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Ten 2 gates ask the law of Dao, and exercise at the same time, all Dao forces are gathered on the sword, and the wave is cut.


In an instant, sword light rushing to the night, long sword like a purine, light puncturing the darkness, Heaven and Earth light up instantly …

After the sword glow, fiercely cut on the head of the Bone Dragon.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire Supreme mountain trembled, and the bluestones of the mountain collapsed, turned into lime, and flew into the sky.

The powerful Gangwei swept through, and wherever he passed, the void was all twisted into powder, and the cultivators ran away.

Su Qingmei and other peerless genius, and the spectators who were still in the distance, were all stunned.

The battle of these 3 people is too terrifying! ?

What is there about God King Realm, I am afraid that the battle between Supreme is also absolutely this.

“Then … is that Chu Yan still alive !?”

All the practitioners around, all staring at the eyes, all looked at the center of engagement.

What is the result! ?

Can’t see clearly at all …


At this moment, two silhouettes rushed out of the overwhelming weather waves and flew straight into the sky.

“That’s Chang Wei and Qin Tian!”

Some of the pupil technique is amazing. When I saw the silhouette in the dust, I immediately shouted.

“Haha, Chu Yan lost!”

“Is it dead !?”

“You won’t even leave corpse !?”

“It’s possible, just now …”


The practitioners present turned their heads when they heard the sound, and they all saw Chang Wei and Qin Tian, ​​all of them startled in shock.

Chang Wei and Qin Tian are safe, so Chu Yan is of course finished.

However, just as everyone spoke, a silhouette rushed out of the dust and mist, such as lightning transit, where the dust and mist 4 scattered and flew.

That black robe silhouette, holding a long sword in his hand, a drop of blood flowing over the tip of the sword.

next moment, silhouette flying into the sky, straight to the top of the mountain, the whole body imposing manner like tide, turbulent all directions.

“What !? This …”

The cultivators present were all shocked.

“It’s impossible! Impossible! I am the second heir of the gods, and I am one body, how can I lose …!?”

On the other Supreme mountain, Chang Wei knelt on the ground halfway, standing on the ground with a knife, and roar repeatedly.

On his body, a path of wounds are all long, and his body is covered with blood and blood, which is extremely miserable.

On the other side, Qin Tian’s hand trembling with a knife seemed to be unable to hold the knife, and his face was pale.

Although he looked much better than Chang Wei, he was not at all injured, but there was an obvious crack on the blade in his hand.

As a knife repair, the knife was damaged, it was almost a fatal blow.

“Victory has been divided!”

Chu Yan looked at the two of them. True Qi, which had just been consumed by the whole body, recovered quickly, and it didn’t take long to be born again.

A faint 9-domain Supreme’s prestige, released from him, overflowed all around the void.

“Qin Tian, ​​Chang Wei, I should still thank you 2 people!”

Looking at 2 people, Chu Yan continued

“This Life and Death Battle has a great effect on me. If you fight in the future, you are always welcome!”

within the body Ten 2 methods of asking the question, which are attributed to peace, and even the Dao Realm mountain range takes back the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In an instant, above all around Heaven and Earth, the sound of tiger roar resounded.

In the middle of the world, there is a avenue that falls like a road to the sky, connecting the ancient gods and deserts, aura is extremely mysterious.

Golden Dragon is a different tiger, traveling in the sky, turning into the light of natural phenomenon, submerging into Chu Yan within the body.

This is the Supreme natural phenomenon. After the cultivator ascends to the Supreme Mountain, it will appear and begin to make the cultivator change.

The general Supreme natural phenomenon is all kinds of everything, but most of them are single-color or two-color, but the Dragon-Tiger natural phenomenon introduced by Chu Yan is completely colored.

“Victory or defeat has been divided !? ha ha ha…. You are not right!”

Chang Wei stood up from the ground, smirked in the sky, covered in blood and covered in murderous aura.

“This is just a battle for God King Realm. After breaking through Supreme, I can kill you as well!”

Speaking of which, he rushed towards his Supreme mountain, strode towards the top of the mountain.

One step at a time, even if the thunderbolt fell and slammed on his already traumatized body, Chang Wei didn’t mean to stop at all.

In less than ten breaths, he also completed the last section of the mountain road and reached the summit successfully.

Above the sky, two-color rare beast appeared, and the light that turned into a natural phenomenon rushed into his body, disappeared.

“I … I lost !?”

Qin Tian, ​​on the other side, was still standing there, his eyes full of dullness.

His way is the way of Sovereign. After the war, even if he joined forces with Changwei, he still lost for no reason and excuse.

This hit him a bit, making him unable to react for a while, and being sluggish for a long time.

“Qin Tian!”

With a scream, the old voice rang directly in his heart.

“It’s just a battle, ask this world, that Sovereign didn’t step on the corpse of 10000 bones to achieve Supreme supremacy !?”

“Sovereign is respected, there are defeats and wins, only … the world!”

Word by word like a thunderbolt fell on Qin Tian Divine Soul, the body trembles.

“Only … only the sky … the world !?”

Qin Tian’s idiot spoke, his eyes flashed in his eyes, and his body imposing manner erupted like a volcano.

The mark of reincarnation helped him at a critical time, and the soul of reincarnation would only play a role when he was hit by a life and death catastrophe.

This is the benefit of having reincarnation. Once any accident is discovered, reincarnation will appear.

In the next moment, countless pictures flashed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Tian. The past, the battle of life and death, the trial of calamity, and the cultivation all the way to the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

A complex expression appeared on his face …


Finally, I don’t know how long it took, Qin Tian’s pupils shrank and the corners of his mouth rose.


Shaped like electricity, he rushed towards the Supreme Mountains, strode the meteor, and instantly reached the summit.

Although he is still confused, his goal and ambition are completely awakened.

No matter what, he wants to press forward, regardless of success or failure, as long as he is moving towards his goal.

“He … they three people started !?”

At the moment, all the eyes gathered on the three Supreme mountains.

“Great ah! 3 Yue Qisheng …”

Su Qingmei and other peerless genius, all with a look of shock, with deep envy in the eyes.

“Su Yan big brother, still so handsome!”

Unlike other people, Yue Linglong’s eyes are only the black robe silhouette, and the spirit eyes are all small stars.

And the cultivators of all forces saw this scene, but all looked bitter.

Now that the incident has happened, a natural phenomenon has emerged, and it cannot be stopped at all.

At this time, rushing up again, it becomes a cannon fodder for Heavenly Tribulation, and the dead is worthless.

The previous 3 people did not reach the summit and were not recognized by Heavenly Dao.

But now, 3 people have successfully reached the summit, and Supreme has begun to change. At this time, it can be said that all 3 people have stepped into the Supreme realm.

Therefore, the power of Supreme cannot be blasphemy. Anyone who dares to attack 3 people at this time is equivalent to blasphemy Heavenly Might.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The imposing manner of 3 people kept rising, 3 groups of divine light swept the audience and suppressed all directions.

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