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With the Spirit Seal on Yue Linglong’s forehead steadily brightening, she is within the body of the cultivation base realm, squirting like spring water.

The kind of True Qi has obviously undergone transformation and is completely different from the original, but still carries the source imprint of Yue Linglong, which makes Chu Yan very familiar with aura, an instant breakthrough a path of cultivation base bottleneck, and instantly reached Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Moreover, the power of this Heavenly Venerable Realm does not need to preach at all, but it turns into dignity after a few tremblings and completes the preaching.

However, everyone can feel her cultivation base realm within the body, just human respect, aura and Dao Realm have reached a higher realm.

This Taoism is extremely confusing and contains ten completely different Taoist strengths, which are obviously similar to the fusion and transformation of the ten Taoist golden bodies.

“Dao … ideal … ideal !?”

The fat and thin old fogey was horrified, and turned his head to look at him, and at the same time saw the horrible glance in the other person’s eyes.

Human respecting cultivation base, Heavenly Venerable Realm True Qi, Dao Lord Realm will! ?

Although this is very unusual, everyone knows that this is definitely called flying!

Reversing the universe, resurrecting from death, this is at Divine Realm continent, there are a few more people! ?

Ordinary cultivator demon, but just like the fierce Hades or Hei Yao, survived a Divine Soul, which is considered a great luck.

However, it is more difficult than heavenly ascension to restore the cultivation base.

Besides, before the fall of Hades and Heiyao, what is the cultivation base, Divine Soul is just a common thing. After all, for them, it has arrived at Divine Soul Great Accomplishment Realm.

But this little woman, whose body is Soul Destruction, can still survive with rare treasure and be born again!

This is the great anecdote of the world!

Not to mention, after her rebirth, cultivation base fell heavenly ascension in one fell swoop, and the one present was not envious! ?

Ten golden bodies of Dao Lord Realm, what a play! ?

“Success … succeeded?”

Chu Yan’s lips quivered, his eyes were fixed on Yue Linglong, his whole heart was raised to his throat, and his hands were full of sweat.

“Spirit Race bloodline !? This is to be fully awakened !?”

The fat and thin old man and the naked man look at each other while sucking in a breath of cold air.

Bloodline awakening, for the Antiquity 100 family, that is the most important cultivation base breakthrough.

Even the fierce Hades in the Heavenly Furnace looked at the beautiful shadow on the jade coffin with a look of surprise.

Ancient Race originated from Taikoo and flourished in the Antiquity era, but everyone in Ancient Race is a bloodline.

This is exactly the same nature as Ten Directions Star Domain Martial Artist’s Martial Soul, and the Divine Realm continent practitioner, Bi Daoyi and physique.

It’s just that Ancient Race’s bloodline power has a powerful inheritance power.

The power of a powerful bloodline is like innate talent and physique. The more powerful the bloodline, the greater the help to the cultivation base.

The Fire Element bloodline of the overlord, the stronger it is, the more powerful the fire spirit can be controlled, and even some top-level peerless genius can also awaken the fire spirit from the bloodline, and it is extremely powerful.

The ancient races judge the clansman’s strength and importance by bloodline.

Of course, there is no absolute in everything, there are hardworking people in Ancient Race cultivation, hard cultivation, risk of life and death, after continuous improvement of cultivation base, bloodline strength of Inheritance will gradually become stronger.

Among them, there is the probability that the practitioner will reach a certain realm and directly appear the “bloodline awakening”.

Once bloodline awakens, his own strength will leap forward, and at the same time open the door to a higher cultivation base realm.

For the ancient races, as long as bloodline awakens, any cultivator will be immediately given the rank and status of “peerless genius” to fully cultivate.

The bloodline awakening like Yue Linglong is even more powerful.

“This … the little girl is not right ah! She doesn’t seem to be the clansman of Spirit Race! Is it the Underworld !? But the aura on her is not right ah!”

Fat and thin old man and shirtless robust man, looking at the browser tightly knit, seem to find something strange, and their faces are all colored.

“The existence of the first soul of Antiquity is said to have a hetero lotus within the body. Although the role of this hetero lotus is not known, she was once nurtured by the hetero lotus for so long.

Emperor Xuantian elaborated with Chu Yan, “Mutation of her bloodline is partly due to her own reasons, and it is also related to Yilian.”

“Now, she is within the body’s Ancient Race bloodline awakening level, there should be no stronger than her in Spirit Race!”

This sentence was heard by the fat and thin old man and the shirtless robust man. His body fiercely shuddered and his eyes widened.

“Up … Antiquity’s first soul of green lotus !?”

3 people looked at each other, all of them were terrified look.

Antiquity first soul!

The Emperor Xuantian just said … Antiquity First Soul! ?

This little woman has such a heaven defying opportunity to be nourished by the green lotus of Antiquity’s first soul! ?

“Xuantian Senior, thanks this time!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, facing the Xuantian Emperor lightly saluted.

Everything is settled, he is relieved!

for a long time A big rock pressed against my heart finally landed!

No matter what bloodline, no matter what reincarnation, now, she is alive …

that’s enough!

Buzz …!

The next moment, Chu Yan’s aura surging, flowing like a flowing stream, like the deep sea of ​​10,000 zhang, chaos like a dragon.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the War God Spirit Seal vibrates, and countless Daoguang blooms, full of star glow.

“Yi!? This is Dao Realm breakthrough !?”

Fat and thin old man, shirtless robust man looked towards Chu Yan, his face stunned.

“Yes, yes! This kid is really enchanting enough, this mind is just up, and his mood is soaring, really promising!”

The thin old fogey is also flashing with his eyes, and he repeatedly praised

“Dao Realm Great Accomplishment! Hmm!” The shirtless robust man nodded.

They see this, but for Chu Yan, the iceberg owes it. If they let them know that Chu Yan’s light is the color of the glow, I’m afraid it will not be so nodded anymore.

“3 Senior, many thanks just helped out, and I will wait for her to wake up here!”

Chu Yan turned around towards 3 people and bowed his hand in courtesy.

Although just now, even if they didn’t shoot, Liu Piaopiao and that caused the spirit array alone, enough to resist the intruder.

But after all, people can help, Xie still has to thank.

“En! All right! We are leaving too, just …”

The shirtless robust man is here, looked towards fat old fogey, the other party will immediately understand, then said

“This little girl, can you make us 3 as direct disciple, rest assured! I will definitely do my best to train!”

“Not bad!”

The 3 people spoke in unison, all told Chu Yan with anxious expressions.

The expression was completely like the sight of a strange treasure, even more exciting than before knowing that Chu Yan had gotten a real golden body.

“This …” Chu Yan’s face suddenly started.

Chu Yan didn’t expect at all, these 3 people will have this kind of thinking.

“Chu Yan, this is a good thing! You can promise them!” Empress Xuantian reminded.

“That’s right, it’s definitely a good thing. The three of me can make the Heavenly Might vow to ensure that she will be a continent Supreme! All of our three people can inherit it to her!”

Fat old fogey heard the words of Empress Xuantian, and was immediately excited.

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