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This name not only attracted Heaven and Earth thunderbolt, but also made Chu Yan’s entire Divine Soul completely silent, as if everything around Heaven and Earth became silent, completely isolated from himself.

This kind of feeling is very strange, that is, familiar and unfamiliar, near and far away.

“Wu Tian Wu Fa … this name …”

After a moment, Chu Yan reacted and took the head with a wry smile.

What kind of brain did he think of before the reincarnation?

This is totally a strong aura of the 2nd ancestor, coming oncoming.

However, Chu Yan thought about it, based on the broken fragments he saw when he awakened, including his own feelings, the reincarnation should not be that kind of person, or even the opposite.

So, does this name mean anything else? ?

“Skyless … what’s the point !?” Chu Yan groaned.

“Also, about” Heaven “! There is bad news to tell you …” Empress Xuan Tian rarely lifted Chu Yan’s appetite.

“Heaven” mentioned in the awakening of reincarnation, I think Zhou Celestial Emperor should want to tell you, don’t let “Heaven” be born again! “

The words of Emperor Xuantian sounded, and suddenly Chu Yan, who was pondering, suddenly looked up and stared at Empress Xuantian.

What do you mean! ?

God, rebirth! ?

Still alive …! ?

According to what Emperor Xuantian said just now, “Heaven” is her own enemy. If you are born again, you will never be spared.

Cang Lord Realm ah!

I’ve just been in Supreme and I can’t even deal with Dao Lord Realm!

“Regarding that war, I have been searching for clues and finding classics for so many years. From what I know now, I do n’t know if the sky is damaged, but your reincarnation must be damaged!”

Emperor Xuantian said that Chu Yan was speechless.

Is not this nonsensical! ?

Wu Celestial Emperor, if there is no loss, your own reincarnation, and “Heaven” has no loss, you don’t even know! ?

Is n’t that what I did n’t find? ?

“Combining the words of your reincarnation, plus the legend of Divine Realm continent over the years, that” Heaven “should be the life essence that will be exhausted, and the” Cang Lord Realm “that is still alive in some way!

Emperor Xuantian certainly did not know what Chu Yan was thinking, and continued to introduce.

“En! God …”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed with a flash of light.

This “Heaven”, he had just heard that as for the continent legend that Emperor Xuantian said, he had never heard of it, so he knew nothing about it.

However, it is now certain that “Heaven” will definitely come to trouble.

“Do you want to take advantage of his half-death now, find him, and then … cut weeds and eliminate the roots !?” Chu Yan continued to ponder.

“Chu Yan, as far as I know about your reincarnation, there are only these. The other clues should all be on you, and you need to discover them slowly!”

Emperor Xuantian said, hook the head, the ice eyes flashed a few times, and then said

“The 6th Gods betrayed you now and robbed you of the Lotus of Constant Antiquity. Although his loss is not small, he should keep your identity secret. As for other forces of Divine Realm continent, they should still think that , You are … Wu Fa! “

“So, the situation is not too bad. Although the forces of the world have jointly issued a bounty order to chase you down, it should not attract the attention of that” Heaven “!”

Emperor Xuantian didn’t say a word, if Chu Yan really attracted the attention of the “Heaven”, I’m afraid they are talking here now, and all of them are literally reaching the ears of “Heaven”.

Secret Realm Little World here, all kinds of defensive defensive spirit array, to the main land of Cang, it is like a fake.

Chu Yan shook the head, not at all.

Whether the situation is good or bad is not important anyway. He was also chased down by Great Influence before anyway, it makes no difference.

On the contrary, this “Heaven” made Chu Yan feel very troublesome, as if it were above the darkness, there was always a pair of eyes staring at himself.

“Next, you can only go to the place of inquiry as soon as possible and get the Constant Antiquity inheritance!”

Emperor Xuantian suddenly shook her body, seeming to be unstable because of weakness.

This situation surprised Chu Yan and Ji Changsheng, who were all present, but Dao Lord Realm’s existence was so weak that he could see how dangerous the previous battle was.

“As long as you get this Constant Antiquity inheritance, you will most likely awaken the legendary Constant Antiquity Saint Physique!”

Emperor Xuantian quickly stabilized her mind and continued unconsciously

“Constant Antiquity Saint Physique is the Number One Saint Body of Wu Celestial Emperor, and the soul of the soul is betrayed for it!”

Chu Yan frowned, thinking of one person problem.

“This is the place to ask, where is it?”

Ji Changsheng heard three people and suddenly smiled. After coughing for two times, he said

“This question is a bit complicated, it seems that it is best to explain it by the old man!”

I finally have a chance!

From the beginning to the present, Emperor Xuantian has been explaining. Now when it comes to the place of asking, I finally have the right to speak!

“Chu Yan, you should also understood, from breakthrough to God King Realm, to Supreme, in addition to chance and cultivation base, you need a special place as a place of breakthrough!”

Speaking of which, Ji Changsheng carried both hands and looked proudly towards Empress Xuantian. After seeing the other party’s nodded, she looked towards Chu Yan and continued.

“And this place of inquiry is the place where Supreme reaches breakthrough to Dao Lord Realm, so it is called … the place of inquiry!”

“The place to ask is an independent little World. The Heaven and Earth rules, Grand Dao Rule, and spiritual rest, etc., are completely different from Divine Realm continent!”

“Now, there are 2 legendary versions. One is that it is sourced by Source Power of Divine Realm continent, and the other is from a world outside the world, where no one has been!”

“This is the place to ask. It is opened once every ten years and is generally similar to the Dao Venerable area, but after entering, if there is no Dao Lord Realm breakthrough, it will be there for ten years!”

Ji Changsheng kept talking, digging out the things in his stomach.

“Also, if you want to ask, there must be 2 conditions, one is that the cultivation base reaches 9 domains Supreme Peak, and there is Dao Realm Great Perfection!”

“This cultivation base realm is okay to say, but this Dao Realm Great Perfection is extremely difficult. It is entirely on its own, and it is extremely rare to work heavenly materials earthly treasures!”

“It is said that only Heaven and Earth 3 treasure can improve Dao Realm, but such a Rare Item is too difficult to find!”

“However, you don’t have to worry, there are still some opportunities in the place of asking, which can also help Dao Realm to improve …”

Chu Yan listened attentively, pondering constantly.

I don’t know why, he always feels that this question has anything to do with the battlefield.

But there was no clue for a while, and it was unclear.

“Boy, let me tell you more about the Dao Venerable area …”

Ji Changsheng seemed to be very enjoyable and wanted to continue, but was soon interrupted by Mo Dongqing.

“You will … I’ll come!”

“You …” Ji longevity aura got Face is red.

“In the current situation, the Dao Venerable area is not so good. You need to be very careful. In addition to the forces that chase you down, there are 7 Gu Family and some idle Dao in this Dao Venerable area. Lord Realm! “

“En !? 7 Gu Family !?” Chu Yan startled.

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