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Most of these cultivators of different forces are out of the ordinary, and naturally know the existence of the ten great gods.

They do not know who War God is and what is special about them, but they know that the Peerless Sect was founded by the sixth gods. As soon as they were born, they became the tenth and third Dao Lineage forces of Divine Realm continent.

Moreover, it was rumored that when Tianzong was established, it had once fought against all the strong ancestors in the world.

This is only the sixth gods, and now this War God is actually the fifth gods!

“Chu Yan, what happened !?”

The fierce Hades asked in a hurry.

Just now it has clearly turned peril into safety, why did Chu Yan suddenly release the soul of War God! ?

“Just now the soul of War God was released autonomously. Someone secretly worked, not knowing what was done!” Chu Yan replied.

As soon as he turned his head towards towards the back, the group of Supremes who were still fighting were all staring at themselves stunnedly, and it was impossible to see who had moved their hands and feet, which made Chu Yan suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

“Could it be him !?”

At the next breath, Chu Yan thought of something.

Holy Day Supreme!

This person is the most suspicious, and this person and his own old enemies are still the kind that cannot be resolved.

And he is under the hands of flame hair youth, and he should know some of his own situation.

“Chu Yan, leave it alone, go ahead first!”

The fierce Hades froze for a moment, and quickly Chu Yan shouted.

No matter what happens now, it is a dangerous situation in front of you, and it is absolutely wrong to hurry away.

Hearing the roar of the fierce Hades, Chu Yan reacted and hurriedly turned and rushed into District 21.

When the silhouette of Chu Yan disappeared at the end of the wooden bridge, the Supreme at the scene reacted.

“Everyone, our Sect Master said that before Chu Yan became Supreme of the 9th domain, who shot against him, I will be irreconcilable with it. I have already spoken today, so I will leave!”

The dog god grinned and accepted Spirit Armament.

The cold smile on Shengtian Supreme’s face faded, and he turned to glance at the end of the wooden bridge, pondering for a few moments before turning to disappear the void.

The Supreme of Taboo Ridge, and the Supreme of the Dao Family have reacted, and they quickly rushed back to Sect and no longer stayed.

“Mu Gujiang, you hurry in and get Chu Yan back to Sect for me!”

The 9 domain Supreme of the bite family, said to Mu Gu.


Mu Gujiang’s eyes showed a tinge of excitement, and the whole body of the murderous aura was rushing straight up the wooden bridge.

Over the next period of time, all kinds of news flew in the Divine Realm continent, and the eyes of the Great Influence all looked at the first domain.

“Chu Yan is in the first domain!”

“He is the first king of the gods, heir to War God!”

“He is World’s First respect, and now he is not more than 5 people with his peers on mental on equal terms!”

“The 5th of the gods !? Interesting ah … War God of the year, known as Heaven and Earth invincible, war is invincible, I want to see if it is really the same as the legend!”

“District 21 !?”


The cultivators of all forces were shocked by the news that Chu Yan was the 5th descendant of the gods.

The peerless genius among all influences, such as Qin Tian, ​​Qiao Gucheng, Feng Xuantian, etc., are extremely concerned.

You know, even the Empress Xuan Tian at that time was not as influential as Chu Yan this time.

At the same time, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, Blood Scient Ancient Sect, Immortal Ascension Sect, Guling, Barbarian Race, Spirit Race and other great influence bigwigs held secret meetings all night, all against the Antiquity gods War God thing.

These bigwigs are extremely sensitive to the Top Ten War God.

Not long ago, the sixth gods appeared, and immediately the news of the emergence of the fifth gods appeared, which made them all feel a little different.

Now, it must be negotiated as soon as possible, and Chu Yan’s response to this matter.

At the same time, the first domain, the bite family …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

a Then the horrible imposing manner of a exploded like a peerless Spirit Armament that had been awakened for 10000 years and was born, bursting out into the sky, hitting the night.

This is not 9 domain Supreme, but a … Master!

“10000 years! 10000 years!”

“Hong Litian, you traitor finally appeared!”

“Senior Brother, please breathe anger! In any case, Hong Litian Young Master has been damaged, and now it is just his descendant!”

“Bah! Dare to call him Young Master !? He is not worthy! He is a sinner! A big sinner! At this time, I want him to die, 1000 times, 10000 times!”

“Don’t roar! I have eaten the first resurrection order of 10000 years within the clan, and now it can finally be completed! Let him be his successor as the target of resurrection!”

“Subpoena! Convene all clan elders and immediately hold a clan boss meeting!”

Buzz …!

With the order, the might as thunderbolt emptied the void.

At this time, a secret realm where Taikoo Taboo Ridge is located …

“Ha ha ha….”

The cold laughter sounded, echoed for a long time, and the empty sky was like a ghost, so that all the skeletons around were shiver coldly.

Even if the sixth man of the previous gods appeared, they did not see how the taboo Sir behaved.

“Good ah! Very good! The 5th gods … Kunlun Fairy Mountain, you dare to come out, you garbage, you still want to turn the sky !?”

“It seems that that battle didn’t make you honest, have you forgotten the agony !?”

The taboo roar sounded, all around the Avenue of Heaven and Earth trembling, tumbling like a frenzy.

After a full breaths time, a pair of scarlet eyes opened in the sky, looked towards all skeletons

“Go, open those seals!”

“Follow the order!”

A group of skeletons hurriedly bowed to gather, turned around and left.

“Chu Yan is now God King Realm Great Accomplishment! The first domain, want to break through to the Supreme realm !? In the current Western and Eastern domains, Old Monster also jumped out a lot!”

“Okay! It’s just a pan, and it saves a lot of trouble!”

The scarlet blood eyes flashed a few times, and the murderous intention condensed into substance, flashing in the sky.

Dao Venerable District, Western Region, 2 No. 11 District.

Silhouette of Chu Yan, falling from the sky, feet on the ground.

Looking up towards all around, there is a black mist everywhere, and the illusory shadow of a mountain can be seen in the distance, and black snowflakes are floating in the sky.

What’s strange is that these snowflakes were immediately disappeared after they landed, and there was no sign of wetland fusion.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness scanned and found that these snowflakes turned out to be special Spirit Marks, but they were extremely mysterious and could not be peeped at all.


A silhouette flashed and appeared directly in front of Chu Yan.

This person is up to 30 feet in height, covered with gold and iron, and has a pair of eyes blue and ice, and the chest is attached to rune. There is no aura fluctuations across the body.

“No. 7 5 6 8 a friend, I am Welcome Envoy. Now I will inject a Spirit Qi into the body to seal your Fleshy body, extract your Divine Soul, and go to another World!”

“As for going to the World, it’s all random!”

“If you are lost in another World, your Fleshy body here will also be lost! Do you understand !?”

This remark is lifeless, without any fluctuations, but it is extremely clear.

“Chu Yan, remove the seal that asks Heavenly Furnace!”

After listening to the rules, the fierce Pluto quickly reminded him.

Dao Realm Great Perfection, the fierce underworld king, also has the opportunity to impact Supreme.

Such a good opportunity, he will not miss it.

“Good!” Chu Yan nodded.

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