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Chu Yan really guessed wrong this time!

Obviously, the green stone seal only swallowed the Spirit Seal that asked, and did not intend to assume the responsibility of the Seal of Question.

“Do you want to …”

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched and his face was speechless, which made him enter the land of questioning! ?

It seems that this blue stone seal is a little ah!

At the beginning, 9 domain star charts so highly admired this bluestone, Chu Yan thought it was something extraordinary, and now it seems that he is very disappointed.

Well now, I swallowed the seal of my question and blocked my way.

Feeling sad for a long time, Chu Yan could only find Empress Xuantian to help.

“Xuan Tian, ​​is there any other way to ask the Seal of Tao …”

After telling Emperor Xuantian, Chu Yan waited a long time before the other party’s voice rang.

“The Seal of Questioning is the only way to enter the place of questioning, according to the record everyone enters it through this method, no exceptions!”

As soon as this sentence came out, Chu Yan’s whole body was bad.


Emperor Xuantian’s words suddenly turned, making Chu Yan’s eyes bright.

“The Seal of Asking is in the hands of Welcome Envoy, don’t you know the Welcome Envoy in Zone 4? Ask them to ask …”

“After all, you have got the mark of the question, and it suddenly disappeared. This should be managed by the caller!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan immediately ordered yellow nodded.

“Welcoming Envoy in District 4, can you control the place of question !?”

“Yes! The overall Dao Venerable area is a whole, it should be related!”

Chu Yan thought so deeply, and after nodded, he thought of another question.

“Just after reaching the Supreme realm of 9 domains, this 4th zone can’t enter ah!”

“No need to go to Zone 4! Those Welcome Envoy will know, you just need to communicate the Heaven and Earth rules of this Dao Venerable zone, they will naturally know!”

After the Emperor Xuantian finished speaking, she again fell silent.

Chu Yan did not hesitate, and began to seduce Divine Consciousness to communicate with Heaven and Earth rules.

Soon after, District 4 …

In the huge city, the streets are full of people, and the stream is endless and lively.

Chu Yan is in the sky, hidden above the sea of ​​clouds, looking at the city and crowds below.

After about one hour, the three Divine Kings rushed into the city from a distance like a meteor, going straight to the entrance and clouds.

Seeing this, Chu Yan waved a True Qi and attached it to three Divine Kings.

The three people shuddered suddenly, hitting a shivered body, standing at the entrance for a long time, and found nothing strange, only to shake their heads and entered the entrance in doubt.

Time passed, and after another hour, when Chu Yan and others were a little bit anxious, a mysterious force between Heaven and Earth surged.

By the way, the black hair old man appeared not far in front of him, it was Welcome Envoy in the 4th district.

“Qing stone seal! Oh my god, I got it, please show me!”

Without waiting for Chu Yan to speak, the old man stretched his hands to Chu Yan’s nose in a hurry.

Fortunately, Chu Yan is clever and knows that these Welcome Envoy all like entertainment, so he deliberately told them the news of the green stone seal to lure them to come.

“This … is a little hard!”

Chu Yan smiled with embarrassment, which was a little cover up for his behavior.

“The blue stone seal has been merged and is silent, I can’t mobilize it!”

This matter is really a bit embarrassing. I feel that I have conquered the green stone seal anyway, but it doesn’t even bird myself.

This kind of Taobao is really unique and unmatched.

“This is ah! Also … this blue stone seal, it is itself …”

The black hair old man was just halfway through, and suddenly the complexion changed. It seemed to wake up just like it, and quickly shut up.

“Senior, once you say it’s okay!”

Chu Yan is waiting for the following with his ears upright.

“Come on ass! Come on me less …”

The black hair old man looked at Chu Yan, his face twisted and he almost got caught.

However, Chu Yan can be seen, this black hair old man Welcoming Envoy, really know the origin of the green stone seal.


old man thought for a while

“You brat take care of yourself, this blue stone seal is born, and recognize your lord, then some things will start to happen, and it is a big game …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking thoughtful.

When connected with the words of Supreme Demon God and Heisha before, this blue stone seal also seems to be an important thing.

“Okay, don’t care about this first! Your question mark …”

old man said, with a wave of hand, he enveloped all around the void Heaven and Earth to form an independent area, only opened the mouth and said

“I pass you a secret skill, you can only use this time yourself, can’t tell anyone, understand !?”

“If something goes wrong, I can’t control it. You can ask for more blessings!”

“Also, don’t come to see me in the future, I’m busy, I won’t help you again in the future!”

After saying this, the black hair old man squinted at Chu Yan, his eyes full of disgust.

Chu Yan can only hold back, who let his blue stone seal be swallowed, to enter the land of questioning, can only rely on this Welcome Envoy.

Immediately, the black hair old man passed Chu Yan a secret skill, turned around and left, regardless of whether Chu Yan would use it.

Chu Yan faced the void where his silhouette disappeared, bowed his hand, and also turned away.

Find a secret place and start cultivation Earth Sect secret skill.

As soon as this secret skill was cultivated, Chu Yan was stunned and shocked.

didn’t expect this secret skill, which was even more difficult to comprehend than the general method of asking. It took a long time for a full time, and after a few hundred exercises, Chu Yan did initial understanding and played a barely qualified Aura.

This aura burst into the void of Heaven and Earth, and soon a force of Heaven and Earth fell, printed again on the palm of Chu Yan.

A new mark of questioning appeared in the palm of Chu Yan.

Fortunately, at this time, the blue stone seal did not respond, and it seemed that she was not interested in the question mark that Chu Yan suffer untold hardships.

Chu Yan is relaxed, and his figure rises to the sky, flying like a streamer towards the depths of the Dao Venerable area.

At this time, the outside world’s Peerless Sect …

Tian soul sits on the high throne, standing next to the first two, they are the Sect Lord of Ancient Sect, and there is a person white hair old man.

“Now the 7 Gu Family are staring at Chu Yan, and other forces have also offered rewards. Chu Yan is afraid that he has entered the land of inquiry!”

The education star mark of Ancient Sect of Blood Heaven, said.

“Ask the Great Influence powerhouses in the land of question, they should all have received the news of the Sect forces, and are waiting for Chu Yan …”

“Now I must get Chu Yan’s blood essence, so I hope that Sect Master can send someone into the place of inquiry to find Chu Yan.”

If these things can be done by Star Mark, he certainly is not willing to cooperate with Tian Po.

However, before the Antiquity taboo shot, his blood heaven Ancient Sect suffered extremely heavy losses. The revenge of the Acquired Xuan Earth Palace and the Tianlun Sect also almost caused him to be wiped out.

Now, he can only rely on Peerless Sect and Soul.

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