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At this time, Chu Yan’s eyes were fixed on the floating beautiful shadow above the jade coffin.

But the shirtless robust man and the fat and thin old man are staring at the Emperor Xuantian to perform the Great Qiankun technique. For them, this is definitely rarely seen.

It is even possible that you can only see this time in this life.

Therefore, they are indifferent to someone who breaks into the white jade palace.

At least all of them knew that Chu Yan brought back a bunch of Spirit Arrays, even Dao Lord Realm was only crying.

Moreover, there are only a few Dao Lord Realm left in this Divine Realm continent, who will come to this place with nothing! ?

At this time, outside the white jade palace …

Two silhouettes appeared above the sky. At the moment they appeared, Heaven and Earth emptied suddenly, as if these two people were as heavy as mountains, and even the emptiness could not bear their power.

The Heavenly Venerable Realm and Earth Venerable Realm cultivators of Two Great Influences who were guarding outside were all aura stagnation. Divine Soul shivered slightly and looked up together.

“Pay respects to Supreme Elder!”

Wait for everyone to see who these two people are, and hurry to saluted.

They are not others, it is the 9th layer floor and 9 domain Supreme of King Island, come in person!

If it is not because of Chu Yan relationship, these two 2-domain Supreme will not come out of Pantian Forbidden Land at all.

You know, now in the Forbidden Land of Pantian, there is a lot of fire, and 2 big battle strengths leave, the impact is not small.

However, in order to deal with Chu Yan, the 9th layer building and Dawang Island both considered it worthwhile, so 9 domain Supreme was dispatched at the same time.

At this time, standing on the 9th Supreme of Dawang Island on the left, the cuff has been broken. Looking at the broken place, it is obviously cut by Spirit Armament.

Even 9 domain Supreme’s sleeves can be chopped, showing how terrible the battle they experienced before.

“What are you doing here?”

Seeing that these people were around here, 2 big 9 fields asked.

“Informing Supreme Elder, before …”

The following people did not dare to neglect, and quickly entered the Zhongnan Supreme and Shengong Creek, and told them what they were waiting for here.

It doesn’t matter what this said, and suddenly made the 2 big 9 domains angry at the same time.

“Waste! A bunch of waste!”

“That’s a good calculation for Zhongnan. I’m afraid he has taken Chu Yan away now! You are still waiting for this!”

When this sentence hit the ground, the monks present were all black.

For this reason, they do not know, but the other party is 9 domain Supreme, what can they do! ?

Divine Realm continent, Martial Artist is respected, even if they can see it, they dare not disobey each other.

That Chu Yan may have been taken away, but they can only wait here, waiting for the 2 9-domain Supreme of their own power to come, and then make plans.

“walk into!”

In one sentence, two 2 domains took the lead in rushing in. Other God King Realm, Heavenly Venerable Realm and other cultivators followed suit.

“En!? This is …”

As soon as he entered this heavenly blessed land, the faces of the two 2 domains changed instantly, and the eyes of other practitioners were straight.

I saw above heaven under earth. Looking around, densely packed are all a variety of spirit arrays, stacked together, as if wrapped in countless quilts, completely airtight.

And not far away, that Central South 9 Domain Supreme, at this time under countless prohibitions and murderous intention, like a calm boat in the raging sea of ​​anger, will be blown into powder at any time.

The robes on his body were completely broken, dishevelled hair, bloody eyes, and the condition was extremely embarrassed.

Many cultivators present have never seen such a terrible 9-domain Supreme, and even this scene completely Peak recognized them.

Is this still standing in a continent without Peak, just like God? !

How could this be! ?

Just when everyone was stunned, Zhongnan Supreme in the stormy waves also found their arrival and hurriedly roared.

“2 places! Speed ​​come and help me open a channel, otherwise everyone will die here!”

This sentence sounded, the faces of all the practitioners present were instantly pale, and even the 2-bit Supreme of the 9 digits was full of surprise.

Because, all of them know that Zhongnan Supreme is right!

The fact that a 9-domain Supreme can be forced to look like this is enough to show that the spiritual array here has extremely strong formidable power, and that this is not a 2 seat, but a sky covered with 3 Layer outside 3 Layer….

That Chu Yan, there were so many Spirit Circles! ?

Now, they have no time to think about it, because now they also have fallen into it, only breaking the formation and this way.

“Quick! Everyone joins hands! Go all out!”

The two Supremes still dare to hesitate. If 2 drags on some time again and again to let the Central South Supreme True Qi dry up, then their hope of going out is even less.

In the next moment, everyone shoots at the same time, all kinds of attacks and killing moves, Taobao ban symbol, just like a sky meteor take out, all blasting towards the opposite spirit array.

The two 2 domain lords are so powerful that they are terrifying. The shots are countless thunderbolt. The entire white jade palace is trembling.

Fortunately, the current white jade palace has a large number of spirit arrays to strengthen the defense. Otherwise, the three 3-domain Supreme shots are enough to destroy the white jade palace several times.

In an instant, the sky was violently stormy, 10000 Leigang tide.

Various attacks, Taobao, Spirit Armament, flying all over the face.

This very amazing confrontation took a full hour, and the trace of a appeared above the sky.

It is this trace of a that makes Zhongnan Supreme and the others’ eyes bright.

“Quick, charge ahead!”

With a roar, three Supremes came first, followed by a large group of monks.

However, without waiting for them to get close to the trail, the Spirit Array recovered instantly, releasing Heavenly Thunder Gang, slamming into the crowd.

Ah … ahh …!

The mournful scream sounded like a piece of sound, a dozen Heavenly Venerate, and more than 20 Di Zuns.

“Good Chu Yan, but only trifling Heavenly Venerable Realm, can actually hurt me seriously, but, I will kill you!”

Zhongnan Supreme was covered with blood, and his heart was full of anger. His eyes were all red and red, and he shot scarlet killing intent.

“Don’t think about it, hurry up, I think aura is different there, Chu Yan they should be in that direction, hurry, kill the past!”

Another 9-Domain Supreme saw his own people, dead and wounded, and the whole heart was bleeding.

These cultivators, but not radish cabbage, are all the mid-level strength of the Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base. This death is a dozen or so, and it is a great loss to that force.

And the direction he pointed to was exactly where the ice table was behind the white jade palace.

Hearing Zhongnan Supreme’s words, Shen Gongxi was secretly pleased. Among all people, he hated Chu Yan the most.

If Chu Yan can be killed today, it is definitely a great event for him.

shua shua shua!

Everyone moved towards the direction of the 9th domain, and rushed to the ground.

And in that direction, I was watching the shirtless robust man, fat and thin old man of Daqian Kunshu, and Supreme knife, and suddenly turned his head to see the group of people rushing in, suddenly the complexion sank, the face of murderous aura rose Up.

When they are watching, they dare to disturb someone! ?

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