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Before Pan Tianxing came, I heard that Chu Yan cultivation is not an ordinary Martial Dao, nor is it a way of asking, but a very rare way of heaven defying.

This kind of cultivation is basically ten deaths without life. Even if one or two cultivation comes out, it is often because it is too amazing, and it is often suppressed.

Basically, the way of cultivation heaven defying, regardless of success or failure, the end result will not be too good.

This requires that practitioners must be the highest in terms of innate talent, aptitude, temperament and will, and even opportunities and luck in order to be successful.

“I really want to compare with him!”

Pan Tianxing became more and more excited when he looked at him, his eyes flashing constantly.

Martial arts cultivators like him are not uncommon. As long as they see powerful opponents, especially those who have cultivated the same Sword Dao as themselves, they want to fight life and death and divide a strong and weak. .

This is what people often say, Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second.

Most people think that Pan Tianxing is Sword Dao, but only he knows that he is a sword Dual Cultivation, and at the same time cultivate Sword Dao and life and death.

Sword Dao is common, but life and death is extremely rare. Cultivation to the end is breakthrough life and death, which is eternal.

This kind of legend is extremely prosperous in Great Ancient Era, but the road of cultivation because of the success of unmanned cultivation has almost disappeared in the Antiquity era.

However, after Pan Tianxing came to a fortuitous encounter, he had a breakthrough understanding of life and death.

So after so many years, whether Pan Tianxing is looking for Life and Death Battle, the Holy Son Dao Child and so on of Great Influence has fought countless times and gradually lost interest.

After all, none of these people can touch his life and death.

Now, Chu Yan has become one of his few choices.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, my door is 10000 brilliant, it is your best choice!” Tianhui Taoist’s counterattack on Chu Yan, without any accident, but a smile on his face.

“10000 looks like one!”

With both hands together, Tianhui Taoist took another shot, and the dazzling golden Taoyin rose into the sky, as a round of great sun released 10000 Daoyang.

Here the pure Gang and pure Yang Dao Yin, under the display, 10000 things are gone, to the magic breath cultivation technique Martial Dao, which has a strong suppression effect.

From Tianhui Taoist’s point of view, Chu Yan’s ability to enter the polar region of the cloud in advance is definitely a powerful magical skill.

After exerting this Tao Yin, after suppressing Chu Yan’s magic skills, his cultivation base will definitely be greatly reduced.

Because, an ordinary genius cultivator can have such a strong battle strength, not by virtue of magic power! ?

All the big brothers, seeing this scene, are all startled. They just feel that there is a Dao chant between Heaven and Earth, just like the arrival of countless Vajra, holding Demon Subduing Pestle to suppress the 10000 world devil.

“Roll to Heaven and Earth, the law is inviolable!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like fire, his body shone, the long robe was hunting, and the sound of Dragon-Tiger roared.

The road is horizontal and empty, and a large amount of road light is suddenly burst out. Various natural phenomena have evolved between Heaven and Earth, which have become Beast Tide, the tide of soldiers, the spirit tide, and the three tides, such as magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Transit, rushed to the pure Yang Dao Gang that came over.

Boom … Rumble!

Heaven and Earth storms, those who passed by, those pure Yang Daogang have broken apart.

However, after the three tides merged in transit, those broken pure gang suns were fused together again and reunited.

It looks like Chu Yan broke before, but it’s just a phantom that’s all.

“It’s just easy to break! The principle of the avenue changes from 1000 to 10000 illusions. People have impermanence and the way of impermanence. The Yin-Yang blend is the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Hope Chu Yan Fellow Daoist can understand that my way of law The door is the door to all beings, the way to the sky! “

Tianhui Taoist Master said that he sat cross-legged and began to recite the Taoist script. Under murmur, a large piece of Daohui was born from within the body of him, and the Taoist Heavenly Venerate was evolved behind him.

The Yuanshi Wuji’s sage thoughts, like Tianhui Taoist masters, sang and chanted, so that the original Sanskrit Sanskrit between Heaven and Earth became instantly grand.

After the break, Heaven and Earth followed the earthquake, and the 10000 method followed …

“Yuan Shi Sheng Fa Fa !?”

Chu Yan suddenly brows slightly wrinkle, didn’t expect this Tianhui Taoist, actually cultivated Taoism to this level.

As the saying goes, the cultivation technique of the world enters the Daomen, strictly speaking, all the methods of asking the Dao, the magical powers of Dao, are derived from the Taoist method.

Therefore, logically speaking, every cultivator has the heart of Taoism.

And this “Yuanshi Shengzun Faxiang” is the true state of self-comprehension, which can easily force the Daoist mind within the body, and artificially create an extremely large Taoist virtual realm, allowing the practitioner within the body’s Dao. The heart is ten times, the skyrocketed 100 times.

The cultivator with a slightly worse will and temperament, in such a field, could not kneel on the spot to worship the Lord Yuanshi, and entered the door.

Therefore, all the practitioners present have seen that the Tianhui Taoist Master wanted to take Chu Yan from beginning to end and join the Pfazong.

After all, Chu Yan had announced to the world when he was 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, that he had left Sect, and now he is equivalent to Loose Cultivator status.

Since it is Loose Cultivator, any Sect forces can be included, the more important thing is …

As long as Chu Yan is included in Sect and becomes a fan of Taoism after brainwashing, then all of his will be dedicated.

At this time, the practitioners of all around gradually reacted, and looked towards the eyes of Tianhui Taoist Master with a faint smile, which was not so friendly.

What a Taoist teacher, you simply want to get rid of it!

Who does n’t know that 90% 9 of this time ’s luxurious operations are directed against Chu Yan.

But now, when everyone is fighting for Soul Jade, this Tianhui has already included Chu Yan.

There is no doubt at all. After he succeeds, he will get all the cards and secrets of Chu Yan. I am afraid that he will not share it with everyone at all.

At this moment, all the big brothers present couldn’t sit still, and were about to turn around to intervene, suddenly, the mutation suddenly took place.

“Want to cross me !? Really when I am Loose Cultivator !? Did you forget who I am !?”

Chu Yan shook his head with a sneer, the azure light 4 overflowed in his eyes, and the powerful battle power on his body began to skyrocket.


There was a sound of void burst, and the vigorous azure light finally broke out.

Between Heaven and Earth, a towering body like a mountain shatters the void and crosses Heaven and Earth.

In an instant, the void is as dark as possible, and all the Daoyin Sanskrit singing is attributed to death, the Daoguang annihilates, and the void trembles.

“Trifling Taoist skills, also with people !?”

In an instant, the roar of Green God War God resounded through Heaven and Earth.

The flood-like coercion swept through, and even the Dao Lord Realm palace was directly suppressed by the horror will.

The Divine Weapon, which was still flying at 4 places, fell from the sky like dumplings, and all the will of the Dao Lord Realm attached to it went out like a candle.

“All … God’s 5th person !?”

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