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The big brothers of Tianyu Mountain all gathered together, and the scene was so amazing.

Now, the intelligence and information of all parties are constantly coming together, and these big guys are making the final arrangement and arrangement.

The great hall is full of murderous aura and fierce light.

However, no one thought that under such circumstances, three silhouettes went into the depths of Tianyu Mountain.

In the middle, the silhouette is tall, round-eyed and angry, and it is the presence of the oracle saint who is the head of the oracle today, and the existence of the top 4 of this continent ranked emperor.

On his left hand is an old man with gray hair, and on the right hand is a handsome young man.

“What did you just say !? That Chu Yan destroyed the 2 1 Magic City with just a finger !?”

a cold voice sounded.

If you look closely, realm is enough, you can see that there is a token in the void, which is all aura of Heavenly Dao origin.

“Yes! In my opinion, this cultivation base of Chu Yan is extremely strong. According to this power, I am afraid that it has already obtained the Source Power of Ten Directions Star Domain, and more Heaven and Earth support him!”

Lu Yun said with a cold face alone, his eyes red.

“En! It should be!” The token was replied.

“This Chu Yan must have a good look. On this day within the realm, what is the status and strength of the real !?”

The oracle saint said.

“No need for this!”

狞 云 独 满脸 脸 阴 雾 opened the mouth and said

“As long as he is attracted to the continent of the emperor, without the original support of Ten Directions Star Domain, what strength does he have !?”

“And, down from Heaven Realm, it is the most respectable cultivation base. As long as there are ten respected shots, he will be impossible even if he is strong!”

“What about being strong !? Not one person yet, ten people are not respected enough, just 20, 30 …”

Speaking of which, the oracle saint looked towards Chi Yundu’s gaze and wrinkled instantly.

“This … is a bit too costly!”

“Sovereign, you have to think about it. Among the several hundred continent in this lower realm, there was a continent that had the existence of Emperor Xuantian, let alone a Chu Yan!”

Hearing this, the oracle was horrified.

“Ten Directions Star Domain definitely has its special place. As long as it can be occupied, the benefits are huge!”

“Don’t say that in this lower realm, even if it is Heaven Realm, I’m afraid it can happen a place!”

“According to the news from Heaven Realm, Empress Xuantian is now the first Supreme!”

After these words were finished, the eyes of the Holy Prophet flickered in his eyes.

“En! It’s a good plan for this matter. There is still some Source Power over Xiaogong Palace, plus ours, it should be able to win!”

“Lu Yundu, you can do this, I will support you!”

The Void Token opened the mouth and said again, “In addition, Chu Yan’s details should be found out as soon as possible, God, this is yours!”

Qi Yun alone and the oracle of the Holy One, Qi Qi accept the order.

On the other side, the emperor continent another Peak force, the small imperial palace …

The establishment of Xiaozong Palace in 1000 years was founded by ten powerhouses under Heaven Realm. The power is growing and getting stronger.

In the current Xiao Yushan, the top ten powerhouses of continent occupy two places, and their strength is extremely strong.

Chu Yan, Huangfuji and Qin Jian, 3 people, appeared in the main city of Xiaoyushan, aura converged, walking like an ordinary person.

Chu Yan looked up at the cloud and saw that Xiaogong Palace is different from Beiyu Mountain. The murderous aura is obviously much lighter, and it is more festive.

As if, the lion’s business had nothing to do with them.

“Is there any news !? Lion Tiger and fatty, are you here !?” Huang Fu asked.

“No! Not in this city, but there are a lot of people in Beiyu Mountain, and there are also a lot of layouts!” Chu Yan replied.

Then three people randomly found a restaurant, sitting in the box and waiting.

Now that the time is up, nothing will happen naturally, and Lion Tiger and Fatty Fatty can’t find it. They can only wait for his birth.

time flies…..

In the main city, there are constantly powerhouses entering the city, all of which are Sir influences of all influence, obviously not ordinary cultivators, all went straight to the main hall of the small imperial palace.

Finally, the people of Beiyu Mountain also arrived.

“There is still an hour to start!”

Qin Jian whispered, put down the glass in his hand, and looked out to the street outside the window.

“En! 2 guys are here, not far from us!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

restaurant On the street outside, a group of people watching the lively crowd, 2 people wrapped in black robe, one fat and one tall, not who they are! ?

“Lion Tiger, this is a bit troublesome. There are more and more powerhouses. Can you stop playing !? This Uncle is not alive enough !?”

“Hmph! Fatty, you are counseling!”

“I counsel, I will counsel, dare you say I counsel !? Well, I am counseling …”

“Fuck, you really go ah!? Wait a minute, I don’t want anything at all, I will give you all!”

“This … No, it’s still too dangerous, don’t do it!”

“Situ fatty, what about humanity !? Okay … well, the map with the most branches is for you too!”

“Ha ha ha, what map do we have, what relationship do we have, what map do we use, I’ll help you with your busy work, you say you beat anyone, yes, is that map true?”


After an hour, the wedding ceremony begins!

The entire small imperial palace, above the 2 main peaks, countless divine light soaring into the sky, the mighty aura ushered in 100 li, imposing manner.

The practitioners present were all shocked by this shocking force.

In addition, the heavenly immortal music drums resounded. On all roads, the spirit flower shop was on, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

At this time, in the main hall.

The oracle saint sits in the second position, and the first position is naturally the main palace of the imperial palace, the emperor of the heart.

Starting with 2 people, standing all the powerhouses of Two Great Influences, as well as the big brothers who came to He before the Great Influence, all of them are famous.

The wedding feast of this time is also a rare event for the continent of the emperor. All influence who can be present will be present.

“1000 Ancient Sect congratulates Yuanhui Young Master and Fengzhi Young Lady, big wedding! Send a picture of the moon night!”

“Sent by Qingxin sweetheart, Wuji Pill!”


All influence gangster is present, naturally is lively out of the ordinary, exhibiting treasures.

Immediately afterwards, there was a set of popular processes, one by one, everyone looked at them with a smile on their faces.

“Now, please newcomers!”

Under the loud chant, the fairy music sounded great.

The oracle saints, emperor heart emperor and other powerhouses all looked up towards the entrance of the temple.

I saw a handsome young man wearing a purple red golden robe, and a woman wearing a Xia robe and wearing a phoenix crown.

There was a slight smile on the young man’s face, which seemed extremely reluctant, and the woman’s face was even more cold.

If you look closely, you can easily find that her face is full of humiliation.

“On this day the oracle is also cruel, and even the cultivation base of the daughter is forbidden!”

“Not only the cultivation base, I heard that even Divine Soul has a soul formation and is completely under control!”

“Too cruel, tsk tsk …”


A group of gangsters, all of them are sighing, but they also think about it in their hearts, and they dare not really say anything.

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