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A group of people surround Chu Yan saluted, almost all of them here are Chu Yan’s descendants.

Most of those geniuses grew up listening to Chu Yan’s Legendary story, determined to become a powerful cultivator like him.

Therefore, everyone will give Chu Yan saluted.

Chu Yan smiled, each and everyone nodded saluted, and returned the greetings cordially.

This scene let Huangfu Ji and the sword master and the others see, and immediately sighed in his heart.

It seems that nothing has changed, and it is back to the original.

Chu Yan looked up towards Ancient Ship, where there stood a silhouette, but did not come down, but his eyes were fixed on Chu Yan.

He is the Palace Lord of the Dark Temple!

“Senior, Yue Linglong has been reborn, and now he worships under a powerful Senior door in Heaven Realm, in the cultivation, so she did not bring her back!”

Chu Yan arched his hands saluted.

“En !? Really !?” Palace Lord’s face was suddenly startled, with both eyes blinking in surprise.

Seeing that Chu Yan nodded confirmed, the eyes of Palace Lord’s eyes were instantly red, dim and damp.

On that day, Yue Linglong ’s mark of life shattered in the enshrined shrine in the Dark Temple, causing the Dark Temple to fall into grief.

Originally thought that Yue Linglong was unexpectedly lost in Heaven Realm, so it was lost.

“Palace Lord, this kid will come back once. It is better to call everyone and let him talk about Heaven Realm. What do you think?”

Seeing this scene, the sword master said quickly.

“Okay! Um … Okay!”

When the Dark Palace Lord heard it, he rejoiced, and he wanted to know these things more than others.

However, at this moment, a silhouette of the distant sky hurriedly flew, and immediately rushed to the great hall before crying out in surprise

“Not good! Sword master Sir, major event is not good! Demon Royal Palace wields soldiers and attacks Soaring Heaven Sect!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the audience suddenly fell silent.

The sword master’s brows tightly knit, with a cold face, “Shameless, they are profiting from somebody’s misfortune, just start while I am flying!”

Huang Fuji’s complexion was also coldly said, “I immediately went to Soaring Heaven Sect to deal with the war over there, but the devil Royal Palace conspired to move forward, fearing that it would be a post move, sword master, you are ready!

“Okay, this matter …”

The sword master nodded, just about to speak, but was directly interrupted by Chu Yan.

“No need to bother!”

Hearing this, the Sword Master, Huangfuji, Diablo Palace Lord and the others all started, and immediately reacted.

“Sword Master, let’s take a trip!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Smelly Brat, my body has been scrapped … Oh, forget it, forget it, walk with you once!”

The sword master cursed with a smile, then waved his hand and opened the Great Array of the Divine Dao’s patron, ready to go.


But before waiting for 2 people to get up, they heard a roaring sound of a trembling roar below, and a tall mountain-like beast appeared instantly on the sky.

The roaring sound of heaven shaking earth shattering, the sound of the waves rolling, just let the genius present on the scene change their faces.

“Master, I … I …”

The crystal lion turned into a true body, showing monstrous beast might, but when looked towards Chu Yan, it became cautiously again, and even dare not speak.

He meant to say that since the master is back and he is here again, as Chu Yan’s war beast, he is naturally responsible for carrying Chu Yan and marching the world.

So, of course, such a thing, he certainly belongs to him.

But just now, he was scolded by Chu Yan, and after thinking about it for a while, genius understood a little, and was wrong there.

So now is the time when he sells well, how can he miss it.

“Okay! It’s you!”

Chu Yan nodded, wrapped his sword with a wave of his hand, and leapt onto the back of Crystal Lion.

“Huangfu, you are here to prepare the banquet, I will go back as soon as I go!”

“When I come back, I will hold a celebration party with the Royal Palace of Destruction!”


Crystal Lion roared with a thunderous sky roar, and then disappeared above the sky.

Huangfuji, Diablo Palace Lord and other powerhouses see this, they don’t say much, and immediately ordered to start preparing for the banquet.

Chu Yan said that sentence just now, he will destroy the Royal Palace on this trip.

But is it so easy! ?

After all, as powerhouses, they knew the Heavenly Dao rules of Ten Directions Star Domain, even if Chu Yan reached the extremely high realm within the realm cultivation in the sky, but returning to Ten Directions Star Domain could only exhibit the cultivation base of human respect. .

This is true of those powerhouses that come down occasionally.

In addition, if it were not for this reason, the Royal Palace did not dare to be so arrogant.

After hundred breaths, Ten Directions Star Domain, the 9th domain …

The crystal lion flying like a mountain, the sky trembles, the earth shakes, and monster qi rolls like a tide.

At this time, he was flying with Chu Yan on his back. It was only after these decades, it was a very enjoyable time. It must be that the whole body aura was fully opened. Monster qi was urged to the extreme.

Carrying Chu Yan on his own, what terrifying! ?

Heaven and Earth is big, I ’m not afraid of anyone!

Chu Yan stood on the back of the crystal lion, his eyes swept across the entire 9 domains, and everywhere he saw, he saw towering demons.

The entire 9th domain has completely become the site of the Magic Royal Palace.

“Fuck, how long has it been, the 2 Royal Magic City’s 2 1 Magic City has all been built, so that the 1 1 City will become a Great Array.

The sword masters are all unable to bear, and make a swearing.

During this time, he has been retreating and preparing to soar, and he rarely cares about the outside world. Now, it seems that the situation has become very bad.

“Chu Yan, I think I should inform the Huangfu of them, and then take the army of various sects …”

Just now, the sword master saw Chu Yan’s face, a faint smile appeared, and the corner of his eyes twitched suddenly.

“It’s not that I can’t believe you, but that you are now back to Ten Directions Star Domain. At most, you can only use the cultivation base of human respect.

The sword master said this, but there was one more sentence that he was now half-waste and could not help at all.

If you really want to start with the Royal Palace, it is equal to Chu Yan alone.

“No, leave it to me!”

Chu Yan shook the head, replied softly.


For Chu Yan, he still knows, after all, when he was in Ten Directions Star Domain, he also looked at growing up.

At this time, the center of the 9th domain …

Above this endless land, a magic city with a height of 9000 feet, imposing manner like a rainbow, towering.

This temple, called Demon God Temple, is a Taoist treasure of Divine Realm continent, plus ten or two Royal City arranged all around, it is even more powerful.

“Palace … Palace! The sword master against Divine Dao failed to ascend, now with a black robed youth, moved towards us!”

a Wearing a silhouette of a bloody red long robe, rushed into the great hall and shouted

“Ha ha ha, the ascension failed! Very good!”

“Hmph! I failed to ascend myself and wanted to come to our trouble! Courting death!”

The powerhouse in the hall is lined up, all of them are full of jokes and disdain.

Above the top, a young man with a dark face and a purple spirit mark on his forehead was sitting, but it was brows slightly wrinkle.

The blood in his hands was crushed in an instant.

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