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Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Dao Realm mountain range lying between Heaven and Earth suddenly started to shake violently. The mountain peak on the entire mountain range released a dazzling glow.

Ji Changsheng was stunned at the same time and looked up, his face full of surprise.

next moment, mutation is born!

All the glows are brought together, and a illusory silhouette is condensed, which then evolves into mountain range, rivers, forests, etc., in various forms.

Every evolution, in the sky of Chu Yan all around, all of the spirit plant, seems to be greatly nourished and grows vigorously.

Under the might of terrifying, it is getting stronger.

Eventually, all the glow disappeared and turned into a huge picture.

Above this picture, there is nothing, nothing.

However, Ji Changsheng, who was present, had their pupils shrunk, and their sheets were violently stretched out, because they seemed to see that above the void, there was an extremely serene silhouette, with a golden hand, waving on the picture.

The imposing manner scene is like using Heaven and Earth as the paper, Sun, Moon and Stars as the pen, and writing.

Mountain ranges, lakes, forests, papers, Heaven and Earth solidified, 10000 things are still, it seems to have passed a breath, and it seems that it has passed 10,000,000 years. Twelve mountain ranges on the scroll, ten Spirits Peak, sparkling.

But all this, not at all end …

Between the landscape of that picture, a silhouette appears!

The man sits between the 100 rivers of mountains and waters, with the sky above and the earth below. All around is the mountain range river forest, with a calm expression.

Ji Changsheng glanced at them at three glances, completely dumbfounded.

Compared to the mountains and rivers Heaven and Earth, the silhouette is insignificantly small, but in their eyes, the silhouette is extremely vast, as if it is Heaven and Earth World, and it seems to be a whole with Heaven and Earth.

This feeling is very wonderful, they have never experienced it, and for a time fell into a sudden.

After a few more breaths, with the continuous cultivation of the silhouette, his appearance and expression became clearer, and it was exactly the same as Chu Yan sitting in the outside world.

However, at this moment, the originally peaceful Heaven and Earth mountains suddenly stopped …

At the next moment, Chu Yan clearly felt himself within the body, a magic breath swimming out like a python, looking up at the sky.

Not only that, in the 9-domain star chart in Sea of ​​Consciousness World, a little red rays of light flickered.

2 powerful forces erupted at the same time and collided instantly!

If Chu Yan is not caught in a special state now, he will be shocked because his Sea of ​​Consciousness World is now completely destroyed.

The collision of two forces, like a world destroying storm, destroys everything.

The voice of pēng pēng pēng was heard from ear to ear, Chu Yan’s body also began to be destroyed after the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a path of blood mouth cracked all over the body, and blood flew across.

In that way, it seems to be suddenly cut by the wave of blade glow, and there is nothing intact all over the body.

“That’s wrong, wake him up quickly!”

Mo Dongqing was a little shocked and said aloud, so he prepared to urge True Qi Divine Soul.


The Lord Lingnandong screamed and reached out to stop Mo Dongqing, watching him hook the head.

“This is the last moment. Wake him up now. Regardless of the result, Chu Yan is sure to be backlashed. Wait and see …”

Ji Changsheng while speaking, his eyes were fixed on Chu Yan, because he was too focused, his fists clenched, he could not see a trace of blood, completely white.

In front of 3 people, Chu Yan’s wounds on the body were more and more, as large as the scars of the knife, and as thin as the hair.

The three Dao Lord Realm gangsters were sitting on the side, all of them were nervous, all guarded, and even a layer of sweat on their foreheads.

This is the key. If there is anything wrong with 10000, the consequences will be serious.

At this time, Chu Yan within the body’s chaotic Sea of ​​Consciousness finally triggered a mutation. The green stone seal on the other side, like the sleeping Ominous Beast, was disturbed and awakened, sending a roaring sky and roaring the sky.

Under the powerful aura outbreak, the two forces that collided in the Sea of ​​Consciousness disappeared instantly.

Sea of ​​Consciousness is attributed to Qingming, and all of them have been restored and rebuilt, and they soon became the original.

With the restoration of Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Heaven and Earth scroll on the sky has also been restored to the real scene from the gradual blur.


The instantaneous outbreak caused Chu Yan’s aura to explode more than ten times.

Although the cultivation base realm is only the 9-zone Supreme Initial Stage, it is obviously different, and there is a feeling of high mountains.

Change, start!

咚dong dong!

In the small World, Heaven and Earth bells and drums sounded, and numerous natural phenomena evolved …

The aura on the Heaven and Earth scroll is also dominated by Heaven and Earth, and it is released.

Suppression of everything, no matter what, loses its true color in front of it.

“This … this is the extraordinary way !? Really … too terrifying!”

Ji Changsheng has 3 people, his face stunned.

Their three people have all experienced Dao Realm Great Perfection. Although it was said that there was a natural phenomenon at that time, if compared with the kid in front of him, they would not even be able to compare their one hair from nine oxen.

This gap is too big! ?

The whole natural phenomenon between Heaven and Earth lasted for 5 minutes of time before calming down.

The Heaven and Earth scroll, which fell from the sky, sank into Chu Yan within the body like a sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s body wound recovered quickly, and it was immediately disappeared, except for a long robe blood stain, as if it had not happened.

Ji Changsheng 3 people quickly began to retreat, at the same time a long relaxed in the heart.

It seems that the Demon Tribulation is over and Chu Yan is about to start a breakthrough.

Time is like water, time goes by …

After a few hours, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

“This is … Great Perfection !?”

Chu Yan looked stunned, raised his hands and looked at it, all eyes filled with doubt.

Although he now looks different towards all around, everything is a little different, but he always feels that this breakthrough has not changed much at all.

“Dao chart!”

Divine Consciousness is restrained and turns into Divine Consciousness body into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, looking at the Heaven and Earth picture in front of him.

didn’t expect, after Dao Realm Great Perfection, there will be a dao chart.

“This mountain, this forest, this silhouette …”

The more I look at the dao chart, Chu Yan has a sense of familiarity. For a long time, Chu Yan’s eyes are in a trance, as if he is not looking at the dao chart, but looking at the Dao Realm mountain range.

There is obviously a huge relationship between the two.

“Boy, the breakthrough is stunned !? Hurry, go to the place of asking!”

When Mo Dongqing saw Chu Yan in a daze, he was unwilling and shouted angrily.

The wave of breakthrough just now scared them a lot, and I was afraid that Chu Yan breakthrough would fail and Chu Yan would be destroyed by demons.

Of course, the most annoying thing is …

This kid’s extraordinary way, Dao Realm Great Perfection breakthrough, is so simple.

Moreover, compared to their Dao Realm Great Perfection, it is definitely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

This person is more alive than a person.

You are evil …!

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