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Before coming, the bitter-faced Venerable Lord, facing the same bitter-faced Supreme, urged Yin …

“Chu Yan is my 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s discipline, I must help! Although it may not help …”

“Although Chu Yan claimed to withdraw from Sect, he is always the best recipe for my sect, it must be! Although my sect does not help him …”

“This time the danger that he has brought is too great, you must protect him fully, although your strength is relatively weak …”

After listening to almost one hour, the wild Supreme set off with a dark face.

For the first time, he discovered that as one of the 3 Dao Lineage 3 Great Influence, Senior Brother who cultivated such a powerful disciplinary of Empress Xuantian, as long as he encountered Chu Yan, his face was messy and his mind and mind were scattered … .


Sitting on the square, the barren Supreme sighed, took the head, took out the subpoena Jade Talisman, and began to connect with Senior Brother.

After a while, he received some news, his face started, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he had reached a great hall in a building in the inner city …

This great hall was originally it’s empty. After being looted, it was occupied by the Wang Family of the 7 Gu Family, used to execute all influence, and as a temporary stop.

In the great hall, the crowd is full, various wine cases are arranged, and it is very lively.

Wang Family is currently Holy Son, the Powerhouse on the Supreme list, and Wang Long Sect Master holds the entire banquet.

At the same time, the forces of the Supreme Sect, the Ten Sects, the Pharma Temple and other 3 Dao Lineages have all gathered here.

“Yi !? Isn’t this the Fellow Daoist !?”

King Dragon Sect saw the appearance of the Wild Supreme, and he suddenly looked upset and said

“Xuanhuang Fellow Daoist didn’t come !?”

Upon hearing this, the Supreme Complexion changed wildly, lowering his head and shaking it a few times.

“Ha ha ha, I don’t think Xuanhuang Fellow Daoist dare to come !?”

This sentence sounded, and a sound of laughter suddenly sounded in the great hall.

Not because they dare to underestimate the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, but because of the presence of Chu Yan, all forces are vigilant to the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, a little Beautiful Tree In The Forest, a tempting atmosphere.

After all, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect had a Xuantian Empress before, and now another Chu Yan came out.

These two, if you must say that they are the strongest two genius in the past 2 years, I am afraid that no one in the whole world dares to say “No”.

However, why such a peerless genius comes to you 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect! ?

As for the news of Chu Yan’s announcement to withdraw from 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, these powerful gangsters are not smart, they just listen to it.

Savage Supreme just glanced at those people, didn’t say much at all, turned to a corner, and quietly drank his own wine.

This is not the first time that Cloud City has been opened, and Secret Realm, which has been opened for the longest time as a place of enquiry, has had so many forces and practitioners gathered before.

With the heel, you can think of what these people are for!

“Everyone, Noble Guest is here!”

At this moment, King Dragon Sect stood up and moved towards the temple door.

This time, the originally noisy great hall suddenly became quiet, everyone was complexion changed, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the door.

7 Gu Family Wang Family Holy Son, personally greet, who has such a big face! ?

With curiosity, when everyone looked towards the door, they saw a silhouette appear …

And the moment this silhouette appeared, all the bigwigs and powerhouses in the hall shrank together.

At this moment, the Dao Venerable area on the other side …

Although the place of question flashed deep in the Dao Venerable area, the news was not isolated.

So the fluctuations in the land of questioning also spread to the Dao Venerable area, but not at all caused too much reaction because of the special nature of the place of questioning.

Even because of the creation of Sect in the Dao Venerable area, the entire Dao Venerable area is quietly terrifying.

In a land of Secret Realm …

Heaven and Earth, the leader of the Dao Venerable area, is sitting directly in a void, and various seals are turning, ignoring the silhouettes in front of him.

These people, the cultivation base is not strong, they are God King Realm Peak, and the cultivation base of the middle-aged man is only Supreme Initial Stage.

“A few of you are ready to be the ambassadors. Now your chance to test you is here!”

After a long time, the palm opened eyes towards 4 people in front, opened the mouth and said

“Danger is definitely very dangerous. Although some methods are prepared for you, it is still very dangerous!”

“So, the task of this time is not demanding, I want to go, I don’t want to go …”

Speaking of which, the embassy stopped and looked at the four people, as if waiting for their position.

Four people across the eye twitched at the same time.

What is “want to go, don’t want to go …”, what does this “mah” mean! ?

The old fogey is so bad!

“I’m not going!”

“I don’t want to go!”

Two of them got up and opened their mouths to Heaven and Earth.

“Oh, yes! Have the courage! Well, leave without leaving!”

Heaven and Earth was not surprised, smiled at 2 people, waved them away, turned their heads again, and looked towards the remaining 2 people with a smile on their faces.

“Think of it! If you decide to go, but sincerely, I will give you one last chance to consider it!”

“Okay, think over! You didn’t disappoint me!”

Heaven and Earth’s face was full of relief, nodding his head at the two.

But the two people across the face were twitching.

You are too caught off guard! ?

Having said that, I can’t even catch my breath, so I can leave a gap ah!

“Master, rest assured, I will never humiliate!”

2 There are a lot of people in the heart. After looking at each other, they all accept the order.

They are different from the previous two. They don’t have innate talent and aptitude. They want Martial Dao to achieve something. They can only rely on Dao Venerable, so they can’t flinch.

“Very good! Actually, it’s not a difficult thing. I have something like this. You just ask the place and find Chu Yan and give it to him!”

With that said, Dao Venerable took a piece of Jade Talisman, and both hands forming seals went up with a seal. When the two people were about to pick it up, the palm gave a seal.

Only after 7 or 8 seals were made, were they handed over to 2 people, which caused the corners of the 2 people to pump sharply.

How distrustful they are! ?

However, when Dao Venerable commanded them to make the Heavenly Dao vow, they finally knew that they did not trust them.

Afterwards, the two picked up Jade Talisman and got up to go to the place of inquiry, leaving only Dao Venerable palms to sit there alone, looking up towards the void

“Son of Wu Celestial Emperor !? There is always some way !? When she arrives, it should be useful …”

After watching it for a long time, Dao Venerable shook the head, transformed into an illusory shadow, and slowly dissipated.

And on the other side, at this time the core of the cloud city, in the central valley …

The majestic imposing manner exploded, the waves of Heavenly Might rolled, and the reverse Divine flame of Chu Yan within the body suddenly rushed out, turning into a monstrous fire sea, 4 raging.

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