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At first, the fierce Pluto chose to leave Chu Yan and go alone, because Chu Yan had so many cards that hadn’t been exposed, and he provoked numerous enemies.

Coupled with those few times, it made the fierce Pluto heartbeat endless, so I decided not to mix with Chu Yan.

After all, he died once more than Chu Yan, a lunatic, who had to die more.

Although there were really many chances to follow Chu Yan, compared with his own life, the fierce Hades did not hesitate long before making the right choice.

“Reverse Divine flame, Vault of Heaven sword!”

Chu Yan within the body exploded with 5 colors of flame, sweeping all directions, swinging a long sword in his hand, and chopping 4 Immortal Ascension Sect Divine King straight.

4 Dao Jiangang is like thunder, where it passes by, void burst, Heaven and Earth tremble.

Such a prestige, anyone sees it with great fear.

“Don’t you, among your forces, have you not issued a decree to deal with Chu Yan !? Now hurry up and join forces together, you can definitely succeed!”

The cloak man saw Chu Yan’s astonishing power, turned his head and swept all around, and shouted loudly.

Although he has 3 same sect shots, he knows that if he wants to deal with Chu Yan, these forces are not enough.

Of these cultivators all around, I am afraid that many of them have already received a sect order, and they have to deal with Chu Yan in secret.

Now that they see their shots, they are all waiting for the results. If they can win, or at least tie with Chu Yan, they will definitely follow.

“Well, that’s right!”

“Now is an opportunity!”

“Let’s go together, there should be no problem!”

After a while, 3 God King Realm Peak, 5 God King Realm Great Accomplishment, 9 God King Realm Initial Stage joined the alliance against Chu Yan.

This time, the four directions of all directions are Divine King powerhouse, which firmly encloses Chu Yan.

These newly-added God King Realm, there are overlords, there are also Franciscans, and other Sects, and all are Dao Lineage forces.


At this moment, the roar sounded.

Everyone turned their heads to see, but a monster monster-like Monster Beast came out of the sky, with a white robe cultivator standing on top of it.

The white dress cultivator just waved his hand, and the huge monster Monster Beast, like a big lizard, directly attacked Chu Yan.

“Jade Dragon shot!”

Some cultivators saw it and exclaimed suddenly.

Yulong, the young patriarch of the clan, and the peerless genius list.

“hmph! ”

Several people saw it, but it was coldly snorted, and his face was contemptuous.

These people are peerless genius, all staring at Chu Yan, want to play against it, strive for high and low.

Now, Chu Yan is besieged, they have no chance at all.

After all, if you shot at this time, even if you defeated Chu Yan, it would n’t make any sense.

Most of the peerless genius ignored Zongling and so on, but ignored Martial Dao and showed greater interest.

Therefore, fighting with peerless genius like Chu Yan is more attractive to them.

The premise is that the game must be fair. During the battle of life and death, there might be a breakthrough.

Now, whether it’s dealing with Chu Yan, or wanting to have one-on-one with Chu Yan, all stare at Chu Yan, want to see Chu Yan’s weight first.

At this time, Chu Yan’s eyes burst into flames, his face as usual.

Before his body was exposed, he was ready to fight well.

“These people just jumped out now, there should be other people, even after I set foot on Soul Pond, maybe someone shot a sneak attack!”

“Those rules are nothing more than a gentleman’s covenant, there is no harness at all!”

Chu Yan thought about it and made a decision at the same time.

“In that case, then fear them!”

Chu Yan decided in a moment, and his body suddenly rose in an imposing manner.

A mighty silhouette emerged behind him, between able to support both heaven and earth, almost completely occupying most of the sky, just like a soaring pagoda.

The soul of War God, the venerable Master Dao, is released at the same time, and the pressure is swept out like a tide.

Bang! Bang!

2 Daowei pressure like 2 pieces of Leihai, rolling out, passing by, suddenly a horse turned over.

Whether it is the strength of God King Realm or the peerless genius like Yulong, it was suddenly attacked by this coercion and Divine Soul trembles.

“Dao Realm mountain range!”

Under a light shout, behind Chu Yan, another mountain range illusory shadow emerged, fiercely suppressed from above the sky.

“what is this!?”

The whole area of ​​Soul Pond is fiercely trembling, like shaking the mountain, leaving the God King Realm present with a shocked green face.

Under a strong sense of crisis, all of them took out life-saving cards and played wildly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of qi burst into a piece, all kinds of Taoism, Spirit Treasure, Xianfu, kept bursting and exploding the waves of the weather.

And those Divine King and peerless genius, just like the kite with a broken thread, fly around in the sky.

This horrible gang power swept through, like the transit of the last days, the formidable power is amazing.

“This … this this …”

The monks present were all surprised with green faces.

Peerless genius Yulong, plus a dozen God King Realm, this move is defeated! ?

Moreover, that Chu Yan was unharmed, nothing at all! ?

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan received the mountain range in the reproduced state, and raised his hand to catch two blood marks into his palm. No matter what those people stood staring at, they turned around and walked towards the surface of Soul Pond.

Chu Yan walked to a place on the water surface of Soul Pond and should be prepared to sit cross-legged, all around silent.

Although some people know the purpose of Chu Yan’s doing this, after all, under this move, it is too terrifying, which is beyond God King Realm Peak’s strength, who is his opponent! ?

Supreme! ?

Cracking a joke, here is the Dao Venerable area, what’s the Supreme?

“I also set a rule, from when I started cultivation, who would dare to shoot me again, kill!”

In a word, Chu Yan glanced at the jade dragon and the others who climbed up from the ground, shouting sharply.

Everyone saw Chu Yan’s gaze, Qi Qi heart trembled, and twitched at the same time, no matter what he had just thought, it is now all disappeared.

There are many people who want to take down Chu Yan and rob him of inheritance.

But now they understand that they simply cannot afford to offend.

Chu Yan withdrew his gaze, no longer paid attention to these, but began to observe this piece of Celestial Immortal Soul Pond.

The dozen or so practitioners sitting here are basically God King Realm Peak, and there are several within the body that hide powerful power. That is not peerless genius, nor is their strength weak.

All of them were quiet in their faces, completely trapped in cultivation comprehend, and had no feeling of Chu Yan’s appearance.

Chu Yan also started to urge Qilin’s pupil and Divine Consciousness, looking for the key to this Celestial Immortal Soul Pond.

However, after some exploration, it was found that this Celestial Immortal Soul Pond could not be seen at all.

“In this case, it would be difficult to find that drop of blood essence!”

Chu Yan is most concerned about, of course, not the comprehend opportunity here, but the drop of blood essence of his own reincarnation.

“Can’t you just wait for the 9-field star chart …”

Under brows slightly wrinkle, Chu Yan even suspected that the drop of blood essence would not be anywhere else! ?

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