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In less than a moment, the two Supremes were still whispering something, but a Divine King beside them came out.

He is God King Realm powerhouse of Zhou Family, imposing manner like Dragon-Tiger, sounding thunderclap.

“Everyone, start the 1st round now, please show the Spirit Seal on your hand, come and sign up for the 2nd round, its no elimination!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the two Supreme did not see it, and waved their hands.

2 harsh shrieks sounded and shot directly at the sky, blasting 2 circles of ripples and enveloped the entire square.

It seemed that there was drizzle in the air, and it fell to the crowd with shining raindrops, and soon disappeared.

All around in the sky is diffused with a mysterious aura, including Supreme coercion, and obvious probing power.

The cultivators present were also mentally prepared, and many people were running True Qi, and even cultivators practiced the method of asking questions.

This is to highlight their strength and strive to obtain 1st round qualification.

Chu Yan shook the head, releasing aura to isolate all around I’m afraid of Power of Time. Just after Divine Consciousness cited, a drop of aura came over, and he produced Spirit Mark in his palm.

This is a Spirit Mark in the shape of a leaf. It just appeared in the palm of the hand, and immediately aroused the envious eyes of the practitioner.

This sea-selective 1st round has no meaning for Chu Yan in Supreme.

Moreover, the two Supremes on the stage are only Supreme Stage, not the Supreme of 2 domains. It is simply impossible to find the existence of Chu Yan in the crowd.

In less than breath breaths, the sky was over, and nearly 300 people were holding Spirit Mark in the crowd.

The gray-haired old man and the red-dressed woman on the stage swept the audience. Looking towards these 300 people, they seemed to be making their final confirmation.


“It’s a pity! I have no chance!”

“They are very good luck! I feel like I’m almost there!”

“Forget it, let’s go!”


Because they did not get the qualification for 1st round, most of the practitioners on the scene shook their heads and were disappointed, and even more practitioners left the court directly.

Since you can’t get the qualification, staying here is also a waste of time, it is better to work hard to cultivate.

“Congratulations on your first test!”

Divine King powerhouse of Zhou Family announced loudly,

“Second test is still a routine. Please test bloodline. As long as more natural phenomena are attracted, then you will enter my Zhou King’s house, and your status and identity will naturally be higher!”

“Whoever can attract the ten most natural phenomena can directly become the official clansman of my 2 King Zhou without any credit!”

As soon as these words fell, the crowd of the audience was turbulent, and everyone seemed extremely excited.

And the gray-haired old man Supreme on that stage waved his hand directly, and a tall altar appeared and landed on the square.

As soon as the altar fell to the ground, a large piece of black blood poured from the top of the altar, and oh la la fell to the ground.

However, as soon as the black blood touches the ground, it is reabsorbed back to the altar, which is obviously a cycle.

In an instant, powerful coercion poured out like a tide, sweeping the audience.

The cultivators below God King Realm are all complexion changed and their scalp is numb.

“This altar … not simple!” Chu Yan’s eyes flashed.

Qilin’s pupil swept through, and he found that at the core of the altar, there was an extremely weak willpower, extremely ancient.

Divine King of Zhou Family continued to announce, “This time, we will recruit 30 recipes for Zhou Family and 20 for Wang Family!”

The words fell to the ground, causing the crowd to boil.

Those who received the 1st round Spirit Mark were all flushed.

A total of 50 people are recruited, that is to say, there is a 60% chance that each person can win more than 5 people.

“In order to let everyone fight for the first place, my two families took a drop of Supreme blood essence this time and rewarded the 2st place for this recruitment!”

The export of this sentence immediately made all the practitioners present blush.

Especially the 300 qualified practitioners had red eyes and their breathing was heavy.

The reward for this drop of Supreme blood essence was previously unavailable.

It seems that this week, there are 2 kings. This time it is a bloody book, and I want to recruit genius disciple.

You know, a drop of Supreme blood essence is a great thing for the cultivator of respected realm, or the cultivator of God King Realm.

Whether it is cultivation base improvement, Dao Realm breakthrough, or even will comprehend, there is great help.

This 3-in-1 resource is definitely the treasure that every cultivator wants most.

“Asshole! I knew I just used the hole card!”

“How come there is such a reward! Why didn’t you say it before, damn it!”

“Are there any rewards !? Let’s fight hard this time!”

“Ha ha ha, great luck.”

“This is mine!”


The huge reward attracted all the cultivators to be excited, and the atmosphere on the field was instantly driven.

“En !?” Chu Yan’s mouth lightened.

Originally, he was not very interested in this kind of recruitment, but just wanted to explore the situation of these 7 Gu Family.

But didn’t expect, there are two things like Supreme Blood Essence of King Zhou appeared, if you get it, you can understand the bloodline situation of the 2 Gu Family in an instant.

“Please come forward, get the number plate, ready to start!”

God King Realm’s words fell to the ground, and he flew out and landed next to the altar, and 300 monks stepped forward.

The first person to walk to the altar was a God King Realm Middle Stage cultivator. When he was True Qi, he shook the altar in contact with the black blood, and blasted 5 groups of sperm in the sky, exposing aura.

The 5 regiments were lifted into the sky, blooming like fireworks, dazzling and dazzling.

On the stage, King Zhou’s 2 clansman are gently nodded.

5 light of natural phenomenon, this result is very good.

Immediately after him, a second cultivator came up and began to perform True Qi to urge the cultivation technique.

One by one, like a horse lantern, it’s fast.

These 1st round qualifiers have good strengths, or else they can get qualifications easily.

However, most cultivators only induce 2 natural phenomena, and there are also 3, but 4 natural phenomena are like a dividing line. The number is very small. There are very few 5 natural phenomena and only 2 or 1 people.

After more than 100 practitioners, a few people came to Chu Yan.

“In Xialiu 10000 Lin, I have seen Hongxiang Supreme and Huben Supreme!”

The fourth person in front of Chu Yan is a God King Realm Initial Stage cultivator. He wore a Taobao Battle Armor. Instead of going to the altar immediately, he confronted the 4 Supreme saluted Tao on the stage.

The female Supreme named “Hongxiang Supreme” was just slightly nodded, reaching for a gesture.

The gray-haired old man Supreme looked at this person, his eyes were shimmering and nodded gently.

The other practitioners present were all complexion sank, and they all scolded in their hearts.

Obviously, the one who walked through the back door, this Liu 10000 Lin is afraid that it has an unusual relationship with the female Supreme.

Moreover, a Supreme is so polite to God King Realm, this can’t be more obvious.

“It seems that this is the default seed, I am afraid that I will get the first ah!”

“It’s boring! What’s the reward, engage in this form!”

“Forget it, don’t think about it, rely on strength!”



The cultivators present were not surprised at such things. They all looked at the head and looked towards the willow 10000 forest.

And Liu 10000 Lin smiled confidently and walked to the altar, aura broke out all over his body.

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