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Chu Yan was stunned then!

Xuan Tian said there is a way! ?

She alone, deal with so many continent giants! ?

“Xuan Tian, ​​you can’t protect Chu Yan today, you must die here!”

At this moment, a shocking roar exploded on the sky, pulling the Heavenly Might waves, and the sky was full of clouds.

I saw that there were 7 or 8 silhouettes on the sky at the same time. Everyone carried a long blade, urging the blade glow, and came out of the sky.

The passing places, such as 7 meteors breaking across the sky.

At a glance, all the people present were surprised, and the people who came came as 7 Dao Lord Realm.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan looked at it, and suddenly the complexion changed.

This time, the enemy Xuantian had to face was too powerful.

“Ha ha ha….”

Antiquity taboo saw these people, but laughed wildly.

He also speculated before that whether the Empress Xuantian had any reliance and hole cards to dare to be so arrogant.

But now, after these 7 people come, it doesn’t make any sense to control what cards and backhands she has.

Empress Xuantian stood there, her cold eyes swept across the sky, her face was impermanent, and she could not see any change.

However, the True Qi of her within the body is rolling, just like a thunderbolt is shaking, gaining momentum.

Suddenly, her jade hand waved and the French seal swept.

A force of terror rushed out, covering half of the sky.

Even the power of the gangsters of all parties, in front of this aura, were all eclipsed.

“Legendary reincarnation cultivation technique !?”

The big men present were all startled, and they were all in shock.

Emperor Xuantian is so powerful, it turns out that because of the cultivation technique of cultivation, it is no wonder that such a powerful battle strength.

“Reincarnation cultivation technique !?”

Antiquity Taboo is also frowned, and immediately disdained “cultivation technique, what can it mean?”

“Don’t she know that all the cultivation techniques are unreal at Dao Lord Realm !?”

Hearing this, Empress Xuantian turned her head and looked nodded, saying

“Well, you are right! One stop cultivation technique is meaningless, especially in Dao Lord Realm! However, I am not a reincarnation cultivation technique, but a reincarnation of 10000 souls!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the aura released from her body, as if it had been gathered for 10000 years, burst into a sudden outburst, and instantaneously rose a dozen times.

Behind her, a illusory shadow of a and a emerges without seeds, and every a silhouette has a powerful aura released.

And those silhouettes of aura broke out to a certain extent, they will all gather on her true body, making her imposing manner more and more powerful.

In less than 3 breaths, Emperor Xuantian’s aura coercion, like a frenzy, enveloped the audience and suppressed all cultivators.

Reincarnation 10000 Soul Skill!

It was her own cultivation technique based on Martial Soul’s characteristics when she was at Ten Directions Star Domain.

After she ascended to Divine Realm continent, after all kinds of battles, she broke into countless Secret Realm and never gave up her research on this skill.

Only after breaking through to Dao Lord Realm just now, all the accumulation is finally completely real, and this cultivation technique has been researched into Perfection Realm, and it has become … 10000 reincarnations!

This cultivation technique is based on Martial Soul. As long as Martial Soul is enough, it can even urge 10000 illusory shadows, superimposing 10000 times the battle strength!

This level of horror should be outrageous in thinking about it, and only a demon like Empress Xuantian can be created.

However, she does not have much Martial Soul in the body now, so she cannot urge too many illusory shadows, but it is enough to deal with the bigwigs here.

Originally, she didn’t want to use this cultivation technique. If it wasn’t for the sudden appearance of the seven Taoists, she finally showed it.


In Supreme, the masters were all disheveled and twitched.

Even Antiquity Taboo and Soul, are Divine Soul shock.

Although they don’t know the principle of Xuan Tian’s cultivation technique, it can be seen that this is a fusion and superposition cultivation technique, which is one type with Chu Yan’s mountain range and Changwei’s 9 body.

But now, this Xuan Tian is Dao Lord Realm ah!

The cultivation technique she exhibited was terrifying.

“Xuan Tian, ​​I have to say that your innate talent completely surpasses War God’s ploughing, but the cultivation technique still has no meaning for Dao Lord Realm!”

Speaking of which, Antiquity forbids roar to roar, blood light broke out all over again, and a powerful forbidden technique was urged by him.


Tian Sou’s complexion was also low, and the sorrowful face appeared.

After all, he is the sixth existence of the Antiquity gods. From the Antiquity era to the present, there are too many things and people he has seen.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, the outrageous terror of the outbreak of the war was significantly improved several times than before.

The Empress Xuantian was alone, holding an ice sword, and dozens of illusory shadows followed behind him.

The situation not at all became worse, on the contrary she also gained the upper hand.

Sword Supreme saw in the distance, all eyes were suddenly small stars, more and more admired the elder sister who just recognized.

“Husband, you see …”

Chu Yan has been watching, and it is also a shock at the moment.

I have to say that this Emperor Xuantian, who has a reincarnation connection with herself, is really the strongest genius she has ever seen, and she absolutely deserves the word of evil spirits.

“Martial Soul !? I don’t know if there is any price !?”

Chu Yan was deep in his heart, brows slightly wrinkle.

After all, he is also very familiar with Martial Soul. Knowing such a powerful cultivation technique, it is necessary to pay a price to urge Martial Soul to the extreme.

“Okay! Husband don’t be stunned, or follow elder sister’s instructions. Let’s leave first, otherwise, elder sister can’t let go!”

Speaking of which, Sword Supreme waved again and wrapped Chu Yan firmly, saying

“Elder sister said, after we leave, she will chase after a while!”

Later, Chu Yan looked up towards Yue Linglong who was watching the battle, his face lightly started.

Although Green Lotus has been forcibly taken by Heavenly Soul, and I don’t know what secret technique was used to cut off his connection with Green Lotus, Chu Yan is very familiar with Green Lotus’ aura.

He now clearly feels that Yue Linglong’s within the body obviously has aura of green lotus, very similar, or even exactly the same.

Moreover, this aura seems to be breaking the cocoon, getting stronger and stronger.

“The boy’s luck is really not good, even so many people have to save their lives …”

Ji Changsheng stood above Yunxiao, his eyes full of blushing sound transmission.

“Linglong now has a chance. It’s related to your green lotus. You can’t go now. You go first. We 3 will guard her. When she is over, take her to find you!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan felt relieved and bowed his hand in courtesy.

“Many thanks 3 Seniors!”

Immediately facing Supreme nodded, the other side immediately waved his hand, and countless Spirit Marks poured out, covering all around the void.

The silhouette of 2 people disappeared on the spot like 10000 stars.

On the other side, Antiquity was taboo to see Chu Yan running, and suddenly ao ao called out.

“Xuan Tian, ​​you are good for me, die for me!”

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