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This fist smashed into Chen Ningtian ’s chest. Although Chu Yan not at all used True Qi, it was only the fleshy body power, which also directly dented his chest, making a sound of bone cracks.

“You … dare you hit me !?”

Chen Ningtian was stupid, with blood on his mouth, and looked towards Chu Yan with unbelief.

On this Sea Territory, he has been rampant for many years and has never been beaten.

“Do not accept !?” Chu Yan’s eyes were cold.


In the next moment, the imposing manner on Chu Yan burst into Peak state, and the blasting wave, even the incomparable gigantic fairy ship, was pushed upside down and flew up to 10,000 zhang distance, only to barely shake the hull to stop.

This is the same as before, with the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which makes everyone Divine Soul shock.

“Want to live !? Answer my question honestly! I can’t kill you!”

Chu Yan looked at Chen Ningtian and said.

“Really don’t kill me !?” Chen Ning’s Heavenly Eye flashed with joy.

Before he reported the status of power and big brother, the other party still shot him, which shows that the other party does not fear these.

Chen Ningtian, who was already dead in his heart, suddenly heard a word of hope in Chu Yan’s words.

It ’s too simple to answer the question.

“Big … Sir, you ask, as long as I know, I will answer truthfully!”

It ’s best to be alive, so Chen Ningtian is now extremely honest, completely arrogant and despotic.

“You just said that your big brother is a peerless genius of the Dao family !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Yes! My big brother’s name is Hong Wangtian, and the cultivation base has reached God King Realm Peak. Even if it is the powerhouse of Supreme Initial Stage, it is also possible fight!”

When Chen Ningtian answered, it was obviously a bit proud.

However, he completely forgot, since he is a brother, his big brother cultivation base is God King Realm Peak, and he is Earth Venerable Realm, this gap … there is no one else.

The same rank and status, I am afraid that cultivation resources are similar, but the result is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“Hong Wangtian !? Is this clansman of the Dao clan surnamed Hong !?”

Chu Yan heard the name, but his eyes were bright, he stared straight at Chen Ningtian and asked.

The surname of the soul of War God is the surname of Hong.

“No. No. No. Sir, bloodline ranks are extremely strict among the Dao family, only to achieve first-class bloodline purity can you qualify for surnamed Hong!”

Hearing this, the flame in Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly jumped.

Could it be said that the clansman of War God is the one who ate the Dao. In the news I heard before, only the words and phrases were revealed, but the probability of this first domain is great.

“War God is a family that went out to bite the Dao, but at that time War God came out from the back, and the relationship with the family is very poor!”

The cold voice of Empress Xuantian sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chu Yan heard the words of Emperor Xuantian, it was just nodded, which was similar to what he expected, and then turned to look towards Chen Ningtian, then asked

“What did your big brother tell you before you came out this time !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Chen Ningtian was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered a few times, and immediately replied

“Just let me pay attention, there are no gods passing across the sea, it seems that the surname is Chu, I don’t pay attention to the other!

Speaking of which, his looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze changed a few times and hesitantly asked

“Sir, do you want to meet my big brother, I can introduce, I promise my big brother will not take action against you, I can make the Heavenly Might vow!”

Chen Ningtian never really thought about borrowing the big brother’s hand to deal with Chu Yan.

However, he can be sure that once he meets the big brother, he is really safe.

Although the other party just said that as long as he answered the question honestly, he would not kill, but if there is anything wrong with 10000, then he will confess here.

“Relax! I won’t kill you!”

Chu Yan heard Chen Ningtian’s words and naturally understood what he meant.

“Okay, arrange for them to leave, you continue to tell me about the situation in this first domain!”

Seeing all around people staring at this side, Chu Yan arranged.


Chen Ningtian hurriedly greeted his men, picked up four Divine Kings from the sea, and drove away in a fairy ship, while his own honor and timid stood behind Chu Yan, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Next, Chu Yan asked him what he obediently and honestly answered. The look of the docile looked extremely pitiful.

The cultivators of all around, including Dao Zun, saw this scene, and all of them opened their mouths wide and relaxed in their hearts.

“This 9 domain Supreme Sir, the temperament is really good!”

Seeing that Chu Yan didn’t mean trouble to him, Shizuzu couldn’t help feeling.

and many more…

Suddenly, Shimazu seemed to think of something, eyes shrank.

The Supreme of the 9th domain all goes to the first domain to promote breakthrough. This Sir is peerless genius. If the breakthrough reaches the 9th domain, then impossible has not been to the first domain.

Now, he asked himself before, including what he asked Chen Ningtian, all about the first domain.

This shows that he has never been to the first domain, then he is not … 9 domain! ?

At this time, Chen Ningtian above the fairy ship was shocked.

His former black robed youth turned out to be God King Realm, not 9 domain Supreme!

However, he also knows that this person is afraid of a peerless genius from a certain Great Influence, but it can not afford to offend anyway.

“Sir, after crossing the border, you can enter the Western Territory, or you can go to the Eastern Territory. There are Dao Venerable areas in both directions!”

“The Dao Venerable area is very large in size, and all are different. Various mutations and natural phenomena are extremely mysterious, Heaven and Earth mysterious, even Dao Lord Realm ca n’t peep!”

“Only when you enter the Dao Venerable area, will you have the opportunity to find the opportunity to break through and reach Supreme!”

Chen Ningtian kept answering Chu Yan’s answer without concealing it, and the first domain knew whatever the cultivator knew.

“Dao Venerable District !? How did it come about !?” Chu Yan asked.

The Dao Venerable area is similar to the Divine King small world in other domains, but the difference is that there are many Divine King small worlds and they appear randomly.

Moreover, some powerful cultivators can break through to God King Realm without relying on Divine King and Little World.

However, if you want to break through to the Supreme environment and do not enter the Dao Venerable area, it is simply impossible, especially the 9-domain Supreme environment, which is even more impossible.

“My sect Elder said that the Dao Venerable area existed when Heaven and Earth first opened, but it was not the same as it was at the time. It was only after a terrifying battle that it became the current scale.”

Chen Ningtian thought about it and replied.

“It turns out that there are other places besides the left and right domains !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Yes, the left and right domains are just low-level Dao Venerable areas, and above them, there are virtual sky areas!”

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