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2 Venerable Sir of the Void shot with a terrifying speed, and rushed to Chu Yan in an instant. The divine light in his hand surged with the power of the Void, and fell down.

The frenzy of death rose from Chu Yan’s heart.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan quickly opened the jade bottle.

Boom … rumbling!

A monstrous blood light emerged, instantly breaking through the sky of the battlefield, countless astral qi surging, falling like a waterfall, dyeing everything in darkness.

“what happened!?”

Mu Gutian and other peerless genius found that among these auras, obviously with a force of repression, they suppressed their Divine Consciousness and pupil technique, which could not be used at all.

“The fifth means of the gods, there really are …”

Haitian’s complexion changed drastically, and you don’t have to think about it. With Chu Yan’s cultivation base, it’s fundamentally possible to fight against the 2 Void Giants, only the 5th gods.

In front, between Heaven and Earth in pitch-black as ink, the palms of the two Void Giants were photographed on a piece of mighty power, which could not be shaken at all, and stopped remotely on top of Chun Yan’s headed zhang.


2 Venerable Void Giant’s rage, empty within both eyes The blazing flames rushed up, within the body’s rolling power turned into a shining vision, completely exceeding the strongest power that Chu Yan had seen.


In the next moment, the blood essence in the jade bottle rises to the rays of light, and a silhouette of the shore is evolved in the sky, the mighty gangster, the domineering dominance, overlooking this world.

In an instant, all the forces between Heaven and Earth disappeared and condensed into nothingness.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The war is on, Chu Yan can’t see any silhouettes and giants. He can only feel the topless Vault of Heaven, the vast earth, the vast stars fall from the sky, and wipe out all the Avenues, Heavenly Might.

Chu Yan didn’t know how long he had waited for the passage of time. In this battle, he couldn’t participate at all. The uncontrollable war finally subsided slowly, and everything turned silent, silent …

Among the jade bottle, the remaining blood essence is not much, Chu Yan presses the bottle mouth tightly, the night all around, slowly recedes …

In front, there are countless cracking gaps in the earth, 2 Void Giants, without any aura, fell to the ground and turned into bluestone.

Chu Yan startled, he did not expect that such a terrifying battle would eventually cause damage, but it was almost the same as that of God King Realm powerhouse.

“No! Battle Yuwei should have broken out in another place, it should be beyond this battlefield!”

Chu Yan pondered in his heart, then his mind was restrained and flew forward.

Falling on the pile of bluestones transformed by the Void Giant, the right hand clasped the jade bottle, ready to pull out the bottle at any time.

This slate print, he is determined to get, there must be no failure.

Sure enough, when his hand touched the stone slab, there were 10000 black light marks, which burst out from the stone slab.


Heaven shaking earth shattering, Vault of Heaven trembling.

Everything in the 4 all directions suddenly reduced to the shadowy domain, various mountain-like monsters emerged from the endless in the sky, one after another huge bloody eyes like stars, opened in the sky, all looked towards Chu Yan .

Chu Yan ’s complexion changed, and I wanted to pull out the jade bottle, but I do n’t know why. The jade bottle could n’t be pulled at all, as if it was sealed.

There was no nonsense about those monsters, and opened their mouths to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan’s heart was full of death, and his thoughts were flying.

The 9-domain star chart in Sea of ​​Consciousness has a slight fluctuation, and it seems to want to release something to help Chu Yan.

At this moment, a black magic breath at Chu Yan’s heart position suddenly shot out, emerged from the position of Chu Yan’s brow, and turned into a python and opened his mouth roar.

Relatively speaking, the figure is petite, like a ant, roaring into the sky.

In an instant, a very shocking scene appeared, over Chu Yan, everything stopped, and turned into a billowing air, disappearing nothingness.

Heaven, earth, everything, are all restored as before …

Just like the scenes just happened, they are just phantoms and never appear.

“This magic breath can actually scare off the monsters of the yin ………?”

Chu Yan was stunned, not knowing at all what the magic breath was always hiding in his heart! ?

9 Domain Star Map never says anything about this magic breath.

This … is too complicated for Chu Yan now.

“Forget it, don’t care!”

Chu Yan shook his head and stopped worrying about these things. When he pulled his backhand, the jade bottle opened and the blood essence burst out, covering all directions.

Put your hands together, copy the stone slab, and a cold touch like Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice makes Chu Yan’s whole body qi and blood frozen, and a layer of frost directly appears on his body.

In the dark, a path of silver needle-like sensation appeared all over the body, and even Divine Soul was stuck by these ice needles.

Chu Yan suck in a breath of cold air, his face pale instantly.


The incomparable pain caused Chu Yan’s mind to tremble, sweating on his forehead and pouring like rain.

The blood energy in the fleshy body solidified, and the whole body became paralyzed.

The pain began to disappear, and instead, True Qi was unable to function throughout his body.

“Actually confined !?”

Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was a little frozen, and when I thought about it, I saw that the stone seal turned into a starry sky, pouring into his body like empty water.

“Recognising Master !?” Chu Yan startled.

Soon, he gathered all the Divine Consciousness that could be mobilized, all gathered in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and fully integrated.

“Dao Yin is no respect, the seal holder is dead!”

The eight clear gold characters turned into blood red, which came to his mind.

Once again, it is a reminder, a very solemn reminder.

Chu Yan now pays more attention to these 8 words, but he also knows that the more heavenly defying things, the greater the harm and danger they bring.

“I don’t know what this danger is, what will it be? Heavenly Tribulation !? Or something else! Forget it, there are still some blood essences that can be blocked once or once!”

Chu Yan made up his mind and began to explore Divine Consciousness and observe all around.

At this time, on the battlefield all around, all kinds of Daoguang were flashing everywhere. Mugutian, Liu Qingyi, Haitian, and other peerless genius, as well as monks, were all surrounded by those wreckages. Get away.

Temporary security!

Before they incorporated this stone seal, these people could not form a threat to themselves temporarily.

“Look, what is Chu Yan doing !?”

“Stone seal recognising Master, he is refining fusion!”

“Body and Divine Soul are banned, this stone seal is really strong and formidable power!”

“Not good !”

Mu Gutian, Liu Qingyi, Haitian and other peerless genius, all separated Divine Consciousness after the battle and locked them on Chu Yan. When Chu Yan was found to be wrong, it could be discovered immediately.

At this moment, everyone’s complexion was sullen.

Mu Gutian even roared repeatedly, madly hitting the wreckage surrounding it, but it was of no use.

Liu Qingyi’s graceful eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, thinking about a way, and Hai Tianyi, whose face was changing, didn’t know what she was thinking.

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