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Among the people present, 3 of them watched the Empress Xuantian continue to perform, all with a look of surprise, and turned around towards Chu Yan.

At this time, they were most shocked by this identity of Chu Yan!

Regardless of the gods in the mausoleum just now, plus this Empress Xuantian, the back of this kid is really scary.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s image in their eyes became extremely tall.

“It is rumored that this great technique can reverse Yin-Yang without knowing true or false. Didn’t expect to see the last time today, it can be regarded as a lifetime!”

“Ten Dao Lord Realm gold bodies, this price …”

“Don’t talk nonsense, just look! We can’t get started anyway!”

3 people dare not speak, but they are still talking about Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

It is definitely impossible to intervene, and originally thought that I could find an opportunity to exchange the ten Taoist golden bodies from Chu Yan.

Now it seems that the important use that the kid said was originally used to perform Daqiankun surgery, so that three of them had no chance at all.

“Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang, Myriad Transformations 10000 spirit, the source of Fiendgod, no reincarnation, open!”

Emperor Xuantian’s face was very serious and solemn, and she continued to cast the Seal of India to urge Supreme’s power, like a Lord of God, to cover the entire ice platform.

Buzz …!

next moment, the jade tremor …

In the sky all around, there seems to be a strange wave rippling, as if from the Great Ancient Era to the present, the endless years Space-Time has evolved and condensed in the sky.

Give people this kind of Heaven and Earth void, has been completely stripped from the World, and is generating its own way!

In this way of thinking, a faint illusory shadow came out of the jade coffin.

Her eyes closed lightly, and there was a faint smile on her face, as if she was in a dream, or before recollecting the damage, the last scene.

She … is Yue Linglong!

Chu Yan’s eyes were instantly blurred, and once again saw this silhouette, this face made him feel silent for a long time and could not be suppressed anymore.

Even his breath, in this brief moment, becomes disordered, fast and slow, and sometimes nonexistent.

A Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, can’t even control his breathing! ?

Supreme knife standing beside him turned his head slightly to look at him, had a feeling in the heart, and sighed slightly.

Although she and Chu Yan had only been in contact for a short period of time, she felt that she knew the endless years.

His words, actions, reactions, everything is so natural, but also in line with her heart.

But why? This scene made her uncomfortable! ?

Time passes by in silence, like a light current, which can be clearly felt without sound.

shua shua’s broken body sounded, but it was the distant sky, a group of black dot-like silhouettes, really flying towards the white jade palace.

These silhouettes, do not go to see at all, it is the 9th layer building, the Great King Island and other Two Great Influences.

Among them, Martial Artist’s cultivation base is mostly Heavenly Venerable Realm, led by two Divine King.

When they fell outside the white jade palace, a group of monks walked out of a more powerful existence, it was … Zhongnan Supreme!

“What a Chu Yan, it turns out that the tiger is returning to the mountain, so this time, it will be over!”

Then Zhongnan Supreme said to other people, “You are waiting here, Shen Gongxi and I will go first, I will let Chu Yan give you an explanation!”

Speaking of which, the practitioners are all relaxed.

After finishing speaking, Zhongnan Supreme stood up and flew to the White Jade Palace, Shen Gongxi did not hesitate, follow closely from behind.

“Who trespasses !?”

Liu Piaopiao immediately found these intruders, and said briskly in anger.

“This place is so good !?”

Zhongnan Supreme ignored Liu Piaopiao’s voice at all, and looked towards all around with both eyes. Under a slight awe, the aura on his body kept urging.


At the next moment, the power of Supreme broke out, with the body of Zhongnan Supreme as the center, exploding a shock wave-like airflow, rushing to all directions in 4 directions.

A powerful force, like a wave, crashed into the void of the white jade palace, causing the whole god to tremble.

Soon, there was a spiritual breath in the void, and it evolved into a gang of tides falling down.

“And the defensive spirit array !?”

Zhongnan Supreme raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of laughter, and a wave of it was a magnificent wave.

9 Domain Supreme runs between Heaven and Earth. Except for a few antiquity gods such as Forbidden Land, there is nothing to go or block.

After all, it is continent Peak battle strength, which can be said to have no worries at all.

Even if it is just this wave of power, it is enough to annihilate a God King Realm, not to mention the defense of trifling Blessed Land.

However, the next amazing thing happened!

The spirit breath in the air was bombarded by the power of Supreme in the 9 domains, but it did not collapse at all. Instead, it became extremely bright, and fell like a thundercloud.

“This is there !?”

After the break, the two appeared in a world of nothingness, with a stunned expression on their faces.

Even Zhongnan Supreme’s complexion became extremely pale.

Just now, when the thundercloud fell, he felt a terrifying aura, just like the Supreme existence between Heaven and Earth, his anger was falling.

Supreme Realm! ?

This little god is a blessed land, but it is a blessed land like the ant-like Heavenly Venerable Realm, how could there be Supreme realm will! ?

As a Supreme of 9 domains, even if he is facing Dao Lord Realm, he will not be so flustered, but this Supreme realm is like mountains and ants to him.

This is the only power that allows him to feel the fear from the depths of Divine Soul!

However, Divine Realm continent came in Supreme! ?

this this impossible!

“Myriad beasts Royals !?”

Zhongnan Supreme saw the silhouette of a tall and mountain-like silhouette in the void in the distance, and suddenly the complexion changed.

“This Chu Yan, can actually find such a Great Array to defend !? But …”

“I want to trap me on this occasion !?”

Zhongnan Supreme’s eyes are full of disdain. He is not the kind of 9-domain Supreme that just broke through. What use does this spirit array have for him! ?

“break for me !”

Without any hesitation, Zhongnan Supreme’s whole body’s dignity broke out, and the sky’s majesty, like a mountain sweep, his body also rose against the wind, and in a blink of an eye it rose to more than ten times the silhouette of those beast emperors.

Then, raising your hand is single fist smashed out, breaking the formation!

Boom … Rumble!

Powerful force blasted above the void, the entire Great Array was shaking, and the peng sound exploded into a big hole.

“hmph! ”

Zhongnan Supreme coldly snorted, rolled up Shengongxi proudly, strode out, and walked out of the spirit array.

Although it may take some more effort to completely destroy the Spirit Array, Zhongnan Supreme has kept a heart, after all, such a good blessing, it is a pity to destroy it.

After dealing with Chu Yan, this god is blessed and can be used.

At that time, the Spirit Array was repaired a little bit, and then it can be used again.

However, after he stepped out of the hole, he appeared in a new void, and suddenly made his face startled suddenly.

“What !? Even more !?”

As soon as I raised my eyes, the whole sky was full of blood red, and the banner that burned like flames hung high in the sky like a fire, hunting and prestige!

Blood flags!

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