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Chu Yan divided 3 Divine Consciousness to lock the recovery situation of 3 people in Huayang. At the same time, Divine Consciousness explored several people in Mugutian.

Now, the stone seal merges more than half, and there is a small part, and the green lotus is in front of it, it should be able to support for a while.

Just then, outside the Great Mausoleum …

After the boneless giant was destroyed, another two boneless giant auras began to skyrocket and instantly rose to 2 domains, Supreme Small Accomplishment Realm, and Haitianyi roared.

Now, the roar is useless.

There are 3 more boneless giants. Although their strength is concentrated, the plan to kill Chu Yan has also been defeated.

Chang Weishi exhibited the wreckage of the gods No. 2, Star Week, and urged 9 antiquity physiques at the same time, constantly blazing the sky Blade Qi.

Rong Jingdao supported his tomb soul illusory shadow, Qin Tian and Su Qingmei formed a monstrous Killing Formation, and surrounded a giant withered bone.

Time passed, and after a long time, the boneless giant finally couldn’t support it, and the whole body aura collapsed.

“Ah … no … impossible!”

When Haitian roared, he was chopped with a knife and finally turned into nothingness.

The last boneless giant suddenly fell aura, and the battle strength retreated.

“Fuck, bastard bastard, wasting time with me here. I do n’t know what is going on in the mausoleum. Let ’s see …”

Chang Wei glanced at all around, turned into a blood light, and rushed towards the mausoleum.

“This dead bone will be given to 2 people!”

“Everyone obeyed, follow me into the mausoleum!”

Rongchang Dao saw Chang Wei flying away, and suddenly, while loudly ordered, sound transmission all around, his eyes shot sharply.

At this time, he got a great news through the tomb of the stars.

Among the great mausoleum, there is a heaven defying stone seal.

If you get this stone seal, the benefits are huge, and you can even break through to Dao Lord Realm!

“The 5th heir to the gods seems to have helped you set the game already! However, I must get this stone seal, don’t blame me!”

Rongchang Road’s eyes were full of violent killing intent, sweeping over the mausoleum.

Until now, their suppression of Chu Yan in the ancient tomb just wanted Chu Yan to help them do one thing, but now, the benefits of stone seal obviously exceed the original goal, of course, it must be changed.

As for the order of the big brothers in the family, they only need to get the stone seal.

It didn’t take long for the last boneless giant to crumble into bone.

Su Qingmei walked out of one of the 9 tombs, called for the main sect disciple, and rushed to the mausoleum.

Not far away, Qin Tian sat cross-legged and began to recover.

After this fusion reincarnation, the body and Divine Soul are not complete and recovered, otherwise, he also rushed directly into the mausoleum.

At this time, in the mausoleum …

Chang Wei and Rongchang Road rushed in with clansman and Sect disciple. Mu Gutian had already taken dozens of people and shattered the wreckage of the last road.

The blood and flesh of the three people of Jue Tianzong Huayang only recovered half, and they wanted to struggle from the ground, but after hearing three breaking sounds, Spirit Armament entered the body and directly nailed them to the ground.

“Chu Yan, die!”

Mu Gutian Chang Xiao was shocked, imposing manner Chong Yun, right hand pulled a bloody long spear from in the sky, turned out to be a semi-residual weapon.

Asked the tool, even if it was broken, it was ten times stronger than Taobao.

The other peerless genius, God King Realm Peak powerhouse, are also powerful Daobao and talisman seal, urge a variety of powerful physique, simultaneously shua shua’s enforcement Mugu days.

Originally, imposing manner was like a rainbow in Mugutian, and the imposing manner of the whole body suddenly soared. With a wave of long spear in his hand, it was 10000 sword shadows. Chu Yan.

10000 Enemy Spear!

This spear’s formidable power, even if it was seen by the peerless genius present, was all a sudden change of face and a chill in his heart.

The Liu Qingyi on the other side also urged the Spirit Seal to the extreme, constantly wrapping the green lotus in front of Chu Yan and pulling it away 10,000 zhang away.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth, under the tremor of the void, gradually solidified.

Chu Yan’s eyes were staring straight at the sharp spike, and there was a backfire beating deep in the pupil.

Qilin Heavenly Might, outbreak!

In an instant, a group of Golden Flame and white flames rose at the same time, and turned into a flame tide, covering Chu Yan’s whole body.

Under the sudden imposing manner, the fusion speed of the stone seal soared again.

A monstrous aura, rushing from the ground, like a dragon pillar, above the swing is 9 10,000 li Yunxiao.

“Want to kill me? It’s up to you !?”

Behind Chu Yan, the soul of War God and the illusory shadow of the master, plus St. Rakshasa, three mountain-like silhouettes stand up at the same time.

Roar! roar! roar!

In 3 roars of Heaven and Earth, in the roar of the weeping ghosts, the 3 suddenly rushed into each other and collided together to instantly merge, and the 3 were the same.

The mighty coercion is like a mad thunder, and it is another 10,000 li shocking cloud. Destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, driven by the madness of the two big questions, is attributed to Clear Sky Sword.


Ka cha !

Sword Qi like dragon, break Vault of Heaven!

Passing by Wei Gang, the wind surging, the thunderbolt cracked, and all four directions were all shrouded in an instant.

Mu Gutian held long spear violently tremor, under the powerful force, his body was pushed back continuously, his legs pushed out 2 deep grooves on the ground.

“What a Chu Yan, what a gods to pass on, it’s really not easy to kill! Didn’t expect, at this time you even broke the seal !?”

Mu Gutian was full of unwillingness, and the murderous aura in his eyes shot 4 truthfully.

What a pity!

Just a little bit …

“If that’s the case, then come on!”

With a sip, he both hands forming seals, Daoguang bloomed, the whole body condensed.

At this moment, Chang Wei, Rongchang Dao, Liu Qingyi and others also rushed from all around to lock Divine Consciousness to Chu Yan, all of them were full of murderous intentions.

Chu Yan turned his head and swept away, and Green Lotus slammed into the Spirit Seal forbidden and broke through.

Immediately, Chu Yan turned his head slowly to face the peerless genius present, and Chu Yan’s mouth was lightly raised.

The stone seal fusion is complete, there are no more scruples, the war is just!

However, when everyone was ready to start, suddenly, the mutation suddenly took place.

Throughout the battlefield, countless ancient auras, like volcanic eruptions, rushed up dozens of Zhang high air columns, crashing into pieces into heaven and Earth.

All heavenly materials earthly treasures, wreckage fell to the ground, all aura disappeared instantly.


Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this scene.

I saw above the tomb, the tomb wall began to crack, and at the same time the entire tomb quickly expanded.

“Want … to be fried !?”

Liu Qingyi’s small face was all frightened.

This scene is too scary!

Such a large mausoleum, if exploded, the people present may be unable to run away.

Changwei’s complexion changed, and his eyes swept to Chu Yan.

According to his guess, the tomb suddenly broke out, and the horror was because Chu Yan took the square seal.

In other words, that square seal is likely to be the core of this tomb!

Chang Wei scolded, fiercely glared at Chu Yan, and turned and ran.

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