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All the people present were bigwigs, giants, and any one who appeared stomping, the entire Divine Realm continent would tremble.

So, Star Mark, Holy Heaven Supreme, Sun Yuxiao, Yuhu Venerable Lord, Tianhui Taoist Master, Hongyan Supreme and so on, all came for Chu Yan. Now when I hear such news, it is equivalent to adding one to the fire. Put the oil, that’s really good.

Liu Liang in the ancient tomb and Wu Yu in the Dao clan are all flashing their eyes.

And Pan Tianxing, who was standing alone outside the crowd, had a sneer on his face, it seemed … Interesting!

“Not bad! Not bad! This Chu Yan, I like it more and more, definitely a personal talent!”

Feng Hetian drank small tea and saw the reaction of the audience, constantly nodded his approval.

The Heaven Sealing Xuan standing next to him was chuckling. He knew that father would probably intervene.

“Everyone, I can only say one thing at the end, about the final chance, 2 things about Dao Lord Realm inheritance!”

gray robe In the middle of the row, the middle one spoke.

Hearing this, even the angry gangster stopped, looking towards gray robe.

“Daoist inheritance is the last chance, so it has not been opened yet.”

“There are 2 inheritances, one in the extreme south and one in the extreme north, with quasi-pathology, Taoism, law of asking, Dao Lord Realm secret skill and so on.”

“Including Soul Jade, 7 pieces and 20 3 each!”

“Like the previous rules, whoever takes this soul Soul Jade, who is the inheritance of the master!”

Speaking of which, gray robe stopped for a moment before continuing

“Only when all soul Soul Jade is infused with True Qi at the same time can the Secret Realm be opened and lead to the inheritance of the master!”

After he finished speaking, gray robe’s palm frowned tightly, his face suffocated with purple azure, and he kept opening his mouth, but closed it quickly.

This expression of resignation made all the big guys present were all tightly Divine Soul.

“Okay! I can only tell you about the news of the 2 guys, they are all in the South Realm Secret Realm!”

At the exit of this sentence, a row of gray robe’s palm expressions relaxed at the same time, and even a smile appeared.

Cool ah!

This time it was out of luck!

Otherwise, they can suffocate to death.

“South side !? Go!”

“Good opportunity! This time, Chu Yan must be a little life!”

“There is nothing wrong with what the boss said, everyone follow me, everything Chu Chu, we share equally!”

“All these people act together, don’t know what the blessing is, let’s take a look first!”


Regardless of the Franco-Palmong, Immortal Ascension Sect, Ten Jue Sect and other 3 Dao Lineage, or the Top 100 Ancient Race, 7 Gu Family and other forces, they suddenly released a monstrous imposing manner, all moved towards the south like a crowd.

Wherever I go, the dark clouds are empty!

When this wave of gangsters left, there were more than a dozen silhouettes at the scene soaring to the north.

These people are certainly not ordinary cultivators, but they plan to go to the north to get the inheritance, and then come back to the south to find Chu Yan.

According to their estimates, the inheritance of the master of Soul Jade, 7 spirits, is most likely the north.

This is a kind of gambling. If they win, they can get an inheritance of Dao Lord Realm, and at the same time they can see the scene of Chu Yan’s loss.

Soon, gray robe took control of the scene, people went to the field, a very quiet.

Time passes, and in a flash, it is 2 hours …

In the very south region, a towering palace stands, releasing a mighty might, swallowing 10,000 li like a sea.

At this time, before the palace, Chu Yan was sitting cross-legged and recovering from cultivation.

The experience of this time is really a bit of a joy. With Yue Linglong’s body of the Great Spirit God, looking for those opportunities and inheritance, it is like playing, and even a detour will not be wrong.

And I don’t know why, this time the chance and inheritance of Yunzhong City seems to be much more than the previous few times, and I can’t pick it up.

Such a good thing is really rare.

It took two and a half days to collect all the things from east to west. At this final place, the interest rate adjustment began to resume.

Not to mention, without Yue Linglong, Chu Yan himself used Qilin’s pupil, I am afraid I can receive at most 30% of it.

Therefore, Chu Yan added everything 2 as 5 and directly shared it with Yue Linglong. Both of them were merging in fast refining, trying to improve the cultivation base.

“Huh ?! So fast …”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong sensed at the same time and looked up towards the northern sky.

I saw a young man above the sky, a young man with a long sword and a cold face, it was … Pan Tianxing!

Buzz …!

Almost at the same time that Pan Tianxing was sensed, Clear Sky Sword began to tremble, and Sword Qi skyrocketed uncontrollably.

When Pan Tianxing fell in front of Chu Yan, Chu Yan could only pull out the Clear Sky Sword and hold it in his hand, otherwise, Clear Sky Sword would rush straight up.

“Chu …”

Pan Tianxing looked up and down at Chu Yan, and glanced at Yue Linglong again, just about to start. Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from Skyrim.

“Good Chu Yan, this time you are dead!”

In the next breath, a large silhouette of star marks, Holy Heaven Supreme, Sun Yuxiao and other appeared, like a wave of tide, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“He is Chu Yan !?”

Yuhu Venerable Lord, Tianhui Daoist, Hongyan Supreme 3 people landed on the ground, and looked at Chu Yan once more, then looked at Yue Linglong again, before turning their eyes to Chu Yan.

Of these 3 people, the first 2 are murderous aura like a knife, while the red Yan Supreme is full of smiles, nondded, and even heavy breathing, pulling the bloody veil in half, revealing the white like snow skin.

Then came the Gu Family, the Top 7 Ancient Race, and the Holy Son Dao Child of various sects. At a glance, the black pressure was all Supreme.

At this moment, Chu Yan discovered that the number of Supreme on the Divine Realm continent was really quite a lot.

“Heaven Sealing Xuan !?”

Chu Yan glanced at it and saw an acquaintance standing in the silhouette at the end, suddenly startled.

didn’t expect Heaven Sealing Xuan also came, and the man in front of him would not be …

No matter what Chu Yan thinks and guesses, there is only one point anyway. There are only one or two people who can stand in front of Heaven Sealing Xuan under this universal world.

And the identity of these 2 people is a good guess.

Such a speculation is worthy of Chu Yan, this piece of Divine Realm continent’s ultra-luxury lineup.

ka cha…!

The huge palace made a sound of a burst, closing the palace door for many years and slowly opening it …

At this critical and tense time, the Dao Lord Realm inheritance palace was finally opened!

Of course, time doesn’t matter too much. After all, the entire Yunzhong City is controlled by the boss.

Therefore, when a group of Supreme gangsters stood in front of Chu Yan, a row of gray robe bosses all hooked on the corners of their mouths, and at the same time, the cast opened the inheritance palace of the master.

Such an opportunity is a good opportunity to find back.

“Chu Yan, on behalf of the Liu family, I am ready to help you achieve Dao Lord Realm! Of course, there are Wang Family, Guo family …”

Liu Liang in the ancient tomb suddenly a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, making Chu Yan ignorant at the time.

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