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The main hall in the center of Tianyuan City is not small, but it is now full of people.

Moreover, the monks on the street that were originally surrounded by pankou booths continue to enter the main hall, all of them look excited.

“This guy wants to die !?”

“Did he dare to fight against the star patriarch !?”

“Hehe, I’m afraid it’s not a small one. I have a good show!”

“Haha, Tianyuan City is lively, and there will be a good show in 3 days in 2 days!”

“That’s right, you don’t want to see if Tianyuan City is dry and so on. When you come here, 90% 9 is not so irritating!”


When Chu Yan walked into the hall gate, he heard that all the practitioners around were talking about it, and suddenly looked up.

I saw that there are about 100 Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses in the hall, and others are Earth Venerable Realm cultivators.

Among these people, I am afraid that there are only these 100 Heavenly Venerable Realm, some of them come to exchange for resource tokens, and others are all watching lively.

As the saying goes, it ’s not too much to watch the lively, and people are constantly coaxing, making the atmosphere in the hall extremely noisy.

In the middle of the great hall, a young man in black hair flower clothes, wearing a Battle Armor, with a star Spirit Seal on his forehead, was staring at the person opposite him with an angry face.

The person on the opposite side is proud, with tattoos on his face, ponytails, a short punch, and his eyes are full of sassy looks at black haired youth.

Behind him stood three men with the same short-sleeved outfits, and at a glance, the cultivation base was all in Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept through, and immediately understood the general situation.

Such a thing is very common in Divine Realm continent.

Especially among the top forces such as the 2 100 Dao Lineage and Antiquity 1 clan, it is even more ridiculous.

“There is still 20 breaths time, something for me, just forget it! Otherwise, don’t be merciless!”

A young man with a tattoo on his face, looking at the black haired youth on the opposite side, with a smug smile on his face

“Observe obediently, you don’t have much loss, otherwise, hmph!”

Black haired youth was full of anger, his face flushed, his fists clenched, he seemed extremely angry, but he was trying to suppress himself.

“What do you do like a robber !? Are you afraid of their jokes !?”

The young man who claimed to be the Young Master heard this, but laughed heartily said, “Joke, I’d rather look at it, who dares to read this Young Master’s joke here! Is there? Come, stand up! Ha ha ha … .. ”

When he said this, all the people around were all laughing, no one answered the call, and even more impossible someone came forward.

Martial Artist World, strength is respected, people who have no status and no status rob things, that is called a robber.

But people with status and status want it, it is completely different.

For this reason, everyone on the scene knows that naturally it is not strange.

“Last 5 breaths time!” Tattoo Young Master continued to laugh and stare at the other party, all in triumph and demeanor.

“This token is for me! If you have to fight for power, I will definitely tell Sect, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect!”

Black haired youth was full of hate, fiercely stared at the other person when he heard the other person’s words.

“The relationship between your clan and our 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect is affected by you! I am a core disciple!”

Core disciple is bullied by others like this. If it is not forced, who will show his identity again! ?

At this time, Sect’s deterrent might become their last chip.

At the very least, the other party may be concerned about the relationship between Sects and have some fears.

“Hmph! Core disciple !?”

Hearing the name of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, Tattoo Young Master really stunned for a while, and then there was still a smile on his face.

“Your ten 2 Dao Lineage, the core disciple is so ridiculous, if you don’t know me !? Bring me it!”

2 Without a word, he directly broke out in an imposing manner and rushed out, so he would snatch it directly.

Huang Fuyan’s face suddenly changed, watching the other party rushing, the humiliation on his face was more intense.

His cultivation base is nothing but Heavenly Venerable Realm 7th Layer, fundamentally opponents of the opponent, not to mention the other Heavenly Venerable Realm 2th Layer powerhouse behind him.

Moreover, this Tianyuan City was originally the site of the Xing tribe. It is definitely a loss to work with them here.

“Dare to snatch it!”

At this moment, a strange voice sounded in the crowd, and a shadow was seen shaking, suddenly appeared in front of Huang Fuyan, the whole body imposing manner broke out in an instant, directly the Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak cultivation base.

“Ah! Chu Senior, don’t …!”

Zhou Deacon was too late to stop, and he saw that Chu Yan had rushed out, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed.

That’s a clan!

This is one of the 5 largest control clan in Tianyuan City, and the tattoo Young Master is the fourth-ranked little patriarch of the clan, with a very high status.

Not only Zhou Deacon, all around watching the lively cultivators, seeing this scene, they were all surprised and surprised.

They didn’t even think that anyone would dare to go to this mixed water! ?

The 4 Young Master was also suddenly started, and stopped suddenly, looking at Chu Yan with a blank expression.

Soon, his face was full of jokes, and he said, “ha ha ha, there really is no fear of death! Dare to take care of this Young Master’s business !?”

Huang Fuyan looked at Chu Yan in front of her, her face was full of gratitude, but she was worried and persuaded

“Token to you!”

While speaking, he directly handed his token to 4 Young Master, and at the same time, sound transmission Chu Yan said

“This Fellow Daoist, many thanks! The other party is the 4 Young Master of the Star Clan! Your kindness is in the heart!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan did n’t look back, and directly transmitted sound.

“I don’t care about other people’s affairs, but as a Same sect, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s face is related to me!”

“Ah! Same … same sect !?”

Huangfu Yan suddenly started, and looked at Chu Yan with surprise.

This young man who has obviously changed his appearance and looks misty turned out to be the discipline of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

However, why is this person’s aura so unfamiliar as if he has never seen it in Sect.

Even in this Tianyuan City, many cultivators have changed aura, but at such a close distance, you can feel some of them.

“What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you all doing here !?”

At this moment, a strange voice sounded again.

Outside the great hall, a robust man wearing an animal skin coat and a giant dragon Spirit Seal on his arms stepped into the hall.

Behind him, four purple robe youths gathered around, such as the stars and the moon, who followed him into the great hall.

“10000 Ssangyong of the 10000 race !?”

“What !? Antiquity 100, 10000! 10000 Ssangyong !?”

Everyone saw the silhouette coming in the entrance of the hall, all of them were complexion changed, and their faces were all surprised.

In front of this 10000 Ssangyong, but Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak, and the innate talent reached the genius, is also one of the heirs of the 10000 patriarch.

In terms of status, strength and cultivation base, they are all less than this star family’s 4, which is obviously higher.

After all, the star clan has 9 patriarchs and manages 9 branches, while the 10000 clan is the lineage clan.

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