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zi zi’s voice sounded like a long river, merged into a sea, merged into the sea, densely packed, layer upon layer, making the scalp numb.

Star marks, Holy Heaven Supreme, Sun Yuxiao and the others’ hearts are all surging in cold, and the sense of crisis in the heart is exploding, and all of them quickly retreat.

The number of soul-eating ants is really too much!

This simply is not a problem of battle strength and Taoism. Soul-eating ants like the sea tide come in, fearing it is barren.

No one expected that there would be so many soul-eating ants in this place.

All the big guys present are complexion greatly changed.

Including Tianhui Taoist on the Supreme list, Hongyan Supreme and Pan Tianxing, etc., are all dull.

“Soul Eater !?”

Only Chu Yan’s eyes flashed a bright light, and a happy look appeared.

A dark cloud-like ant tide rolls along the horizon, swells like an extreme tide, but is dotted with embellishments. Under the sensation of acupuncture bones, the Divine Soul makes people tremble.

Looking along the direction of the ant tide, you can see 2 incomparable gigantic altars, which stand like black mountain peaks.

It was on the tops of the two black mountain peaks that a large swarm of ants rose like black smoke. From a distance, it looked like two lighted fire towers that were ignited. The ant tide was turbulent.

In less than a moment, the sky was dark, like the night, and the light was all blocked by the cloud-like ant tide.

“His … zi zi … hiss!”

It seems that I finally saw this piece of silhouette. All the soul-eating ants in the sky screamed, and a pair of ants were all red, and they rushed down together.

At this moment, it was like a densely packed sword halberd dropping from the sky, shooting straight down, and like a black rainstorm, pouring down.

This is not 100, 1000, but innumerable … Just like a tide, it is not human power to resist.

“I rely on …”

Sun Yuxiao was so shocked that he uttered a swearing directly, and his entire face was black.

Who special said just now that there is no killing face in this master ruin! ?

What are these! ?

The key is that even if you have a murderous intention, these murderous intentions are so terrible, simply not that you can resist it with great strength.

This is a dead end!

Among the other relics and Forbidden Land, at least they can still fight, resist, or use the life-saving method to escape, but now this situation, I am afraid there is no chance of even a backhand.

“Haha, so many cute!”

Yue Linglong beside Chu Yan was also surprised. He directly took out a few heavenly materials earthly treasures and shook it.

“Come and eat!”

That expression looks like feeding Little White rabbit.

This scene appeared, all around the cult masters, their faces twitched together.

You call these “little cute”! ?

For them, this is a catastrophe, but for Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, it is a great opportunity.

If it is not the time for these “little cutie” to appear, all Supreme gangsters will shoot at the two of them, which is almost a deadly situation.

And now, the opportunity is coming!

At this time, Sun Yuxiao, who had a dark face on the other side, was suddenly in ones heart trembled, as if a current flashed, leaving him with a shivered body, turning his head towards towards the right.

In the mountain peak of the huge altar, a faint bloodline aura overflowed, flooding Heaven and Earth.

And this bloodline aura, he is very familiar, almost familiar with bone blood.

Because, this is the Sun Family bloodline aura of the 7 Gu Family, exactly the same as him!

“This is … Sun Family Antiquity Master !?” Sun Yuxiao was stunned.

He can feel it, very clear …

“Azure Dragon Martial Soul!”

Chu Yan was in the void and waved his hand to summon out Azure Dragon Martial Soul.

Azure Dragon Martial Soul is the scaled Beast God, which is exactly the restraint of the ant Monster Beast. Although Azure Dragon Martial Soul is lower in the Divine Realm continent and other orders, it is enough to deal with this low-priced Monster Beast.

Yue Linglong stood behind Chu Yan and urged the Three Talent Array to cover the entire 100 steps.

Although the emergence of this soul-eating ant temporarily resolved the crisis of the two of them, they must also take good care of themselves and kill a bloody path from this tide.


As of today, the Supremes present are all pushing the cards together, so they dare not neglect them.

“Don’t let Chu Yan escape!”

Star mark shouted loudly, running the power of Supreme all over the body, bursting out a mighty might.

In an instant, all directions in all four directions exploded in all kinds of explosions. Under the sky, the whole sky was shaken.

While Chu Yan bombards the soul-eating ants, he pays attention to the Supreme with star marks. As long as someone approaches, he will immediately take Yue Linglong away.

The situation is dangerous now, neither the soul-eating ants nor the Supremes can fall into it, otherwise it will be difficult to escape.

Xingchen they saw Chu Yan so careful, all of them were so angry with hatred, now there is no possibility of sneak attack.

However, even if Chu Yan kept evading, they did not give up, followed closely, waiting for an opportunity to shoot.

Therefore, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong are more careful …

This battle of heaven shaking earth shattering lasted a full hour. Most of the 9 domains of Supreme present were surrounded by the tide of soul-eating ants.

However, they are frantically advancing towards the two mountain peak altars, which are already very close.

They are all savvy people, and of course they know that only two mountain peak altars are needed to solve this crisis.

At this time, the Supremes of the 9 domains are united, and various Arrays, cards, and Taoist techniques are displayed, blocking the all-ant ant tide, and rushing to the two altars at the same time.

Chu Yan has been watching from a distance, always paying attention to their movements.

If there is no accident, among these 2 altars are 2 Inheritance Land of Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, and even Burial Ground.

The whole body is covered with the inverse Divine flame. Chu Yan cuts out the 10000 sword glow with the long sword in his hand. Together with Yue Linglong ’s Three Talent Array, it slashes all the soul-eating ants that hit the Three Talent Array.

After a long time, Chu Yan raised his hand and punched a big hole in the mountain peak altar halfway up the mountain.

Powerful force poured out of the cave, enveloped them, and swallowed in instantly.

Star marks and the others saw, all together crazy, moved towards the big hole.

“Chu Yan, you are clever and did not enter the Sun Family Altar!”

Sun Yuxiao saw that Chu Yan was involved in the silhouette of another altar with the corner of his mouth said with a sneer.

“However, when I get the inheritance of my Sun Family Senior, you will definitely die!”

Unlike other people, Sun Yuxiao all around, only half of the soul-eating ants are attacking, and the other half is as blind to him, which makes his pressure more than twice that of others.

And he soon entered another altar.

On the other side, Chu Yan appeared in a vast void world after being drawn into the altar mountain peak.

Here the stars are hanging, the sky is like blood, the stars of various colors are scattered, the aura is thick, like smoke and dust, and only a huge shadow can be seen from a distance, like a mountain range.

This should be the little World of Dao Lord Realm powerhouse!

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