It is necessary to restore strength as soon as possible, and when Sir awakens, it is good to be able to add more strength!”

white robed youth hearing this, bow again

“Yes, Master!”

With this sound, the silhouette of white robed youth slowly faded and disappeared in place like an illusory shadow, returning to nothingness.

On the other side, when Chu Yan came out of the great hall, the icy sound in the Sea of ​​Consciousness immediately sounded.

“Chu Yan, what’s the situation !?” Empress Xuantian asked.

“Just now …”

Chu Yan would n’t listen to that white robed youth. The two met for the first time, and there was no sense of trust. Plus white robed youth first provoked him and War God, and then provoked him and Emperor Xuantian.

Such behavior disgusted Chu Yan, and of course impossible did what he said.

Therefore, Chu Yan told the Emperor Xuantian all the things in the small courtyard.

“It seems more and more interesting!”

After listening to Empress Xuantian, her voice was as cold as ever, but there was obviously a little more interest in her tone.

“What do you mean !?” Chu Yan asked.

“What happened to my reincarnation !? How do I feel more and more complicated! What does that white robed youth mean !?”

Chu Yan, these problems made the Empress Xuantian silent for a moment, and she thought it was a long time before she was replied

“Some things you should know in advance!”

“Regarding the ten great gods, they were divided into three camps in the past, of which War God and the sixth person are a line, and anti-Sky Monarch is a line!”

“The two lines are life and death enemies, and they cannot coexist!”

Chu Yan hearing this suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

“So far, the people of these 2 departments have spent too much time and planning on you, and there must be a reason! Just this reason, I don’t know now.”

“However, it is now clear that the flame hair called you the Young Master, which should be the wrong person! And white robed youth calls you the identity of Sir, but it needs to be confirmed!”

Chu Yan heard this and could only order nodded.

Reincarnation not at all is so easy to understand, and not only him, even the existence of flame hair youth, will be wrong.

It is not so easy to say this matter!

“Reincarnation is important, but this life is this life!”

“So, don’t think about these things, don’t let them get in the way, upgrade the cultivation base and breakthrough to Supreme as soon as possible. When that time, you can explore many things yourself!”

“And now, all these things, true and false, real and unreal, cannot be judged and discerned, then put it aside first!”

Emperor Xuantian’s voice continued to ring in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, saying a lot.

Since Chu Yan met her, this time it is so rare to say so much.

Moreover, in the words of Emperor Xuantian, there are explanations and directions, and they are more consoling …

“Yes! This life is the most important!”

“I am me, Chu Yan!”

Speaking of which, Chu Yan within both eyes lightning 4 overflowed, the gold electrolysis was empty, the corners of the mouth were light, and the whole body aura rolled out like a tide.

“Xuan Tian, ​​thanks!”

This sentence fell to the ground, in exchange for the coldest voice ever made by Empress Xuan Tian.

“No need to thank me! Your servant is waiting for you!”

After finishing this sentence, Divine Consciousness of Emperor Xuantian was cut off instantly, letting Chu Yan startled.

“It’s a bit troublesome!”

Shouting the head with a wry smile, Chu Yan became increasingly ignorant of the woman’s temperament.

Just fine, just turn your face if you want to turn your face! ?

Immediately, Chu Yan walked out of the great hall and saw Supreme Knife Supreme standing outside the hall, looking forward to seeing Chu Yan coming out. His face was full of expectations, and the smile and the sun were blooming like flowers.

A faint warm aura spread gently in all around the void and Chu Yan’s heart.

“You too !?”

Chu Yan chuckled at Sword Supreme, and at the same time looked at three shirtless robust man, nodded signaled.

“Well, we …”

Fat old fogey hasn’t finished a word yet. Two great auras of terror were suddenly exploded in the great hall behind him. Wherever he passed, the great hall instantly turned into powder, and 2 scattered.

“Fuck, what happened !?”

The fat old 3 were all startled, and they all looked up and asked Chu Yan

“What happened in the great hall just now !? This is too terrifying !?”

Hearing this problem, the smile on Chu Yan’s face disappeared, watching three people not speaking at all.

This time, the scene was instantly cold, and the three people reacted, which was also embarrassing.

Of course, other people’s opportunities can not be casually inquired, this is taboo!

As I saw the great hall annihilation just now, three people were surprised and asked subconsciously.

However, this low-level error happened to them, it seems to make them a little sorry, and all three people’s faces are slightly reddish.

“Little Brother, we are waiting for you, we want to discuss with you, can those ten golden bodies of Dao Lord Realm, please … give us !?”

Speaking of which, the fat old fogey turned his head towards a shirtless robust man and a thin old fogey. Seeing that 2 people are all nodded, they looked towards Chu Yan again, anxiously said

“As long as you want, what price Daobao is not a problem!”

It is only one reason to change the gold body, and their three people are also extremely curious about the origin of Chu Yan’s identity.

“Yeah, you Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base, these masters of gold do not have much effect on you, and it is also placed. It is better to replace it with resources and upgrade the cultivation base as soon as possible, right?”

Hearing these words, Chu Yan shook his head and refused.

“3 Senior, sorry, this corpse is of great use to me, I can’t exchange it for you!”

After finishing talking, Chu Yan didn’t wait for them to speak again, and said directly to Sword Supreme

“Let’s get out of here!”

“En!” Sword Supreme said nothing, asked nothing, Chu Yan spoke, she was nodded.

“Little Brother, then … let’s go together!”

3 people originally wanted to persuade, but after seeing Chu Yan’s attitude, they knew that there was no chance.

However, the ten gold bodies have a huge effect on them, and they really do n’t want to miss it.

After all, this is the golden body of the Taoist, not to mention the small amount, that is, next time you meet, can you pick it up like this Chu Yan, it is difficult to say.

It’s not good to be trapped for countless years like this time. It is still good, and it may even die directly under the guardianship ban.

The guardian prohibition of the golden body of the Taoist Master is terrifying!

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