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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!… ..

Continuous red moonlight surging, like ripples suddenly appearing on the calm lake, rippling.

In less than a moment, the shattered starlight of the shield shattered again, and the shield returned to its original state.

Moreover, Divine Consciousness can be found at a glance, even more powerful than the aura just now.

In other words, the formidable power of this shield has been improved!

“Wh … what !?”

The monks on the top of the mountain came back to Xuefeng without waiting, and were shocked to see this scene.

So many peerless genius, such a luxurious lineup, did not break the shield! ?

“There is no way in the world, the law has its roots!”

Qin Tian blushed with his face, raised his hand with a sword, and the green sword soared into a thunderclap.

Seeing that Qin Tian shot again, a group of peerless genius and gaishi genius behind him all reacted and shot together.

Boom … rumbling!

The same air burst into the sky, after waves like tide, rolling like floods, sweeping all directions.

However, everyone clearly saw that the new Xuefeng Spirit Cover of this time, after only shaking for a while, had no other reaction.

There were no small cracks at all, and it was even more impossible.

“Too … too strong!”

“This impossible breaks ah! At least God King Realm Peak powerhouse is required to come to have hope!”

“Good! This is obviously not right!”


The cultivators on the hilltop all shook their heads gently.

“Ha ha…”

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded on the sky, under the sound of countless thunderbolt vibrations, a silhouette appeared in front of Xuefeng Spirit Cover.

This person’s white robe is as unstained as snow, even if it is a raging wind, and the waves are like waves, his white robe is completely motionless, as if frozen.

This person’s aura is different from Qin Tian’s, Qin Tian’s aura is more overbearing, but this person is a little spotless, such as the cool fine jade.

“Qiao Gucheng!”

Everyone looked up and suddenly let the peerless genius who were present change their faces.

While Qin Tian’s eyes subconsciously contracted, Gods’ eyes fluctuated a little.

“What !? What !? He is … Qiao Gufeng !?”

The cultivators who were watching on the hill were all Divine Soul.

Qiao Gucheng, one of the 3 Dao Lineages, the first peerless heaven of the Tianlun Sect. Legend has it that his Taoist body is an extremely rare ** body, which can make everything in the world reverse Yin-Yang and rebirth. .

He is also one of the few Peak peerless genius who can compete with Qin Tian in Divine Realm continent.

“Fellow Daoist, follow me!”

This sentence landed, Qiao Gucheng slowly turned his hand, took out a long spear, and at the same time a long halberd appeared behind him, releasing a powerful force.

“it is good!”

“no problem!”

“Shoot, shoot!”

Hearing Qiao Gucheng’s words, the peerless genius and the genius who were present were all nodded.

At the next breath, Qiao Gucheng flashed out, spear right hand halberd, while throwing into the air at the same time, but raised his fist and slammed into Xuefeng shield in front of him.

This fist, like Lei Gang rushing, and like a wild river, flooded into disasters, trying to destroy Mortal World.

However, when the fist banged to the top 10 steps of the shield, all of the punches suddenly converged in an instant, all condensed in one point, and fiercely hit the shield.


Heaven’s shaking earth shattering cry exploded. Although there was no Strength Qi wave, the loud noise shook the sky, causing everyone Divine Soul to tremble.

It is enough to see how amazing the formidable power of this fist is in Qiao Gucheng.

peng sound, the shield shattered, and it turned into a starry sky, 4 scattered.

Five rounds of red moon above the sky, sprinkled red Yuehua again, and the Xuefeng shield was restored.

However, this time the shield has just recovered as before, but it was suddenly shaken by a mysterious force and shattered.

This kind of power is exactly the power of Qiao Gucheng … the power of the heavenly wheel!

Can make all the forces in the world fall into reincarnation, either born nor dying!

“What an overbearing skywheel!”

Chu Yan above the snow peak, eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the Qiao Gucheng standing in the void, suck in a breath of cold air.

Before, he didn’t care much about Heaven Sealing’s “Tianfu body”, and thought it was destiny physique, that is, it didn’t have much effect on the improvement of strength.

But now, seeing this fist of Qiao Gucheng, Chu Yan’s impression of the destiny body has completely changed.

Just think about it, this is still a fist breaking the shield, if this fist is in a battle, it will be the result of blasting on the repairer! ?

Destroy the past life directly! ?

That is not equal to the existence of invincible! ?

“Ha ha ha, so lively ah! Qin Tian, ​​Qiao Gucheng, Feng Xuantian, why are you all here !?”

Just as the shield shattered, a laughter suddenly sounded on the sky.

Along with it, there is a silhouette, but it is a half-body armor, a high General army man carrying a red tassel.

“He Tianzhao !?”

A group of peerless genius turned his head and looked suddenly surprised.

This Tianzhao He is one of the 3 Dao Lineage, the first peerless genius of the Guiyuan 9 sect, and it rarely appears on Divine Realm continent.

Those who have met him here are probably only a few peerless genius.

However, his prestige is well known by everyone, especially his armor and red tassel are extremely conspicuous. He has just appeared and was recognized by everyone.

“Ha ha ha, Sister Liu is also here, come on, big brother teaches you to play spear!”

In a flash, He Tianzhao went directly to Liu Qingyi, looked at Liu Qingyi with a smile on his face, and was ready to get started.

The appearance of this scene suddenly left all the practitioners present, as well as Chu Yan above Xuefeng, stunned.

What’s the matter! ?

Such a mighty peerless genius, wearing heavy armor and holding a red tassel spear, is so good … color! ?

“Please … please take your own weight!”

Liu Qingyi’s entire little Face is red, and flicked back to the side, looking at He Tianzhao with a wary face.

“Ha ha ha, I’m too shy! Not bad, I like it! Go back to Spirit Race to raise my love …. ha ha ha!”

At the exit of this sentence, He Tianzhao pinched his chin, constantly looking at Liu Qingyi hiding in the crowd, all eyes were green.

“The spring breeze enters the account, the cave room … the cave room …”

An unknown minor key came out of He Tianzhao’s eyes, causing everyone to twitch in the corner of their eyes.

Next moment, He Tianzhao looked at Liu Qingyi with a smile on his face, but slowly raised the red tassel in his hand.

This time, the whole audience peerless genius and Liu Qingyi, all complexion changed.

No way! ?

In front of so many people, be strong and hard! ?

But he didn’t even wait for everyone to react, He Tianzhao’s face suddenly burst into shock, the whole body might exploded like a volcano, and when he turned around, he speared out with a heavy spear.

This spear, like a shock, passed by the spear, and the void broke a deep groove, pointing directly to the Xuefeng shield.

At this time, the Xuefeng shield is under a special state that is broken and reunited.

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