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Behind the princes of Pfazong, the silhouette that follows is the Immortal Ascension Sect, Shijue and other 9 domains Supreme.

Immortal Ascension Sect is a purple-haired middle-aged man. His eyes are like a knife. His breath is abrupt. His strong body gives me a sense of pressure.

The 9 domain Supreme of the Ten Peerless Sects is a woman who wears a blood red scarf to cover her face, giving a mysterious feeling.

2 people are all present on the Supreme list, the Heavenly Dao division of Pfazong, Ranked 3 1 in the Supreme list!

Venerable Lord of Immortal Ascension Sect, Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, Supreme ranked 20 5!

Ten Sect Master Sect Master, Hong Yan Supreme, ranked 9 1!

These three, almost all are Divine Realm continent, and the overlord of Dangdang exists.

“Oh my god, didn’t expect …”

“This … 3 Venerable Lords are here !?”

“Ten 3 Dao Lineage came to 3 Sect Masters all at once!”


The cultivators present were all in shock and couldn’t believe it.

You know, this is Divine Realm continent Sect Master level existence of Dao Lineage. I can’t even see it at this time, and this time it came to the third place.

Such a big movement, there was no news at all.

“This time, no drama!”

Some cultivators reacted and started Divine Consciousness sound transmission, while some cultivators said to the forces present

“You all see these three clearly, remember, you can’t provoke, if you encounter, let go, otherwise the consequences … hmph!”

The forces of the Top 100 Ancient Race are more than 3 Dao Lineage, except for top 10, there is no other qualification to touch it, so you can only caution Clansman.

“The first true teacher of the Pharaoh Sect, Hui Heavenly Dao, his willpower is said to be the strongest in the world! 10000000 Don’t fight it!”

“Yes, I heard that when he shot before, he didn’t even need True Qi, he could just let his opponent surrender in one sentence!”

“too terrifying!”

“There is also the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, a Venerable Lord of the battle strength strongest in the history of Immortal Ascension Sect. The shot is a kill! There is no live mouth under his hand!”

“God ah! What about this flamboyant Venerable Lord, looking pretty, not so cruel !?”

“She !? Ha ha …”

Knowing her cultivator, she smiled suddenly, a very strange smile.

“She’s not brutal, but the means is outrageous, good at Illusion Technique, anyway, the male practitioners who died under his hands are all as good as life! I won’t go into details …”

Hearing these thoughts, I thought about them all, and suddenly my cold hair fell and my scalp became numb.

Sure enough, none of these 3 Dao Lineage’s Venerable Lords are irritating.

“Ha ha ha, 3 Seniors are in person, excuse me for not going out to meet you ah!”

Wang Dragon Sect’s laughter sounded, and led a large group of Elder from 7 Gu Family Wang Family, and greeted them quickly.

Although the 7 Gu Family have been closed for many years, they rarely appear in the outside world, and they are all proud and look down on the outside Sect forces.

But after all, this is Divine Realm continent, the existence of the Venerable Lord of the 3 Dao Lineage forces, which he certainly did not dare to despise.

“Yi!? That is …”

Suddenly, someone noticed that Wang Dragon Sect followed a woman in Tsing Yi, who seemed extremely familiar.

“Yeah, she is the Saintess ah of the Guo family! Supreme ranks 20th in existence!”

Someone suddenly exclaimed, and all the people present were shocked, sucking in a breath of cold air.

The contemporary Saintess of the Guo family, the existence of another Supreme list.

“Good! Good, this time is much more lively!”

In the distance to the sky, the Sect Lord star mark of Ancient Sect, with the Supreme and the others, also flew over and opened the mouth and said loudly

“Everyone, be polite! I’m welcome!”

While speaking, he took everyone directly into the Great Family of Wang Family, and it seemed that he didn’t mean to say hello to the Supreme guys one by one.

“Blood Heaven Ancient Sect, Peerless Sect!”

Seeing a wave of people entering the Wang Family great hall, the monks on the square were all amazed.

This time, powerhouse is more and more!

“These people all come to deal with Chu Yan !?”

After a group of gangsters entered the Wang Family great hall, after the VIP seats were seated, the monks in the hall looked at these giants with a chill.

It seems that this world’s forces are really interested in Chu Yan. Of course, strictly speaking is interested in Chu Yan’s cards and secrets.

It has even come to the point that the Venerable Lord, who wants various sects, to personally shoot, is obviously inevitable.


Supreme Supreme sat in the corner, his face suddenly dark.

He simply imagined that the situation would become like this.

It can be said that there is no worse situation than it is now, which is equivalent to not giving Chu Yan any way of life at all.

If you think about it, there have been 5 battle strength powerhouses on the Supreme list and 4 Sect Master levels. Other forces seeing this situation will only be more excited and excited and invest more power.

This is like a battle strength competition. For a Chu Yan, no matter how much power is invested in the competition, other forces will only increase their investment.

In this cycle, what will happen to the cloud city in the end! ?

“Ha ha ha, Old Guys have come a lot …”

Just when the Supreme face was azure, suddenly a loud laughter sounded outside the door, making him scalp all over his body, and suddenly turned his head to look.

I saw that a handsome young man stepped in, followed by a group of Supreme.

“Feng Xuantian !?”

With this glance, the wild Supreme almost stood up in shock.

It’s not that the cultivation base breakthrough of the top ten peerless has reached 9 domain Supreme, but because the middle-aged man of the golden silk robe followed by him is the master of Tianxuan Earth Palace, Feng He day!

Today, World’s First momentum, the owner of Tianxuan Earth Palace, Feng Hetian…. Come in person! ,

“Feng Hetian !? Tianxuan Earth Palace, this is about to intervene !?”

The Jade Tiger Venerable Lord looked at the door, and the Supreme of Earth Xuan Earth Palace suddenly lightened in his eyes.

Tianxuan Earth Palace until now, in Divine Realm continent has never participated in any wars, almost all are engaged in handicap activities.

Therefore, for the appearance of Tianxuan Earth Palace at this time, not only the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, but all the big brothers present were extremely surprised.

“Oh … Don’t talk nonsense kittens!” The smile on Feng Hetian’s face was extremely … cheap.

This sentence was exported. Jade Tiger Venerable Lord complexion changed. Qi almost backed his back. He was about to draw his backhand and was suddenly pulled by the disciples around him.

kitten! ?

There are really few people who dare to call the Emperor Asension Sect’s Jade Deficiency Venerable Lord.

However, no matter how angry, it is impossible to fight here, not to mention, not at all.

“Everyone, don’t be too excited. It’s not that I look down on this kitten, but …

Feng Hetian said in a word, and suddenly the audience was quiet, everyone shua shua looked towards him simultaneously, all waiting for him to say the purpose of the trip.

However, when the next word was sealed, the entire great hall almost exploded.

“It’s …. I look down on everyone here!”

The smile on Feng Hetian’s face was still so cheap, whoever wanted to beat him.

After the momentary silence of the audience, everyone roared and roared and stood up.

“Oh, not convinced !? How about a bet !?”

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