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Entrance of the first district, over the main city …

“Big Brother Chu Yan, still the same as before …”

Yue Linglong’s mouth was light, and looking at the black robe silhouette, the small face was full of pride, and the mark of the snowflake at the position of the eyebrows disappeared.

Originally, she also wanted to make another move and use a trick to help Chu Yan. Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

“Chu Yan, let me didn’t expect, you actually cultivated 2 ways of asking the way, you dare to go on this road of heaven defying cultivation !?”

“No wonder, your Supreme mountain is one thousand zhang higher than mine!”

Chang Wei, at this time, watching Chu Yan’s eyes have completely changed. The light is like a surprise, it is like killing intent, and there are even a few traces of blood.

“In 10000 years, Emperor Xuantian is strongest. Now, you are the second …”

The words fell to the ground, Changwei body flashed, moved towards the top of the mountain quickly.

In his mind, the original Emperor Xuantian was just an opponent, and now there is another Chu Yan.

There are only some pity, if he can, he would rather not be an enemy of Chu Yan, and become a friend of life and death.

In that case, maybe you will not be so lonely when you become invincible.

But now, this idea has no meaning anymore, because Chu Yan blocked his way, he must get Chu Yan’s blood essence to complete the 9 Holy Reunification.

“Chu Yan!”

Qin Tian shouted, a path of rune appeared throughout his body, his imposing manner continued to rise, and the swordsman united to attack Chu Yan directly.

In fact, for Qin Tian, ​​not only Chu Yan, but also Chang Wei is extremely dazzling.

Even the identity of the second heir to the Changwei gods is stronger than Chu Yan.

But Qin Tian’s path is the Sovereign road. Whether it is Chu Yan or Changwei, it is the goal he must kill.

His way is to sweep all the way to achieve Huang Tian!

Now, Chu Yan is his previous goal. If he does not remove it, he will not turn his attention to the next one.

No matter if he shot himself or joined forces with others, Chu Yan must be swept away anyway.

“How about ten two !? I will kill you today!”

Rongchang Road was also cold-hearted, and the tomb surging on his body continued to have the power of the tomb and integrated into his body.

In the Sun, Moon and Stars tomb group, he has quietly laid out a great array, and there is still a lot of it that has not been consumed.

“Sect Master has ordered that all ten disciplinary disciples listen to orders and do their best to deal with … Chu Yan!”

Su Qingmei’s imposing manner When the outbreak broke out, he sipped into the air and rushed into the battlefield.

“Tianlunzong disciple listens to the order, and according to the Sect Master order, whether it is Chu Yan or Changwei, kill if you have a chance!”

“Immortal Ascension Sect disciple …”

Each and everyone Dao Lineage’s peerless genius and Divine King powerhouse, after receiving Sect’s new order, all started to adjust, and some goals have changed.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, sorry, Sect has orders, I can’t wait …”

The previous 3 allies of Hejiao all looked at Chu Yan with a dull face and arched their hands.

Then they also joined the enemy camp just now and began to attack Chu Yan’s Supreme Mountains.

It’s just that people with a discerning eye can tell that they are just pretending, and they haven’t tried their best.

After all, for them, they are more willing to fight side by side with Chu Yan, rather than against them.

As a result, there are now more and more enemies attacking Chu Yan, and the helpers have been reduced by a large amount, and the situation seems to have become worse.

At this time, the whole land had completely turned into a battlefield, and there were screams everywhere, and Gang Wei thundered.

Those cultivators who are watching and hesitating, now see such a scene, almost do not intend to participate.

The war at this time definitely reached the strongest war level in the first district in 1000 years. The key is that there are many people on one side and very few people on the other side.

However, no one now knows what the final result will be. After all, the opportunity to determine the result has clearly not yet emerged.

“Tianyanshu!” “9 Yin Ben Yang …”

Chu Yan was rushing up and down against the Divine flame, and various methods of asking questions broke out, turning into large-scale Taoism and unique skills, blasting to all directions in 4 directions.

Behind Dao Realm mountain range is horizontal, 5 lights and shades of Heaven and Earth, 3 gods and ghosts illusory shadow, just like the giants of Heaven and Earth, constantly attacking all around.

With Chu Yan’s body as the center, within 10000 steps, it completely became a vacuum, and any cultivators and attacks who dared to step into it were all turned into powder.

Ah … ah …!

The screams kept on, and the continuous corpse fell from the air, rolling along the Supreme Mountains to the ground.

Less than 5 minutes of time, the foothills of Supreme Mountains are already corpses everywhere across the field.

“This Chu Yan, the strength … is extremely strong!”

Su Qingmei waited for a group of Dao Lineage peerless genius to see this scene, all of them turned pale.

In such a battle, they tried to rush to Chu Yan once or twice, but as long as they were close to 2 steps, they felt a mighty might, which made their hearts constantly rushed, and they dare not move forward.

Not only that, when Chu Yan struck at their sword light, everyone was frightened and fled, and no one dared to take a frontal move.

Moreover, even with some secret skill or movement art, he couldn’t get close to Chu Yan at all, and was instantly penetrated by his pair of 5 thunder pupil technique in an instant.

In such a situation, Chu Yan is almost invincible now, and any means is completely ineffective for him.

“Everyone pay attention, all attacks from a distance, don’t come close!”

Su Qingmei and other responsible peerless genius began to order the main sect disciple.

After all, the peerless genius of various forces is not Chinese cabbage. After killing a wave, it can grow again. That is the most precious foundation of the forces.

Even God King Realm powerhouse is not used as cannon fodder.

So now I can only use this stupid way, hoping to consume Chu Yan.

“Nine Heavens Ten Places, 10000 Heavenly Might!”

Chang Wei began to use real killing tricks to sacrifice the dead bones of Xing Zhou, and destroyed 9 kinds of Antiquity physique, all of which were enforced on it, and at the same time, his own method of questioning was applied to Peak.

An extremely powerful blade light burst out, and the moment when the blade glow flashed, even the 10,000 li thunderbolt above the sky was covered.



Qin Tian and Rongchang Dao also seized the opportunity and attacked the strongest move.

“Yishan Town 10000 River, the world is shocked!”

Chu Yan’s whole body was as powerful as the tide, and the Daoguang of the 2 gates asking for the law turned into a path of giant light, enclosing the Dao Realm mountain range moving laterally and crashing into the opposite void.

The mountain peak above the mountain range shone with God light, and all the spirit plants of the mountain released a ray of light, which was brought together and turned into a wave of sword light, 4 shots of Heaven and Earth.

Not only that, under the bottom of the mountain, there is a huge Daoguang blooming, like a giant flower blooming.

From a distance, Chu Yan seems to mobilize this mountain range enough to suppress the entire sky and suppress everyone’s level.

This … is the might of Grand Dao, the real power of Dao Realm mountain range!

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