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Dao Realm mountain range rumble shook, and when it was about to break out of the sky, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Oh, last time Green Lotus …”

In an instant, Chu Yan thought of using the green lotus himself in the battle in Tianyuan, but the effect was amazing.

At the next breath, Chu Yan no longer hesitated and urged Green Lotus directly.

It’s not that Dao Realm mountain range can’t deal with this image of Taoism, but that Chu Yan wants to verify again, what is the power of this green lotus.

“En !?”

The Great Elder and the Taoist Elder present at the scene watched a small green lotus flying, and all were stunned.

But soon, their complexion changed.

I saw that the slap of the big green lotus, when it fell on the dharma image of Taoism, an extremely mysterious force suddenly rushed away.

Wherever this force has passed, the magnificent dharma is like Taoism, like wind and dust, all turned into powder, and scattered.

Along with the dissipation, there is a powerful morality that envelopes the audience.

“How can this be!”

Elder and Dao Xiu, including Fan Chen and Fan Xi, were all stunned and stood on the spot.

Although it is said that the elders of the Fa Xin concept, not at all, made all efforts in order to prevent Chu Yan from being damaged, but no matter how much they used at least 50% of the power.

Even a God King Realm Peak will be hurt, not to mention the God King Realm Initial Stage that has just broken through.

But now, a green little lotus, all cracked! ?

Not only were these people with dharma minds stunned, even Chu Yan himself was stunned.

At this time, he really realized that the formidable power of Green Lotus is terrifying!

Before, he still used green lotus as a medicine primer, which is really a reckless waste of natural resources.

“Chu Yan, what kind of Taobao are you !?”

Where Fanchen could bear it, he asked directly.

Well, this is the treasure of the gods, that is to say, this is a Spirit Treasure of the gods!

“I do not know either!”

Chu Yan shook the head, tell the truth.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan waved the green lotus back and said, “Don’t you want to fight! If you fight again, I’m welcome!”

When this sentence hits the ground, even a fool can hear it. Chu Yan said it is rude, that is to kill!

Fa Xin observes all the elders, all of them are dark, and their faces are purple.

The little lotus just shocked them.

This simply is not a question of not being able to fight, but a problem that cannot be beat at all.

At this moment, in the great hall, there was a moment of silence.

A group of God King Realm Peak, Great Accomplishment environment powerhouse, all because of this God King Realm Initial Stage’s words, no one dared to act blindly without thinking.

Chu Yan is slightly nodded. It seems that the matter here has basically been solved.

However, at this moment, a very majestic voice suddenly sounded.

“You guys, you are so brave!”

I saw a sky ripple above great hall, a bald old man, half bowed, holding a Purple Gold Jade Ruyi in front of everyone.

“En !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes shrank suddenly, his face pale.

Although this old man did not release a powerful aura, but it gave him a mountain-like feeling, if the power of within the body broke out, it would be a flood that would destroy everything.

“Master, you are finally here!”

Fan Chen and Fan saw the old man, but his eyes were bright and he hurried up.

“Sam … Take the Master of Beiming True Master!”

The Dharma Minds and Taoist cultivators present were all bitter, but they did not dare to make them, and quickly bowed to pay respects to the Tao.

This Beiming True Master is a very special existence in the Pharaoh Sect, mainly because of its peculiar personality. The ordinary Daoist has 7 or 8 or anything, but this Beiming True Master does not abstain.

Eating and drinking, they are proficient, and they like to fight and curse.

Otherwise, he also teaches peerless genius like Fanfa.

However, weird people generally have weird abilities. The power of Beiming True Master is in Pfazong, that is needless to say.

So even if you do something, you are rarely punished.

According to some gossip, this Beiming True Master seems to be a supreme pro-brother of Pfazong, bloody kind!

“Master, you can be counted, the two of us were bullied to death … just now …”

Fanfa is who, and he can bear the anger, plus Chu Yan, but he brought it.

Seeing besieged by Fa Xin Guan, it was not easy to shoot before. Now that the Master is here, how can you be polite, it is definitely a pass to add oil and vinegar, and it is almost the same as hell demon.

“Hmph! What a big dog gall!”

Beiming True Master heard more and more gas, turned his head and stared at the Dao Xiu of those Dharma Views, his face was cold.

“Each and everyone Elder, talk fart, act nonsense, just lost our face of Pfazong !?”

“As for you wastes, are you eligible to throw the face of Fa Zongzong !? Lost it !?”

These two sentences, one word at a time, are like thunderbolt, and the whole Faxin view is trembling.

“True … True Master, no … not …”

A group of gods, Elder Wang, twitched all over his face. They were about to cry, and they were about to start explaining.

“Hehe, Chu Yan is all right now, my Master is here, everything is fine!”

Fan Chen looked smug, turned his head to Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission, and said with a smile.

“However, there is no problem with your starting point. I agree …”

However, this sentence is to make everyone who is still proud, including Chu Yan, stunned.

Approve! ?

What do you mean! ?

How did this turn suddenly? ?

“Master, you …”

If everything is not good, just before speaking, he was drunk by Beiming True Master

“Shut up and roll away!”

The export of this sentence, although not angry, apparently with a few spoils, but the meaning is extremely clear.

“True Master, just now …”

Seeing that things had turned around, a group of Elders with Faxin concept quickly opened their mouths to explain to the Beiming Taoists.

“Hmph! You just shut up, get lost!”

Drinking this sentence, like a flood of thunder, a group of Elder who had just been excited, suddenly shocked by the body impacted by the imposing manner, full of surprise.

This time, after Fan Chen and Fan Fan, a group of gods Elder Wang were also ignorant.

“This Beiming True Master, what medicine is sold in bottle gourd !?”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, staring at Beiming Zhenxin, and secretly groaned in his heart.

“Chu … Bah! Unknown Fellow Daoist!”

When turning his head towards Chu Yan, Beiming True Master had a sunny smile, as if to melt all the glaciers on this continent.

“It may not be good to take 6 virgins from here! However, as long as you stay in the lotus cave, it will be fine!”

At this point, Chu Yan’s face was instantly cold.

Lotus Cave, that is the soul-washing place of Faxin.

Hearing Beiming True Master’s words, the elders who were present were all relaxed.

Not to mention, this seems to be the best way.

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