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“It’s a bit strange!”

Chu Yan runs Qilin’s pupil, constantly glancing at all around.

I saw that, not far below them, there was a grey mist, and the ground under the rays of light could be seen faintly.

This is a strong prohibition, but Chu Yan found that there was no killing intent in that place.

“See if you can pass!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, trying to hit a True Qi.

Sure enough, True Qi flooded, directly disappeared, completely useless.

“This lotus cave is Interesting!”

Seeing this scene, the fierce underworld pinched his chin and said, “Chu Yan, this king can feel that the north underworld made you come to this lotus cave, fearing that it was harboring malicious intentions!”

This sentence is exported, Chu Yan nodded immediately

“Good! If I guessed right, he might just want me to come to this place!”

“Oh !? In that case, you really have to go in and see! That Beiming spent a lot of thoughts, here is extremely out of the ordinary, maybe there is something good!” Xie Mingwang 2 eyes glowed.


Nodded, Chu Yan body flashed, directly rushed through the gray mist and landed on the ground.

Looking up at all around, it was almost dark, even with Chu Yan ’s pupil of Qilin, he could only see a dozen feet away.

“Spirit Qi here is not only thin, but it does not have any will!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and his heart moved more and more, moved towards the front.

However, in this Mysterious Land, he dared not have anything to run True Qi within the body, ready to prepare for summon Dao Realm mountain range and green lotus.

At this time, on the other side, in the lotus cave above …

“That alien, stopped !?”

A diamond stone sculpture, eyes opened, said.

“Would you like to go and see, outsider can’t get in there!” Said another stone carving.

“No need! Over the past 1000 years, how many peerless genius have come in, and which one has come in !?”

3rd Venerable Vajra spoke, and then took the head and said, “Don’t forget, our responsibility is to stay here!”

“Good! Outsider is about to go in. This lotus lotus will have a natural phenomenon, when the time comes is not too late!”

Although it is said that this Outsider holds the token of Beiming True Master, but he really wants to break into the top secret land of Lianhua Jingdi, of course they will shoot.

It’s just that they can feel that there is an invisible power, fluttering in the lotus cave, as if hiding something.

At this time, deep inside the lotus cave, in the top-secret space …

After walking for more than ten miles, there was nothing but darkness for the purpose.

Chu Yan did not stand still, and kept walking forward.

The lotus cave of one of the great secret realm of Pharajongzong 2 contains such a top-secret place, and aura is completely different from Pazongzong.

To say that there is nothing here, Chu Yan certainly won’t believe it.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Chu Yan’s footsteps to stagnate.

“Yi!? What is that !?”

As soon as I looked up, I saw 100 black steps away with 3 black boulders exuding a faint aura.

These auras are extremely strange. They glance at them at first glance. They are no different from the big black stones of ordinary, but if you stare for a long time, you can feel a little unusual.

“Let’s see if I can take it!”

Chu Yan stepped forward and raised his hand to grasp.

An incomparably heavy force struck Chu Yan’s pupil suddenly shrink.

What kind of stone is there, simply is a big mountain, how could it be so heavy! ?

“Very Interesting!”

The flame jumped in Chu Yan’s eyes, and True Qi broke out in an instant, and he used the power of Black Tortoise to pull it out.

However, as his strength increased, the weight of the stone also increased, becoming heavier and heavier.

“This place is so weird!”

Seeing this scene, the Hades was also surprised.

You know, the current strength of Chu Yan is at least God King Realm Initial Stage, running all True Qi, how terrifying that power is.

Big black stone is still motionless, then this stone is simple! ?

“Forget it, look ahead …”

Chu Yan tried it a few times, and it still didn’t work, so he shook his head and gave up, walking forward.

On the way down, the heavy big black stone never met again, it seemed that there were only 3 of them in total.

However, pieces of bones appeared.

However, none of these dead bones are complete, either a leg bone or a hand bone, one piece east to the other, scattered everywhere.

Chu Yan gave it a try, as long as his True Qi swept through, these bones would immediately turn into powder, and the four would fly.

In other words, these dead bones have no power at all, and I don’t know how many years are here.

“En !? There is a flower! It’s so big …”

Not long after walking, Chu Yan’s footsteps stopped. Not far away was a huge lotus, which was dark and crystal like jade.

“Wait … wait, come on!”

The figure of the fierce Hades suddenly rushed out of the cupola and lay prone with Chu Yan in front of Chu Yan. His eyes looked at the black lotus. The whole person was stiff and his face was shaking.

“This … this is Nether Soul’s Nether Soul! Nether Soul… Nether Soul ah! Oh my God … legendary top ten spirit plant, even here!”

Hearing the fierce Hades, Chu Yan was stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

This black lotus is the top ten spirit plant! ?

That’s not the same as the existence of 3 students Fruit Tree! ?

The peerless divine object from Chaos Realm, no matter what kind of spirit plant, has a special power of terrifying terror.

And, right in front of my eyes …! ?

“No … something is wrong!”

What did the Hades suddenly think of, his tone dropped instantly

“What’s wrong !? Is there a guardian ban !?” Chu Yan asked quickly.

“No! No! It’s just that I have heard before that this Nether Soul ghost lotus seems to have a master before!” The fierce underworld brows tightly frowns, constantly pondering, seems to be remembering something.

“That Antiquity Demon Lord, as if using this medlar, devoured Divine Soul of many cultivators!”

“This thing should belong to the demonic path Spirit Treasure, how could it be within the Pfazong !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan immediately vision freezes.

Pfazong, it is known as Upright Sect, and it often appears as an image of great mercy and compassion to save the world’s god stick, and has done a lot to deal with demonic path cultivators.

Now, since they got “Nether Soul”, why don’t they want to purify it, but hide in this place! ?

Moreover, Chu Yan remembers very clearly that when he just saw this foggy space, he clearly felt a trace of killing.

This is a bit intriguing, how can it reveal an unusual taste.

However, just as two people meditated, suddenly, a strange sound suddenly sounded.

“Come on … come on, come on … come on …”

Those faint and sensational sounds like it came from the 8 1 Layer hell, which made some scalp tingling.


Chu Yan and Hades started at the same time.

“Chu Yan, what should I do !?” Xia Hao turned around and asked.

To be honest, the fierce Hades heart is a bit hairy. After all, this is Nether Soul of the Antiquity Demon Lord, but it was a batch of Divine Soul that swallowed the powerhouse.

“It’s coming, it’s safe, just that Beiming True Master, Interesting!” Chu Yan smiled and replied.

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