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Ji Changsheng waited for 3 people, ignored Chu Yan, and ran aside to guard Yue Linglong intently, waiting for her breakthrough to complete.

Yue Linglong seems to have ended suddenly, in the final consolidation and adjustment of state.

The situation is very good, plus there are 3 Dao Lord Realm guarding here, naturally there will be no problem.

Chu Yan, relieved, began to think about his own affairs.

The eyes of the two groups of irritation burst into flames, and they looked up at the direction of the crack in the sky just now.

You do n’t need to guess to know that now the outside world is afraid that it is acting in its entirety, catching itself everywhere.

And myself! ?

It’s all doubts now, hopelessly muddled.

However, as Lin Meng said just now, it doesn’t matter whether he has reincarnation or not.

Only your own strength is king.

With this strength and power, you can cope with all kinds of situations, crises, calculations, even when it is strong enough to sweep everything.

This is the most basic theory in Martial Dao, single man subduing ten!

“Look at the blue stone seal first!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, then she clarified her thoughts, and raised her hand to take out the green stone seal.

This stone seal blends with his Divine Soul and is completely controlled by him, just like a Taobao of a recognising Master.

However, Chu Yan tried several times, and using Divine Consciousness could not urge it to produce any effect at all.

What surprised Chu Yan most was that the 9 dragon illusory shadow on the green stone seal often rushed out, pushing the 9-field star map on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky continuously, pushing it aside, and finally the stone seal occupied the Sea of ​​Consciousness In the middle of the sky.

The 9-domain star chart is like a gas bag, except for a few surges, it does not resist at all.

Chu Yan wanted to further urge the green stone seal, but the other party was directly rejected, completely indifferent and ignored him.

“Star chart says this thing is extremely important! But … what’s the use !?”

Chu Yan was speechless. The previous 9 domain star maps urged him to get it, but now it is, but it is useless.

This thing made Chu Yan a little confused.

After studying for a while, Chu Yan had no choice but to wave and take out a piece of 3 fruits in preparation for cultivation.

Now after the breakthrough, within the body True Qi has all become the power of Supreme, the soul of War God, the five Divine Beast Martial Soul, Clear Sky Sword, etc., all have huge improvements.

The biggest change is still Dao Realm mountain range, Chu Yan can feel that it has reached a bottleneck state.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Yan took the three fruits.

In an instant, a very mysterious feeling came out within the body. This power seemed to be tangible and could not be seen at all, just spread out within him within the body 4.

That feeling is like seeing a ray of light continually spreading in the sky.

At the same time, the brilliance of Dao Realm mountain range was obviously stronger, and began to flash slowly, as bright and dark as the rhythm of life.

Time is slowly passing …

The blink of an eye 7 days passed, and the inside within the realm about Chu Yan, Chang Wei, Empress Xuantian and other powerful rumors began to subside gradually.

Liu Qingyi waited for the peerless people to enter the first district of Dao Venerable again.

Qiao Gucheng, after Heaven Sealing Xuan saved his life, Qiao Gucheng entered the Dao Venerable area, and Heaven Sealing Xuan was captured back to Tianxuan Earth Palace, it seems to be banned.

2 people traveled on the edge of life and death at this time, and felt very well, especially Heaven Sealing Xuan, under the body of Heavenly Blessing, not only escaped a life, but also benefited.

His body of heavenly blessing finally broke through the bottleneck and advanced one step, one step closer to Saint Physique of heavenly blessing.

And has been paying attention to Chu Yan’s ordinary dust fatty, black Yao Mozun, etc., also arrived in the first district, looking for something in 4 places.

The top ten peerlesss such as Ghost Digging and Liang Tian also entered the first district one after another, and began to compete for various opportunities.

The most dazzling thing is that after Changwei’s 9-body unification exposure, Blood Scient Ancient Sect has been punished by various Great Influence.

Tianlun Sect and Tianxuan Earth Palace were the main force, almost smashing the ancient Sect of Blood Heaven to pieces.

If it wasn’t for Jue Tianzong’s sudden announcement at this time that he had formed an alliance with Xuetian Ancient Sect and sent powerhouse support, Xuetian Ancient Sect really didn’t know if he could survive.

This also makes the world’s understood, always ranked first, and the unreliable Tianxuan Earth Palace really has the strength to rank first in the 3 Dao Lineage.

Blame it on the Blood Scient Ancient Sect, which provokes their Young Palace Lord, even if Tian Xuan Earth Palace ignores Martial Dao, it will definitely retaliate.

Blood Scient Ancient Sect seemed to know that, so he pulled on the Sect of Heaven and saved his life.

The news spread and the world shook.

It is for this reason that Sect Master Sect Master has completely entered the eyes of the world’s big brothers.

According to the news, this celestial being, the sixth of the gods, ran away after grabbing the master’s stuff.

If it is not a great temptation, this kind of shameful thing for the people of the world, thinking of him as the sixth person of the gods, can not do it.

So, what the hell is that and what use it! ?

For a time, it attracted the attention and inquiries of all the big brothers. After all, the big guys in the world were big guys. After a while, the news about Constant Antiquity Saint Physique began to spread slowly.

Chu Yan, who was in the cultivation of the small World, finally waited until Yue Linglong woke up from the cultivation.

“Yi!? Here is … Big Brother Chu Yan!”

Yue Linglong wakes up from the temple, and immediately throws beautiful eyes to Chu Yan, the smile on his face blooms like a flower.

“Disciple, don’t disturb him first, he is in breakthrough Dao Realm Perfection!”

Ji Changsheng quickly opened his mouth to prevent Yue Linglong from rushing towards Chu Yan.

The owner of Lingnan Cave on the other side directly took out a piece of 3 fruits and handed it to Yue Linglong Road

“This is the 3 fruits that Chu Yan gave you. In addition, there are some things to tell you!”

Yue Linglong took 3 fruits, and suddenly his eyes curved into a crescent with a smile, looked up towards the owner of Lingnan Cave, and looked at the serious Mo Dongqing again, slightly startled.


“It’s about Chu Yan’s reincarnation identity … before, before …”

3 people, you said it to me, it took one hour to tell Yue Linglong what happened a few days ago.

“Two Cangzhu reincarnation !?” Yue Linglong was also a little embarrassed for a while.

“Putting it that way….”

Yue Linglong graceful eyebrows lightly wrinkle, seemed to be thinking about something, and then looked up immediately

“What did Big Brother Chu Yan say !?”

“The kid said, the reincarnation is the past, just look at this life!”

Hearing this, Yue Linglong smiled suddenly, and seemed to have guessed the same for a long time, glancing with pride at Chu Yan silhouette.

“Girl ah! I said you don’t want to think about the future …”

Mo Dongqing reminded somewhat.

“Later !?” Yue Linglong froze.

“Yeah, whether this kid is the reincarnation life, it is very important to you. Taking advantage of it now, fiercely gave him a few dolls to control him. Is this a thing I still teach you !? “

Hearing this, Yue Linglong suddenly blushed.

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