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Including Chu Yan, everyone looked towards the old Supreme’s eyes, all stayed blank.

I saw a lot of blood energy flowing from the body of Old Supreme, entwined like blood mist, and merged into a special rune, rising up.

The appearance of the blood word rune left all the people present ignorant.

Others don’t know, but in this jade leaf city, the 7 Gu Family cultivators account for the majority, and they all know this special blood symbol.

“Heaven and Earth Festival! Myriad Realms, Lord, condescension!”

The old Supreme is playing the very taboo “blood sacrifice method” in the 7 Gu Family. With the power of his own bloodline as an sacrifice, it attracts the power of the Antiquity powerhouse and kills the enemy.

This trick is a famous damage to the enemy 800, self-destructive 1000 double-edged sword, less than 10000 disadvantageous situation, simply impossible someone to cast.

In an instant, the old Supreme who was still full of red light, because of the passage of blood essence, the entire face became completely white.

What’s more terrifying is that his flesh is also sinking fast, as if all the flesh under the skin is disappearing, and in a blink of an eye, the whole person becomes a skull with a human skin, looking very miserable .

However, because of his unique skill, the entire sky was completely changed color, and the prestige of a large piece between Heaven and Earth fell, and 4 scattered.

In the void, a very tall silhouette appeared, standing between Heaven and Earth as if it were the master of Heaven and Earth.

“Heaven and Earth scroll!”

Chu Yan knew in his heart that this Supreme Peak was desperately desperate. Of course, he would not carelessly, and summoned the book directly.

The scroll came out horizontally, and it immediately spread out 10,000 zhang in width, like a sea of ​​clouds moved towards the tall illusory shadow.

Boom … rumbling!

The sound of heaven falls and earth rends sounded, and the whole Jade Leaf City was shaking.

Heaven ’s and Earth ’s formidable power, such as the Great Desolate tide, not only dominated by the illusory shadow, but everything else, it ’s all smashed into powder.

In that way, it was like a big mountain on this already collapsed street, fiercely plowed and completely ruined.


old man Supreme silly …

This time it was really stupid, but this is my life-saving forbidden technique, can’t you even do it against it! ?

“you die!”

Chu Yan wouldn’t talk nonsense with him at all, raising his hand was a wave, Heaven and Earth turned and turned like a mountain.

Just a moment, hit the old Supreme, suddenly the sound of ka ka’s broken bones made a noise, the whole body flew backwards, crashed into the ground, and rebounded into a flesh and blood powder, scattered and scattered on the streets.

In an instant, the whole street was all around, nearly 10000 watching the scene, there was silence.

Everyone glared, looking at the slightly reddish ruined ground, and couldn’t believe their eyes at all.

A Supreme Peak, that’s it … dead! ?

The battle strength of Supreme Peak, the killing stick of the will of the Master, the blood forbidden technique of the 7 Gu Family, these powerful forces are all scum in front of a black robe practitioner of Supreme Initial Stage! ?

“Big Brother Chu Yan, didn’t you stop using it !?”

Seeing that the battle was over, Yue Linglong flew over and landed on the side of Chu Yan. Although the tone of blame was on her small mouth, her beautiful big eyes were all happy.

Chu Yan, for her, galloping 1000 miles, sever respect!

“This place is not easy to stay for a long time, let’s leave first!”

Chu Yan smiled softly at Yue Linglong, then raised his hand and waved, Heaven and Earth came across the sky, holding two people and disappearing directly into the void.

Even if Chu Yan left, he did not recover a dead ruined street.

Only after the ten breaths time, did the cultivator react …

“Just … what just happened !?”

“It’s not right ah! Even the peerless genius, the Holy Son Saintess of the 7 Gu Family, there is such a battle strength impossible!”

“It’s only possible, it’s on the top ten peerless list … wait, just now there are auras of several ways of asking !?”

“It seems like, is he … Chu Yan !?”

“Not like, his appearance and aura are wrong, unless the secret technique to change aura and appearance is used!”

“80% is him, absolutely!”

“Oh my god, is that the 5th heir of the gods, Chu Yan, the son of Zhou Celestial Emperor, reincarnation !?”



The practitioners present, one by one, responded, and all were Divine Soul tremors.

Basically, it seems impossible that the one in the battle just turned out to be Chu Yan who was famous in Divine Realm continent recently.

The point is that the battle just now was so exciting that most cultivators were stupid and didn’t think much about it.

Now that the battle was over, the black robe cultivator also left, and they gradually reacted.

“Good! Good! There is a kind of ah! This Chu Yan dared to rush into Yuye City to kill for a woman!”

“It’s still a Supreme Peak!”

“No loss is Wu Fa! Son of Zhou Celestial Emperor! This is not like his Reincarnation Point!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up!”

After a group of monks reacted, they all rose up into the sky, moved towards Yuye City and rushed outside.

Even more cultivators, took out Jade Talisman and started crazy communication. Chu Yan appeared in Jade Leaf City. The news of Sword Supreme Peak continued to be sent back to the Sect forces.

next moment, the whole Jade Leaf City made a sensation …

Various Divine Consciousness sound transmissions are flying all over the sky, and there is a path of horrible and powerful silhouette in the city, rising from the sky and flying to all directions in 4 directions.

On the other side, Chu Yan has already collected Heaven and Earth scrolls, performing movement art and flying fast.

At this time, his Divine Consciousness and the power of will exploded to the extreme, and all kinds of exploration Divine Consciousness constantly scanned over in the sky, all slammed into powder.

“Go to the left, there is a Forbidden Land over there!”

Yue Linglong has been looking at the map and found that there is an Antiquity Forbidden Land in front of the left, and quickly told Chu Yan.

With a snap, Chu Yan hurriedly turned around, a second faster.

This Antiquity Forbidden Land is secretly connected to another desperate situation. From the Antiquity era to the present, the powerful prohibition has killed many cultivators.

So, now in this place, few people dare to break into it.

However, the dangerous place for others, for Chu Yan, it is not necessarily that it may be a perfect place to protect.

At this moment, on the vast Sea Territory, a group of people are flying in a hurry …

Suddenly, the silhouette of the head stopped and Divine Consciousness carefully looked at the Jade Talisman in his hand, and only a moment later lifted the head.

“Good Chu Yan, actually killed a Supreme Peak, this child’s strength …”

This person is Sun Family contemporary Holy Son, Sun Yuxiao.

He hurried all the way and took a large group of people to fly towards Yuye Lake. When he received the news halfway, his face changed.

“Sun Jin, you go to Yuye City first, and find out where Chu Yan flees, and return immediately!”


After accepting the order, a monk took out Jade Talisman and disappeared instantly.

“We continue to walk towards Yuye City!”

Then Sun Yuxiao waved his hand and took the brigade to continue to fly forward, but the speed was obviously not as fast as it was just now.

After all, Chu Yan killed Supreme Peak in Jade Leaf City, impossible is still in the city.

Now it is necessary to understand Chu Yan’s movements in order to determine the direction.

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