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One day passed …

The silhouette of Chu Yan walks through an ancient forest.

I can’t see any trace of Heavenly Beast or simply.

“If Hades is here, it will be convenient …”

Chu Yan thought about it, and when he had time, he still had to subdue a big demon and stay with him.

Sometimes these monsters are much better than the cultivator for finding Monster Beast and sometimes they can also be used as mounts.

The best is Dragon Monster Beast, so that you can stand on top of it, it feels very good.

Poor, there are very few Dragon Race Monster Beasts in Divine Realm continent, and Gulong is even more difficult to find.

This kind of thing can only rely on chance.

“En !?”

Chu Yan walked for a while, thinking wildly, and suddenly his footsteps stagnated.

Just now he felt some aura, although it was extremely faint, he could still find it.

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly accelerated.

After more than a dozen breaths, a grassland appeared in Chu Yan’s eyes. There were more than a dozen silhouettes in the sky. Four of them were God King Realm Initial Stage, and the others were Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Secondly, there is a cage shining divine light, in which a black leopard is closed, it is … Bi Heavenly Beast!

“This is not Biah!”

Chu Yan glanced at it, his eyes suddenly stagnated.

“There are many people all around, all staring at this sky, 2 God King Realm Great Accomplishment, and there is a person peerless genius !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept all around and made many new discoveries.

At the next moment, Chu Yan aura broke out, and his body flashed, appearing directly on the cage. With a palm shot, the cage was shot into powder.

The 1000 catty pendant was cast to directly suppress the Heavenly Beast.

Bi Heavenly Beast felt someone on his back, there would be honest, instant monster qi masterpiece, began to struggle frantically, but apparently its power is too small, there is no effect at all.

Soon it was honest, and was suppressed by black robed youth.

This scene happened so quickly that even those practitioners in the battle had no time to react.

But they didn’t even think that someone would be so bold that they rushed into the Central Zone.


The four God King Realm powerhouses in the battle, when a violent roar, both hands forming seals, hit a powerful attack.

Chu Yan raised his fist and peng sound blasted 4 attacks into scum.

The violent power grabbed Gang Wei, 4 scattered surges, 4 powerhouses of God King Realm Initial Stage cultivation base. It was too late to evade, and he was directly attacked by Yu Strength Qi and was instantly hurt.

“really strong !”

All the cultivators hidden in the dark were shocked by Chu Yan this fist.

“Sire, do you want to monopolize Heavenly Beast !?”

a strange noise rang out, a robust man in armor and a large sword, and a lean white man with white hair came out of the dark.

These two people are God King Realm Great Accomplishment cultivation base.

“Yi!? You are …”

At a glance, the white-haired old man saw Chu Yan, what he immediately thought, and instantly started.

This black robed youth is very familiar ah!


Just in a moment’s stunned effort, a cold voice sounded again.

Along with this icy sound, in the distant woods, a murderous aura burst out.

Then, a young man with gray hair and purple long robe, armed with an ancient immortal sword, rushed towards Chu Yan at an alarming speed.


Chu Yan raised his head again and threw a punch again, the flames flared above the fist and the lightning 4 overflowed.

2 The two collided, and the weather was shocked. The gangway surged and 4 scattered.

The gray-haired youth stepped back a dozen steps before barely standing still, and when he raised his hand, he saw a flame burning above his ancient blade.

“I didn’t see it. You turned out to be the peerless genius of the overlord!” The gray-haired youth opened the mouth and said.

At this time, the other 2 powerhouses of God King Realm Great Accomplishment also looked towards this grey young man.

In the eyes of the robust man, the pupil narrowed and said, “You … are the Young Patriarch of the knife family, knife sacrifice !?”

The sword sacrifice looked at him, while the body asked how the law was working, and the blade of the whole body was gushing out like tide.

“This is just right. The last battle with Liang Tian was not over. At this time, let’s learn about the superior skills of the Bazu!”

After that, the ancient blade in his hand refers to Chu Yan again, and the blade is ready.

However, at this moment, a laughter sounded

“Ha ha ha, there is a bi Heavenly Beast, very good, knife festival Fellow Daoist, how do we join forces !?”

A middle-aged man with a scar on his body appeared carrying a large spear.

Although neither Chu Yan nor the people present knew this person, everyone could feel the wickedness released from this person.

More importantly, this person’s cultivation base reached God King Realm Peak.

And God King Realm Peak powerhouse can make the battle full of trauma, afraid that it is not a small battle.

More importantly, looking at him, new injuries and old injuries overlap. I am afraid that there are 1000 scars all over the body. This is how many fights! ?

The sword offering brows slightly wrinkle and looked at each other.

This is a strong enemy. If you don’t agree with him, it’s a tough opponent.

However, he not at all said, and agitated True Qi throughout the body, waving a long blade in his hand, impacting all the spirit plant all around to become a fan.

“Turn the knife 1000 times!”

The sword sacrifice shot at this time, the figure spread out, and turned into countless afterimages, each of which was cut to Chu Yan.

In an instant, there are countless blade light, simultaneously shua shua fell.

Each knife contains Heaven and Earth, which obviously has the power of adjudication.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man grinned and said to Chu Yan, “Little Fellow Daoist, quickly surrender the Heavenly Beast, otherwise I will be ruthless and dare to cut myself!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and Chu Yan and everyone present suddenly froze.

Ruthless, even cut yourself! ?

With your injury, you cut it yourself! ?

In the stunned effort of everyone, the middle-aged man’s long spear turned into a silver dragon and shot directly at Chu Yan.

Xiu xiu xiu !

Long Ru Youtian, in a flash, there are 10000 silver lights, blood light burst into the whole body, murderous aura is like a rushing general, swearing to die back, killing decisive.

This Taoist technique is extremely rare in Divine Realm continent and is called … 10000 Bone Drying Technique!

One will achieve 10000 bone dry, this Taoism is realized on the battlefield, naturally is the extreme of murderous aura, extremely powerful power of formidable power.

Before the robust man, frowned, pondered for a moment, but also suddenly shot.

If it is normally, he certainly disdains the cooperation of three people, but today Chu Yan first shot to suppress Bi Heavenly Beast, and now he can’t care about those.

Among the several God King Realm, only the gray-haired old man stood there brows tightly frowns, still thinking about something.

this person, this face, this aura, so familiar …

However, he couldn’t remember who it was!

“This black robed youth is over!”

All around watching the battle, and the hidden cultivators, all sighed and shook their heads.

A good cultivator just buried himself like this.

Although this Bi Heavenly Beast is rare, it will not take your life.

Although it can be seen that the cultivation base of this black robed youth has also reached God King Realm, but this time is the joint work of three God King Realm Great Accomplishment powerhouses. It will definitely die.

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