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Not only the little girl Supreme, but other Supremes present, the outlook towards Chu Yan also changed completely.

Their respective Sect forces also passed orders to round up Chu Yan.

“Everyone, no matter what order is placed in your Sect, should I repel these two people first, get Yuye first, and then you have to settle accounts with Chu Yan, I am happy to accompany you!”

Chu Yan looked towards the Supreme who were present and said.

This sentence sounded, the jade flute Supreme’s eyes flashed a few times, nodded Qiqi

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist is absolutely right, take the jade leaf first!”

All Supreme only hesitated and agreed.

For them, the Sect order is one thing, and the quasi-Dao Lord Realm jade leaf is in front of him, that is another matter.

For the Sect command, give up such a rare opportunity, this is not something you can encounter.

Since Chu Yan said he wouldn’t run, what was he afraid of? Obviously even Chu Yan wanted Jade Leaf, how could they miss it.

“First send the news of Chu Yan back to Sect, then how to deal with Sect, then it has nothing to do with me!”

Several Supremes pondered in their hearts and heard Divine Consciousness.

Chu Yan certainly does not know what they are thinking, but since he reveals his identity, he does not care about it.

“Hmph! Boy, do you really think you can live !?”

little girl Supreme’s cool face, within the body asked the law to work, powerful power surged

“You have no chance to accompany them, the old lady will destroy you first!”

In an instant, her figure burst out, and instantly reached the top of Chu Yan’s head. With a pair of small hands, two Spirit Marks were printed directly, and she burst out Heavenly Might.

Chu Yan’s eyes swept, his figure flashed sharply, avoiding the 2 hair lines.

Bang! Bang!

2 Spirit Marks hit the air, and 2 huge deep pits were blasted on the ground below. The formidable power was amazing.


Jade Flute Supreme shouted loudly, the first to rush towards the grimace old man.

“Why … why did you find me !?”

Grimace old man smiled bitterly, shook the head, True Qi broke out all over the body, and the powerful aura went straight to the sky.

“Since you are going to die, then I will take your blood essence, which is just useful!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A group of Supreme Great Accomplishment was attacked, and the war broke out, Gang Wei shot 4 times, and the sound of anger was endless.

Within a 1000-mile radius, all the practitioners who were practicing in Yuye Lake felt that the fighting might be here and they all fled away.

“There is no truth in law, the law of heaven a, the law of earth 1000 …”

The little girl’s body rotates, and every time it turns, a residual image rushes out and stands behind her.

Less than a blink of an eye, she has stood behind 100 afterimages, all of which are the same as the body, which seems to be some kind of powerful Avatar secret skill.

It’s just that Chu Yan and the Supremes present, Divine Consciousness, swept through, but found that these Avatars were exactly the same as true body aura.

“Give me … come on!”

Little girl jade hand waved, and there were 100 Avatar drinks together, while the jade hand was reprinted.

In an instant, the void around Chu Yan changed greatly, and all the lake water was evaporated and turned into a blank independent space.

Numerous Spirit Marks appeared in the void, and simultaneously shua shua shot Chu Yan like howling wind and torrential rain.

“The Royal Vault of Heaven!”

Chu Yan’s sword broke out, Samsara Power surged, Spirit Mark all around was either chopped by sword light into powder, or directly hit the aura around Chu Yan’s body, instantly solidified.

In the ten-two-question method, Chu Yan can use any one as the main attack. In this way, the ten-two-question method Ever-changing is equivalent to ten more powerful Taoist techniques.

The method of reincarnation in this day’s reincarnation is Qiao Gucheng’s stunt. Once it is performed, within 10000 steps, no attack can maintain the original power.

“Good boy, the stolen method of asking questions, but also cultivation to such a level !? Have the ability to play without Heaven, let me see!”

100 Avatars spoke at the same time, loudly.

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes narrowed, and he suddenly felt that the void around all changed again.

I saw that all Spirit Marks flew and crashed together, and turned into a huge Spirit Mark, hiding the sky and covering the earth, just like Thunder Tribulation dropping from the sky.

“Well, can it still be !?”

The Avatar combination attack, such a secret skill, is completely different from the Avatar secret skill that the cultivator is familiar with.

At least for the first time known by Chu Yan, it is the first time to discover that there is an Avatar secret skill that can form a combined attack ability.

“Hmph! Fellow initiate ten 2 asked the law, bite off more than one can chew! What’s the point!”

While the little girl’s voice sounded, the might between Heaven and Earth, mutation happened again.

I saw that at the top of that independent space, little girl Avatar kept appearing, and the silhouette skyrocketed, instantly becoming 100 mountain-like silhouettes.

In this scene, Supreme was all stunned.

“Ask the law, how mysterious, if you can comprehend one of them, you can be invincible to the world! Twelve fellow initiates, what kind of tricks can be cultivated … waste!”

“Cultivation base is complicated, and the power is scattered. What power is there?”

“Today, let me see what a real Heaven-free scripture is!”

After finishing this remark, the little girl released monstrous rays of light, 100 mountainous silhouettes, and took a step at the same time.

Boom … rumbling!

This step stepped out, 100 Avatar raised their fists at the same time, 100 fists broke out, and the sky was shocking.


Chu Yan long hair flying upwards, the tiger roaring and hunting, all the power burst, turned into a bright sword light, and slashed out.

Like a round of dark light shining between Heaven and Earth, the sword light passed by, and Heaven and Earth lost its color.

The sword light passed by, and collided with 100 silhouettes. The air was violent and the waves rolled.

Chu Yan’s silhouette followed, wielding his sword again to fight it.

At this moment, the war broke out completely.

“Not good !”

After the time of hundred breaths, Jade Flute Supreme and the others all changed their eyes.

They saw the sky above, between Chu Yan and little girl Supreme, fighting terribly.

Chu Yan holds a long sword and stands opposite the little girl Supreme. Both are Motionless As Mountains, but the powerful aura around him is distorting even the void.

Everyone knows that this is the will confrontation of Supreme strong talent, the most direct and the most deadly.

However, everyone also saw that the aura around Chu Yan’s body seemed chaotic, while the void around little girl Supreme’s body was calm.

From this point of view, it seems that Chu Yan is at a disadvantage.

“Oh, what a little girl’s achievement without Heaven, coupled with Supreme Peak cultivation base, is by no means a Supreme Initial Stage that can match it!”

The grimace old man saw, but smiled the head.

The genius is good, and the gods are also good, but after all, the cultivation base is a few days away. This gap is still very big.

Time goes by, the fight continues …

In an independent space, Chu Yan’s figure began to shake, as if he would be repelled at any time.

“If you can stand up to now, you have several points of strength!”

“So now, you can die!”

As the little girl spoke, her will converged, and the power of Supreme burst out of her body, bursting into 100 gangsters, and struck Chu Yan directly.

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