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At the bottom of Yuye Lake, Chu Yan has been closed for cultivation for ten days.

This is the bottom of the big crack in the mountain range. All around is a large piece of Supreme jade leaf corpse, forming a powerful bloody suppression, so that all the jade leaf beasts and other Monster Beasts are afraid to come close.

At this time, Chu Yan was sitting in the cracks, and asked the majestic spirit surging like a tide in his within the body, sending out howling wind and torrential rain-like sounds, the powerful might that was pulled, swept towards 4 all directions.

In this case, it took only one hour to converge slowly.

Chu Yan opened his eyes gently, looked towards all around.

“Didn’t expect, Supreme’s power is improving so fast!”

Although Chu Yan also knew that this jade leaf had a great effect on Supreme, he didn’t expect to use 10 jade leaves together, and the effect was so good.

During this time, Chu Yan has been spent in the slaveter and cultivation, and the Supreme jade leaf beast of kill has exceeded 50.

“Kill next …”

Chu Yan stood up from the ground and waved up the Clear Sky Sword beside him, throwing off Supreme jade leaf beast blood on the sword, body flashed into a streamer and rushed forward.


It did n’t take long for Chu Yan to light flashed, brows slightly wrinkle.

The situation is wrong ah!

At such a speed, within a hundred breaths time, even a jade leaf beast did not encounter.

What happened in the past few days! ?

After running True Qi carefully, Chu Yan cast Qilin’s pupil and continued to fly forward.

It didn’t take long for some tiny spots of light to appear in the sea ahead, like large stars floating in the sea.

If it were n’t for Chu Yan ’s pupil of Qilin, he might not find these tiny stars.

“Looking at the direction, they came from there!”

Chu Yan took a closer look and turned.

“this is….”

After a while, Chu Yan stopped and looked towards the front.

I saw that there was an underwater forest in front. Tall trees stood upright without leaves, but there were large pieces of water plants around it. Some huge turbulent vortex surged around all around, forming a path of fierce water Arrow electric light, 4 bursts.

From such a distance, Chu Yan can feel the mighty might.

Such a formidable power, even if the cultivator of the Great Accomplishment in the Supreme realm falls into it, it will definitely die.

If it is Supreme Peak, it may save your life if you use the hole card.

Chu Yan didn’t dare to carelessly, converging his whole body aura, slowly leaning up.

Waiting for the edge of the seagrass forest, Divine Consciousness swept across and found ten Supreme Great Accomplishment, and two Supreme Peak among them.

In addition, in the other direction, there is an extremely powerful force that is also gestating, which makes Chu Yan even feel a sense of pressure.

With Chu Yan’s current cultivation base realm, even Supreme Peak powerhouse can’t make him feel a bit of coercion, it must be Dao Lord Realm or above.

“Here, are there jade leaf beasts attacking Dao Lord Realm !?”

Chu Yan pondered in his heart, his eyes shining.

If it is a human cultivator, it is simply impossible to hide in such a dangerous place, only Monster Beast.

“This new Fellow Daoist, since you have discovered it, then I can tell you that the Jade Leaf Beast cannot break through Dao Lord Realm and will definitely fail!”

a Righteous voice sounded, echoing in Chu Yan Divine Consciousness.

“After this jade leaf beast failed, Divine Soul annihilated, Fleshy body will exist!” The voice continued.

Hearing this, Chu Yan immediately understood and replied

“You want to join forces with me to fight for this jade leaf beast !?”

Although Chu Yan did not understand the Jade Leaf Beast, he knew that if Monster Beast failed to impact the realm and Divine Soul annihilated the fleshy body, I am afraid that the power of fleshy body would exceed the original realm.

Even if this jade leaf beast in the Supreme Peak state fails, its beast strength may be far superior to the Supreme Peak Monster Beast in ordinary.

However, such a situation can be regarded as a rare event in 100 years.

“Yes! The 2 Supreme Peaks are from Supreme Sect and Heng Clan. They are extremely strong. If we don’t join forces, there is no chance!”

The voice was not concealed, and the mouth was replied.

“Now all around the Supreme who have been waiting, have promised to join forces with me. After that, we will fight for each other by means, when the time comes, if the Fellow Daoist does not succeed, I can compensate you 2 Supreme Peak Yuye, what do you think !? “

Hearing the request, Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and nodded agreed.

Taking Chu Yan’s current cultivation base and 2 Supreme Peaks as a whole, I’m not afraid, but there are many other Supreme environment powerhouses all around. If we join forces, it’s also a little troublesome. So, the best way is to separate them.

After dealing with these two Supreme Peaks first, other Supreme Accomplishment environments and other Supremes will be much better.

“Fellow Daoist is wise!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words in that voice, he immediately politely said,

“Wait until the time, when I speak, I will shoot together!”

Chu Yan complied and stopped talking.

Time passed, and after a long time, huge power began to erupt in the incomparably huge seagrass forest.

Various natural phenomena evolved in the water, all moved towards the seagrass forest gathered.

Large clouds of dark clouds appeared in the waters and appeared even darker. A large sea of ​​water rolled between the movements and the sound was even more amazing.

a The force of terror exploded like a thunder, sweeping across the seagrass forest.

all around the sea is boiling, the forest is shaking

“it has started!”

Chu Yan’s eyes narrowed, looking toward the forest.

In an instant, a trembling roar sounded, and a jade leaf beast like a mountain rushed out of the forest, waving its claws, and fiercely patted the thundercloud.


Under heaven falls and earth rends, the dark clouds were only slightly recessed by one point. While recovering as before, an extremely large light mass condensed in the dark clouds.

The moment the thunder cloud condensed in the dark clouds, the whole piece of sea water froze, as if freezing, the powerful Heaven and Earth Might swept through, even if Chu Yan several people were groaned, and the cultivation technique was used to resist.

The jade leaf beast was completely angry, his eyes were blood red, and the horns on his head gave off a dazzling golden light, and the whole body was as powerful as a wave, moved towards the group of lightning, and fiercely rushed away.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a time, the entire Sea Territory was completely exploded, the natural phenomenon ran wildly, the clouds shattered, and the forest was destroyed.

Those Supreme who were present lost their hidden place and were swept by the powerful gang power, all of them retreated into shape and moved towards the distance.

Such might, even if they are Supreme, they cannot be preserved at close range.

This is, after all, a Supreme Monster Peak Monster Beast, Thunder Tribulation of breakthrough Dao Lord Realm, and if it is accidentally involved, I am afraid don’t die also seriously injured.

Their purpose is to wait for the jade leaf beast to fail after the breakthrough and snatch the beast.

So now, you must preserve your Peak battle strength and must not suffer a little injury.

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