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After 3 hours, the half-step Dao Lord Realm Monster Crystal that Chu Yan merged consumed most of it.

This Monster Crystal even if 10% of the enlightenment is enough, it is completely enough for a Supreme Stage Initial Stage powerhouse, breakthrough to Small Accomplishment Realm.

And now, Chu Yan has blended 70%, with the body Supreme’s power is just full, and there are signs of breakthrough.

Compared with the ordinary cultivators, Chu Yan consumes too much of a breakthrough. No matter it is the 9-domain star map, the soul of War God, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, including Clear Sky Sword, all need to be upgraded together.

This is also the trouble of having too many cards, at least 5 times the cost of the same level.

“carry on!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan, with the help of the powerful Supreme, began to urge Vermilion Bird and Divine flame.

In the next moment, the entire Monster Crystal of the quasi-Dao Lord Realm was wrapped in flames and started to burn wildly.

A large stock of pure asked Aura, pouring into the body like a tide, so that the power of Supreme, which was already full, burst out instantly.

The power of the powerful Supreme overflowed, making the void of all around tremble, and the might of Supreme swept toward all around, sweeping all directions.

However, at this time, Chu Yan within the body suddenly had a powerful aura surging.

It felt like peerless Ominous Beast woke up from a deep sleep.

Chu Yan was shocked and Divine Consciousness fluctuated.

This is the bloodline aura of Zhou Celestial Emperor. It is affected by the power of the Supreme and there are signs of awakening.

In this regard, Chu Yan will of course not let it go and let it break out.

However, after a few breaths, the mutation was terrified.

The power of Zhou Celestial Emperor bloodline did not integrate into the power of Supreme as Chu Yan had expected, but in his dantian Qi Sea, he opened up an independent area, which Chu Yan just swallowed the 7 Gu Family Bloodline, all drawn from the 9-domain star chart.

Several kinds of bloodline power reached Qi Sea and were instantly swallowed and fused by Zhou Celestial Emperor bloodline.

“what’s going on!?”

Chu Yan was unable to react for a while.

Although the Celestial Emperor bloodline is powerful this week, even if it can sense the power of the bloodline of the 7 Gu Family, when it devours the 9-guest bloodline with the 7-domain star chart, why does it not react! ?

Just as Chu Yan was preparing to communicate the Celestial Emperor bloodline of the week, suddenly, the magical breath at the heart position also turned into a black gossamer, and began to flow away in the meridian, looking at the direction, actually moved towards Qi Sea.

Before the blink of an eye, the magic breath swam into the Qi Sea, and roared against the growing Celestial Emperor bloodline.

Then, the black magic breath turned into a sharp arrow and shot straight.

‘pu’ sound, the power of bloodline was instantly penetrated, and after being broken by the magic breath, he drilled into it.

Boom … rumbling!

The violent rage in an instant, the outbreak without any signs, like a group of stuffy thunder exploded in the whole.

Immediately afterwards, all the power of Supreme in Chu Yan’s whole body, like the tide of the 10000 river, all poured into this bloodline area.

This time, Chu Yan was completely silly.

He asked Aura, who was easy to merge, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“When … when can breakthrough !?”

If you go on like this, there is no possibility of breaking through yourself. Can you stay in Supreme Initial Stage forever! ?

“Zhou Celestial Emperor aura, the will of Emperor Yuwen, what are they doing together?”

Chu Yan couldn’t understand at all why the will left by the two great masters would be robbed at the same time! ?

And the goal is the power of the bloodline of the 7 Gu Family. Is it because they worried about the power of the bloodline before, so they came to help suppress it! ?

However, what will happen if you do this! ?

“Originally, I was worried about the conflict between the bloodline of the 7 Gu Family and my own bloodline. Now that’s okay, I have to guard against the conflict of will of the two gods …”

Chu Yan’s face was black, and his face was speechless.

This simply uses a new trouble to solve an old trouble, what’s the point! ?

I originally wanted to use the bloodline of the 7 Gu Family to improve the power of my bloodline, but now they have been robbed by both of them. Isn’t it impossible to improve it?

“Forget it, leave it alone!”

Chu Yan shook the head, anyway, there is no sign for the time being, just ignore it first.

These 2 great wills are in their own body and are completely out of control. Now you must find the power of Constant Antiquity and the Demon God of immortality as soon as possible and suppress them 2.

Otherwise, there are 2 more uncertainties in the body.

Next, Chu Yan took a deep breath and continued to cultivate.

At the same time, Divine Consciousness flocked to Qi Sea, constantly communicating with this bloodline area, wanting to spy one 2.

As time passes, five days pass in a flash …

With one body, beyond the canyon in the distance, a beautiful silhouette flies like a cloud.


Chu Yan’s eyes opened, and when he saw the silhouette, a smile appeared on his face.

Opening the channel of extreme water cloud tide with a wave of his hand, Chu Yan stood up, and a flashing body rushed here.

“Isn’t it better to meet outside !?”

Chu Yan was talking while applying the method of asking, covering Zhou Linggang with Yue Linglong.

Although this extreme water cloud tide can be controlled by a small flag, it is extremely cold and still in danger of being attacked.

Yue Linglong has just broken through. I was afraid that even realm would not be consolidated, so I came to find myself.

“You are too young to look at me, don’t you know that this extreme water and cloud tide is useless to me !?”

Yue Linglong also looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

“Only 3, Kai!”

It seems that in order to prove himself, Yue Linglong turned over his hands and 3 groups of divine light rose into the sky.

“This Three Talent Array …”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupils were running, and they suddenly showed their eyes.

Yue Linglong This is the Three Talent Array created by Ji Changsheng. The cultivation has reached its extreme. Even the power of extreme water cloud tide can’t penetrate the minute, even the pupil of Qilin can’t peep through.

Such a Great Array is definitely Divine Realm continent highest offensive and defensive dual-use Array.

Moreover, there is a trace of green lotus in the Three Talent Array, which makes Chu Yan feel extremely familiar and close.

“After my breakthrough Supreme, the seedlings within the body have grown a lot. Now the formidable power of the Three Talent Array has also improved a lot. Even if three old ghosts work together, it is absolutely this!”

Yue Linglong lifted the jade hand and lightly touched her hair, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, full of agility and pride.

This appearance will only be revealed in front of Chu Yan, making Chu Yan’s heart tremble.

“Later, after you lost the green lotus, these three trees began to bear fruit, and I don’t know what the use is! However, the defensive power of the Three Talent Array has been improved again, don’t say the same level, even if it is Supreme Peak Unable to break open. “

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly eyes shined.

“If the fruit, do you need Supreme to grow !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Yue Linglong was slightly nodded and said, “Yes, so it grows very slowly. I really want to know what it looks like after it grows up, maybe it ’s a heavenly treasure!”

When Yue Linglong said this, her eyes were all starlight. In fact, she hoped that this kind of seed could produce green lotus. In this way, Chu Yan could have a green lotus again.

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