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Chu Yan is rebelling against Heaven and Earth!

Between Heaven and Earth, the Heavenly Might will obviously also feel Chu Yan’s resistance, suddenly irritated, and the power of repression suddenly skyrocketed.

However, Chu Yan stands under the coercion of Heaven and Earth, such as the green peak and green bamboo, regardless of howling wind and torrential rain, you will stand still and will not be affected at all.

Buzz …!

At the next breath, the 9-area star chart in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly burst into light, and the large stars flickered at the same time, and the stars were dazzling.

Countless stars overflow, fuse together, converge into a sea of ​​starry sky, and pass all Heaven and Earth Might.

At the same time, the final integration of the Ten Two Questions of Taoism was completely completed, and all of them were superimposed together.

Boom … rumbling!

In an instant, Chu Yan’s body was extremely powerful, aura, rising into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

4 The sky facing all directions, the all split up and in pieces that were instantly hit, and even the overflowing Space-Time turbulence, instantly turned into powder.

“You … you broke !?”

The fierce Hades was lying in the Heavenly Furnace, his eyes widened, and his mouth was closed.

This aura is absolutely comparable to God King Realm, only strong but not weak!

“No! No … no ah!”

However, when the Divine Consciousness of the fierce Pluto sweeps Chu Yan’s body, it is found that the True Qi within the body of him, or Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer, simply does not reach God King Realm.

“Oihan … I have never seen a demon to such a degree …. ihani!”

The fierce Hades looked colder, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he kept shaking his head and sighed.

These gods pass on people, even a breakthrough cultivation base realm, they must make such a big deal! ?

It’s really extraordinary!

At this time, Chu Yan did not have time to ignore the fierce Pluto, but Divine Consciousness looked towards within the body.

I saw that in his body, all the meridians were replaced by Daoguang and became Daoguang Road.

After the integration of the ten two ways of asking, and then go to the War God Code, it has turned into a giant peak, the entire mountain shape, like the blue armor giant who has been staying in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World before.

It just looks like it is more like a mountain god.

“Unfortunately, if all the methods of asking questions are like 8 Yuxuanhuang Jing, if the cultivation reaches the whole chapter, this mountain should be more magnificent!”

Chu Yan pondered, shaking his head slightly.

However, Chu Yan himself knew that this road should never have been passed before, and as the first person to eat crabs, he had no experience at all.

If we knew that these twelve methods of asking questions could be merged, Chu Yan would of course find a way to collect all the methods of asking questions in advance.

“Come here, let’s look at the situation outside first!”

Chu Yan breathes deeply, and the map of the animal skin given by the Supreme Supreme was easily found, and Divine Consciousness explored it.

At a glance, Chu Yan was suddenly attracted by the massive amount of information, and looked at it with full concentration.

After a small one hour, Chu Yan withdrew Divine Consciousness and looked up towards the distance.

In this hide map, there are some chances of Divine King breakthrough!

Like the Ancient Battlefield in the respect of the previous breakthrough, the Breaking God King Realm also needs special places.

These special features are generally divided into several situations.

Some are the Dao Lineage forces and the Antiquity 100 clan joint development area, some forces, some as many as a dozen forces join forces together.

The 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, together with 3 Hejiao and Nine Purity Palace, also created a place exclusively for 3 Zong Tian respecting the breakthrough Divine King.

As long as these three disciplines, the cultivation base reaches Heavenly Venerable Realm, after the number of people holding the decree symbol is reported, the number of small worlds will be opened to let them enter it.

The advantage of this is that some experience can be taught and the risk is relatively small.

However, Chu Yan does not intend to go to this small World for the time being.

Because, according to the record on the hide map, this small World will take 3 years to open.

Moreover, the place where 3 Great Influence teamed up to develop the Heavenly Venerable Realm will not be too many.

Chu Yan is currently most concerned about those naturally born Divine King and World born from Heaven and Earth.

Those places where the cultivation base above God King Realm cannot enter it at the same time. At the same time, the cultivation base below Heavenly Venerable Realm cannot enter it either. The restrictions are extremely strict.

The most important thing is that this Divine King small World has no time limit at all and can be entered at any time.

Counting from the hide map, there are more than a dozen such places, located in different small Divine Realm continent.

“The place of the heaven of the Little Sea Territory, the Little God Mountain of the Earth Profound Realm, these two places …”

Chu Yan looked at these two places, which are the Divine King small World that appeared only in the last 2 years, and could not help but ponder slightly.

“Chu Yan, don’t think about it, the place of heaven is the best for you!”

The fierce Hades suddenly spoke to remind.

“Why !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This place, as far as I know, is some top genius, will choose this place, don’t you like to fight !? If you go here, you will have more chances to fight with other top genius ah!”

The Hades explained.

Although he has been in contact with Chu Yan for a short time, he also knows some of Chu Yan’s temperaments.

“Is this !? That’s good!”

Sure enough, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed and slightly nodded when he heard the words of the fierce Hades.

The Hades will not harm themselves, after all, the two are now one, so Chu Yan made up his mind and decided to go to the place of heaven.

“Little Sea Territory !?” Chu Yan calmed his mind and began to adjust his interest rate.

Time is like water, slowly passing by, and in a blink of an eye a month has passed …

During this time, Divine Realm continent is very lively!

The appearance of Peerless Sect is almost the same as the personality of flame hair young people. It is as arrogant as possible.

Not only is the strength of flame hair young people amazing, but some powerhouses from time to time came out of Jue Tianzong, all of them are amazing in strength, shocking the Great Sect forces.

On the other side, Emperor Xuantian is as amazing as ever, even having three more 3 domain Supreme records under her sword.

After that battle, the name of Emperor Xuantian eventually became the first Supreme in the sky!

In this month of Chu Yan, cultivation base broke through again, reaching Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak, one step away from God King Realm.

“Do you really want to go !? Can’t you take me !?”

Liu Piaopiao looked at Chu Yan, her face was full of expectation and grievances.

“You may not be able to enter this time!” Chu Yan smiled bitterly, hook the head and said, “You can check it for 4 times, you can go there, just keep the white jade palace!”

Chu Yan has no requirements for Liu Piaopiao, as long as the white jade palace is safe.

Chu Yan also knows that she wants to follow along, just curious and fun, but this Divine Realm continent for her, I am afraid that it is all the same fun.

let’s go!

Chu Yan waved his hand, his figure rose into the sky, disappeared instantly to the sky, and swam above Nine Heavens.

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