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From the Opening Heaven Sword Lake, Chu Yan and Heaven Sealing Xuan moved towards the mountain peak before moving towards, and quickly found a cave.

Chu Yan found a corner, sat cross-legged, and started cultivation.

Just after he glanced at the electric mother spear, the feeling in his heart made him unable to calm down for a long time.

There’s still time, and while it’s comprehend now, maybe some gains.

Next, after Heaven Sealing Xuan was busy, he also started cultivation, and he became calm in the cave.

Outside the Heavenly Sword Lake, but it has become more and more lively from calm, and there are constantly practitioners coming from all four directions and landing on the 4 Island Lake.

The time is getting closer and closer, and the powerful aura keeps appearing.

After a few days of cultivation, Heaven Sealing ’s body of Heaven ’s Blessing actually smashed a trace of bottleneck, and there was a 7-color glow covering the whole body like a group of auspicious clouds.

Moreover, his Jade Talisman was trembling, and various news kept coming from Tianxuan Earth Palace.

“No way! Chu Yan, look at it …

“People in Santianmeng and Xianxintang are here, most of them are Dao Lineage, top 3, Ancient Race 100, Biting Clan, Guling, Tabu Ling are all here … is this too !? “

“There are also … peerless genius each and everyone are all here, Qin Tian, ​​Rongchang Dao, Mu Gutian, Liu Qingyi, He Tianzhao, the 4 sons of Tabu Ling, this is basically coming!

Dozens of names were pronounced, and Chu Yan was all pop light flashing.

This Divine Realm continent, peerless genius and powerhouse with a little name, has really all arrived.

Not only that, the God King Realm powerhouses who have experienced many hardships in the first district have also gathered.

This event, saying that it is Divine Realm continent is unprecedented, and it is not an exaggeration.

Chu Yan’s whole body is up and down, the battle intent is like a tide, the flames of his eyes are burning, and the blood is boiling, all the voids around are shaking.

After a long time of ten breaths, Chu Yan calmed down aura and slowly calmed down.

Heaven Sealing Xuan, who was standing there, was shocked by Chu Yan’s imposing manner, not even dare to breathe.

After a while …


A thunderbolt sounded above the sky, and Vault of Heaven trembled.


Heaven Sealing Xuan bounced from the ground, rushed to the hole, and looked away.

Although this Heavenly Sword Lake has little to do with him, but to see such a grand event, it is not a trip.

He certainly knows that the powerhouse and peerless genius who have gathered here are probably mostly for the electric mother spear, the Uranus lamp, and the abyss.

With his current cultivation base, if he gets involved, he will definitely die.

However, now that he has teamed up with Chu Yan, the situation is different.

Chu Yan walked to his side, looked up towards the distant lake, slightly nodded, and stood up.

2 people rushed to the ground, moved towards Heavenly Sword Lake …

In the distant Heavenly Sword Lake all around, in the large group of buildings in the 1000 Island Lake, countless repairers are either suspended or standing on the ground, looking at Heavenly Sword Lake.

In the lake water, the pillar of light has risen, just like a root Heaven-supporting Pillar, moved towards the sky, 10000 thunderbolt winding, imposing manner.

After a full of breath breaths, the bright beam of light shattered into countless light spots.

Immediately, in the quiet dense fog space, the sound of horns came, just like an army expedition, gathering in the fog.

oh la la….

The lake water is rolling, and a crystal pillar rises from under the lake, breaking through the water surface, revealing a pillar like a gem.

Various amulet patterns are engraved and engraved, each of which carries the power of Antiquity, which trembles Divine Soul.

“The crystal pillar is out, let’s go!”

A cultivator’s face was upset, his body was in an imposing manner, and moved towards the lake.

The void around all, by these powerful imposing manners, and splitting the air and sound, the impact of 7 zero 8 fell, and then gathered after the collapse, stirring up the full weather wave.

This kind of scene makes the practitioners watching from a distance feel as if they are facing a Beast Tide. ,

Heaven Sealing Xuan looked excited, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, Tao

“Chu Yan, it’s still a while now !? Now, those people might find us … rely!”

Before Heaven Sealing Xuan finished speaking, he shouted directly.

The whole person was carried by Chu Yan and rose into the sky, flying like a meteor.

Heavenly Sword Lake is open, no one knows the specific situation of the electronic mother spear, so this time must seize the opportunity.

At this point, as long as you master the time difference, Chu Yan is fully confident that she will rush to the front at the last moment.

“Look, Chu Yan!”

When Chu Yan flew over Heavenly Sword Lake, all the cultivators below saw Chu Yan’s silhouette.

Qin Tian’s body was in an imposing manner, and three shocking weather waves rose on him, just like heaven falls and earth rends.

“It’s really him! Chu Yan appears!”

Mu Gutian, Rongchang Dao, Liu Qingyi and other peerless genius also found Chu Yan.

In response to these people’s reactions, Chu Yan didn’t pay any attention to it, and directly operated the two methods of asking questions to protect the whole body.

“Everyone has heard the order, this time to kill Chu Yan as the first task!”

Mu Gutian began to order that all the disciplines of his affiliates would stare at Chu Huo.

Among the forces present, some wanted to kill Chu Yan, some wanted to catch, and some had other plans. Anyway, it was a common goal to control Chu Yan first.

In an instant, God King Realm, peerless genius, and a large group of cultivators all locked Divine Consciousness to Chu Yan, and all kinds of Dharma Seals and Dao Treasures waved out at the same time, hiding the sky and covering the earth.


Heaven Sealing Xuan Na saw such a scene, and suddenly his face was green.

As the first pick of Tianxuan Earth Palace, although his spirit wisdom is extremely strong, but this is actually …

Even if the actual combat is stronger, this has almost gathered a joint blow of Divine Realm continent Peak powerhouse. I am afraid that even the 9-domain Supreme will not dare to be hard-wired, which is too scary.

Chu Yan directly displayed the Roaming Dragon world, a figure like a dragon shadow across the sky, like willow leaves in the wind, to avoid all attacks.

At the same time, he wields a long sword in his hand and continuously cuts out 10000 Sword Qi. Wherever he passes, such as a gust of wind sweeping the leaves, forcibly opens a big road.

Although these attacks may seem scary, after all, these cultivators are now gathered together, and there is no tendency to form a package.

“Chu Yan, this time, you can’t run away!”

The light eyes of Liu Qingyi were all cold. After a light drink, the jade hand flew over and began to condense the seal.

It seemed that in her self-confidence, there was an imposing manner that was already prepared.

Chu Yan glanced at her, but smiled lightly, ignoring her.

Buzz …!

At this moment, a very powerful energy, rushed to the distant sky, within a radius of 10,000 li, the sky instantly turned into night.

The sound of rumble is constant, and Heaven and Earth are trembling.

And the place where this imposing manner came from was actually in the depths of the thick fog … Dianmu spear!

The cultivators present, Divine Soul was shocked!

However, the matter not at all ended, the sky, the earth, and the lake water suddenly appeared a powerful wind, enveloping the endless thunderbolt, and falling at the same time, reflecting the whole sky with a bright silver color.

In the endless Leiwei electric sea, the goddess spear rises into the sky!

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