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Not only Yu Qing’er, but even Zheng Hai and Zheng Xing were anxious, and quickly persuaded to persuade

“Chu Yan, don’t mess up, hurry up saluted!”

You should know that Ten Directions Star Domain is now an alliance of forces, which is about sincerity and solidarity. The most taboo is disrespect for the Senior, which will cause discord between the forces.

Although the punishment will not lead to death, no matter whether it is Emperor Realm or Wushen, even a powerful realm will be punished.

What’s more, it is time for all forces to be present.

“No need!” Chu Yan shook his head.

The voice was not loud, but in a quiet scene, it was spread far away, and almost all the practitioners on the five platforms heard this sentence.

For a time, the eyes of various powerhouses, simultaneously shua shua, swept over, and suddenly saw Chu Yan standing there completely motionless, suddenly all his face was cold.

This person, bold …!

Yu Qing’er, Zheng Xing, Zheng Hai’s complexion was pale.

They did not expect that this Chu Yan was so arrogant that it was going to cause trouble.

This time, it’s over!

This person was brought by them, and their three horrors could not escape, and the punishment was affirmative.

“Rest assured, nothing!”

Chu Yan looked at the three people and smiled gently, his face covered with light wind.

However, when this sentence came out, Yu Qinger and Zheng Xing Zheng Hai suddenly twitched.

Nothing! ?

Rest assured that moneybags ah!

This time was killed.

Not only their three people, all the practitioners present, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, it was all cold.

Facing the statue of Ten Directions, it is not saluted! ?

This is too arrogant!

No respect for the head, regardless of the law and of natural morality!


Divine Beast, the defender of Divine Dao, roared directly.

“Who is so arrogant !? Not only does it not saluted, but dare to talk like that !?”

For a time, the monstrous demon power, like a raging wind, swept the audience.

All the practitioners present saw Divine Beast, who was against Divine Dao’s guard, angry, and all were Divine Soul trembling.

“This kid, that’s here !?”

“What a daring ah!”

“I don’t know who is that force!”


The cultivators on the 5 platforms were all attacked by crystal lion’s murderous aura, all of which were changed in face and angry.

There was a great event, but there was a mess.

At this time, above the Ancient Ships above the sky, the Dark Temple, Primordial Sect, and other great influence gangsters, they also found that the following situation remained unchanged.

However, they just brows slightly wrinkle, not at all said.

An ignorant junior only, with Divine Beast, will naturally deal with it.

Standing below, Chu Yan looked at the blinking Divine Consciousness and eyes of the four directions of all directions, and suddenly smiled and shook his head, not bothered.

But he looked towards the crystal lion’s eyes, but with a trace of contempt.

Although the time of separation has been long, his aura and appearance have changed, but this guy has been himself for a long time.

Now, I don’t even know myself! ?

It seems that it hasn’t beaten it in too long, itchy.

“Hmph! Courting death!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s mouth scorned with a contemptuous smile, Crystal Lion could still bear it, and it broke out on the spot.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Crystal Lion, a pair of lion claws, shot directly at Chu Yan.

Facing the attack of this move, Chu Yan didn’t look at it and looked directly at the sky.


As far as he could see, in the sky a dazzling silver light flew straight at the lion’s claw.

The crystal lion’s eyes flicked, the complexion greatly changed, and the demon body retreated, running the whole body Monster Power to resist.


At this time, the giants such as Huangfuji, Immortal Lord, and Palace Lord on the Ancient Ships in the sky all changed their faces, and their imposing manners broke out simultaneously, like a wildfire.

“Ha ha ha, my little friend is right. This Ten Directions Star Domain True God is only for the Royal Palace Demon God Sir. Whatever Chu Yan is rubbish! Why should he be saluted !?”

The laughter spread, echoing on the sky, and a silhouette of black smoke appeared on the sky.

“People at the Royal Palace !?”

The cultivators on the five platforms, genius, were shocked at the same time and forgot Chu Yan to be clean in an instant.

“What a big dog gallbladder, the Royal Palace, dare to come back to Divine Dao !?”

The sword master turned his head, looking towards the black smoke that appeared in the sky, coldly snorted out loud.

“Sir, Sir, has a great reputation. This time he will ascend to Heaven Realm. I dare to make this time, just to send a gift!”

The smoky silhouette arched hands saluted, the tone was polite

A word fell to the ground, waved his hand, ten blood hu hu things, flying straight to the platform below.

Everyone Divine Consciousness glanced at it, and suddenly found that it turned out to be ten heads.

The sword master’s face changed sharply, and his pupils shrank.

Huangfuji, Palace Lord and other bigwigs are also complexion changed.

“That’s the God of Heavenly Fury!”

“3 Ding Wushen! God, 3 Ding Wushen is dead !?”


For a time, the cultivators on the five platforms screamed with exclamation.

Ten human heads, ten martial gods!

Moreover, it is all the kind of Wujin Realm Peak, there is no Great Accomplishment or below 9th Layer.

Originally, some powerhouses were still strange. Today is such a big event. Why did n’t those God of War arrive, didn’t expect was actually killed by the people of the Royal Palace.

At this moment, the entire scene, a thousand angry eyes rose.

Magic Royal Palace, this move is extremely sinister!

Actually at this time, kill ten martial arts powerhouses, also sent here as a gift, it was fiercely hit the face of all the powerhouses present.

“Magic Royal Palace congratulates the sword master, soars to Heaven Realm!”

The black smoke silhouette saw everyone angry, and immediately smiled with a smile on his face, “In this way, only Huangfu!”

Now Ten Directions Star Domain, the strongest 2 people, one is the sword master, 2 is Huangfu Ji!

Now that the sword master is soaring, the two powerhouses of Ten Directions Star Domain continent have only one Huangfu pole.

This is of course a good thing for the Royal Palace.


The sword master’s eyes are like ice, and after lifting it is a sword light, which splits towards the black smoke, and instantly cuts it into powder.

“Subpoena, thick burial!”

The eyes glanced over the ten heads in front of the temple, and the sword master ordered loudly.

Immediately, Elder, who was against Divine Dao, came up and took those heads away carefully.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, a path of thunderbolt sound exploded in the sky.

All kinds of natural phenomena suddenly appeared, and 10000 lightning fell, as if resentment.

Powerful destruction of Aura, 4 scattered surges, storming all directions.

The original sword master still needs more than an hour to complete the ascension ceremony and cross the world, but because of the anger he just shot, the time has accelerated a lot.

“Sword Master, soar with confidence! When I was in Ten Directions Star Domain for one day, this magical Royal Palace would not be arrogant!”

Huangfu looked at the sword master very much and said aloud.

The other big men presenting this were also looking towards the sword side and all being nodded.

“Huangfu, leave it to you!”

The sword master’s pupil light flashes and starts running True Qi in preparation for Transcending Tribulation.

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