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Xianchuang Elder’s words immediately caused dissatisfaction among the practitioners.

“What !? You have to cross the sea yourself !?”

“This Sea Territory looks dangerous. We paid so much money, isn’t it just for safety !?”

“This is too much!”


In front of this piece of holy sea, obviously out of the ordinary, any cultivator forced to break in, I am afraid there is danger of damage.

There are 2 Divine King above the fairy ship, but they didn’t say anything, and they rushed directly into the Sea Territory in front.

Other people see this scene, it is not good to say anything, all walked away from the fairy ship.

A Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak repairer, but was waiting at the entrance of Chu Yan box, seeing Chu Yan coming out, quickly arched the saluted road

“Senior Brother Chu, this Sea Territory should be okay with your cultivation base, but be careful of the eye of the storm on the sea. Once you encounter it, you must go to the island of all around to avoid it.

This Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator is the direct disciple of Sect Yang Long Venerable Emperor, and he is naturally kind to Chu Yan.

“Well, good! Thanks!”

After Chu Yan arched his hand, he leaned forward and took off to the sea.

“This St. Dao Venerable sea is really wonderful, the Supreme will in the sea water, and even the pupil of Qilin can only see through the depth of hundred zhang.”

Chu Yan flew while observing 4 times at the same time, deep in his heart, he asked

“Dangerous Hades, have you ever been to the first domain !?”

The fierce Hades hearing this, nodded at the moment, said, “I have come here, but that time I just turned to the border, and the other did not go.”

This is a bit subtle, in fact, he told Chu Yan that sorry.

When he came to the first domain, he was excited and slaughtered everywhere, and soon attracted a Supreme of 9 domains, almost beaten by body and soul destroyed.

Since then, he realized that this first domain is really different from other continent.

Earlier, at 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, I heard those old fogey sons say that the fierce Hades also knew that he was not wronged for being beaten that time.

After all, the Great Influence Peak powerhouses of the entire Divine Realm continent are almost all gathered in this first domain.

Therefore, in the other domain continent, he can kill any one who can deal with him casually, but in this first domain, Supreme will have more.

Since then, he dared not go to the first domain, so he did not understand the first domain.

The only piece of history was still beaten, and naturally it would not be mentioned with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan heard the fierce Pluto’s place, just hook the head, not at all thinking.

On the way down, Chu Yan met a lot of sea monster beasts. The strength of these monster beasts all reached the level of respect. Among them, there were a lot of Di Zun and Heavenly Venerate, but God King Realm was very rare.

Moreover, they don’t have spirit wisdom at all, just like wild beast, only know the slaveter.

In addition, the climate on the sea is also fickle, and the scorching sun will be in the air for a while, and then the Thunder-Cloud Formation is formed.

Chu Yan also understands why he said that apart from local cultivators, cultivators in other domains would only go to the first domain when they arrived at God King Realm.

After all, this Sea Territory alone is extremely difficult to get through.

Sea Territory is full of islands, can be seen everywhere, there are some buildings on the island, many of them are hidden in it.

“En !?”

Suddenly, Yang Liuyan figure stopped.

“That’s the eye of the storm !?”

Looking up, on the far side of the horizon, a black cloud rolled over. In the cloud-like waves of Hongfeng, large wind blades rolled and flew, completely blocking the sea below.

The implementation of this eye of the storm is extremely slow, but it gives me a terrible oppression.

“There is such a strong oppression at such a long distance. If it is really involved, I am afraid that it will take some effort to resist it!”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil flickered and continued to fly forward.


Not far away, another island appeared in sight.

The number of cultivators on this island is nearly 100, and in the distant sky, from time to time, cultivators fly quickly and hide into the island.

“Forget it, let’s go to the island!”

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan fell to a building on the island below.

His body had just landed, a cultivator flashed, shouted coldly

“Pay money! 100,000 Divine Crystal!”

This time, Chu Yan suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

100,000 Divine Crystal, according to Divine Realm continent standard, this price is not low.

Even if it is a fairy ship in ordinary, it is only 2 30000 Divine Crystal, and it is the most distant one.

However, a monk who had just landed next to Chu Yan didn’t even wait for Chu Yan to speak, but was shouted with anger on his face

“This is an island of no lord, why do you!”

Chu Yan turned his head to see, this is a cultivator of Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer, with extremely rich Lei Gang aura on his body.

And the one who wants to collect money is a cultivator wearing green robe, a cultivation base realm is about Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer.

“Hmph! Give you ten breaths to consider, you better think clearly …”

Green robe looked towards the other party’s eyes, all cold.

“Don’t think about it, I will never give 100,000 Divine Crystal, you dream!”

As soon as the word fell to the ground, a voice sounded in the distance, but it was obviously more polite

“This Fellow Daoist, don’t be angry, you have something to discuss.”

Between the words, a man in the rune armor came in the distance, and there was an imposing manner in the whole body, a little murderous aura.

“Pay respects to island respect!”

Seeing the middle-aged man in armor, the money collector quickly bowed saluted.

Island Zun! ?

Respect of an island! ?

Looking at his cultivation base realm, he has reached God King Realm, which is ready to start directly! ?

“Fellow Daoist, what you said just now is wrong. This island is not a masterless object, but it belongs to me. Of course, I am not based on unfounded occupation, but on the altar!

While speaking, the island was full of smiles and said, “This little friend should be in the first domain for the first time !? Then I will tell you that this spiritual altar is the land of God’s domain. A Great Influence, and this Sea Territory is within their sphere of influence! “

“And, not only here, all the islands around all have island respects, so whether it is Heavenly Venerable Realm or God King Realm, as long as you come to the island, you must follow the rules!”

“Otherwise, it is against the altar!”

After finishing this sentence, he raised his hand.

Chu Yan and the few who had just arrived on the island, looked in the direction of his finger, and suddenly found that there was a person who was sitting in a cultivation not far away, turned out to be God King Realm Great Accomplishment cultivation base, with an imposing manner. .

“Understood !? So this 100,000 Divine Crystal, which I didn’t order, was based on the rules, or Haihanah!”

The island is saluted, but always very polite.

As a God King Realm cultivation base, it is polite to be a group of Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivators.

“It turns out this way, I didn’t understand it just now, sorry, I’ll pay the money …”

The cultivator listened to his words and suddenly turned red. He took out Jade Talisman and prepared to pay.

“This, forget to say …”

Seeing the 100,000 Divine Crystal handed over, Shishimazuki smiled and took the head

“The cost of disciplinary picking in my island is 100,000. If this God King personally picks up, the cost is 2 100,000 …”

This sentence fell to the ground, and all the cultivators present were stunned.

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