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Although these 3 people are not on the Supreme list, they can enter the film Inheritance Land, impossible is a weak hand.

Even if it is Yuxu Venerable Lord, Hongyan Supreme, Tianhui Taoist 3 people are here, facing 3 people join hands, I am afraid to be careful.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed through the flames of war.

The next moment, the monstrous inverse Divine flame gushes out, pulling a frenzy, moved towards 3 people swept away.

“Hmph! Trifling …”

Three Supreme Peaks saw Chu Yan performing the Fire Element technique and were immediately sneaked.

They are three Supreme Peaks, but they are not Supreme Initial Stage cultivators. What use can such a method have.

I saw 3 figures who didn’t even hide, raised their hands to punch, split their palms, and shook the fire of assaults the senses.

Now, there is a hint of thought in their three people. As long as their three people show a mighty might, this Chu Yan might commit a crime and hand over resources.

However, at the next breath they saw that the silhouette in the fire sea disappeared suddenly.

When their three people hurriedly turned their heads to search for 4 times, they found that the black robe silhouette had reached above their heads. Raising their hands was a punch, and moved towards 3 people suppressed.

This fist, like the dragon of the angry dragon and the god of Heaven and Earth, looks down on all living ants and stamps out.


3 The faces of all people have changed greatly, and they didn’t expect, among Chu Yan’s battle strength, they already have the tendency of Heaven and Earth.

“10000 come as empty, 9 ghosts, get together and come true …”

The middle-aged man’s long spear is like a Flood Dragon in his hand.

In an instant, in his void, countless Spirit Mark symbols flashed and condensed into a burst.

The woman on one side turned her hand to take out a compass, and her jade fingers tapped, each time it would bring up a 8 Gua Spirit Seal, and it took 8 full steps to vacate, circling in the void.

The void boils like a tide, Heaven and Earth cracks, and the gap is riddled.

3 people are all using the strongest method of asking, and the consequences of this move collision are unimaginable.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place.

I saw that Chu Yan’s fist and gang had exploded and turned into Eighteen black shadow, shooting 4 directions, and instantly evolved Eighteen black robe Avatar, sitting in the sky and sitting like a ten or eight old monks. , Began to chant …

All kinds of Sanskrit sounds appeared like a tide, and turned into an invisible force in the sky, rolling violently.

“This … this is the Soul Formation of Pfazong !?”

“And … Photo .. Sorcery!”

Eyes are almost flying out on the faces of the 3 people. These two Taoist skills are the fame of Tianhui Taoist Master and Hongyan Supreme.

But now, even in the hands of this Chu Yan! ?

Moreover, the twins and twins of this move obviously merge 2 moves together, and formidable power is more than doubled!

What a joke! ?

This is the fabulous stunt of the two Supreme list giants, you not only learn from it, but also merge them into one trick! ?

This kind of Taoism is all Divine Realm continent cream of the crop, is it so well integrated? ?

This time, the 3 Supreme Peak is really a bit surprised.

It seems to understand a little bit, why this Chu Yan was jointly hunted down by all forces in the world, but lived well.

“Hold on to Divine Soul, don’t let … what !?”

The middle-aged man shouted halfway. Before he finished roaring, his eyes glared at Boss instantly, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because he saw that the Eighteen black robe silhouette sitting on the plate actually showed Divine Soul attack while raising his hands at the same time, and moved towards 3 people with a punch!

One punch per person, that is ten 8 punches!

“100 steps!”

The monstrous Gang Wei strikes, all 4 directions are all, there is no way to hide, no way to avoid.

“7 Gu Family, grandson … Sun Family’s battle skill !?”

Middle-aged man glanced at it, almost crazy, what is the situation! ?

Not to mention Chu Yan not only stole the Tianhui Taoist, the famous Divine Soul Taoism of Hongyan Supreme, but also merged, and now she is exhibiting the battle skills of the 7 Gu Family Sun Family towns …

However, this Divine Soul attack and the battle skill are performed at the same time, simply is the existence of anti-cultivation, absolutely impossible.

You know, Divine Soul attacking Taoism is talking about the whole body Divine Consciousness, the will, all concentrated together, showing the strength of the show, specializing in Divine Soul Taoism, in that case, impossible and then distracting martial skill, otherwise Divine Soul’s attack will dissipate instantly.

Divine Soul’s technique is to focus on concentration and focus on the central god to be effective.

“This … this is impossible!”

The three Supreme Peaks are going crazy, shocked and unbelievable.

This Chu Yan … is still human! ?

In the next moment, a strong sense of crisis and lifelessness rise in the hearts of three people, making the three people’s faces pale and ice-like.

“The avenue spear is decided!”

“10000 Battles to the Emperor!”

“Nine Revolutions!”

Three Supreme Peaks roared in unison, and at the same time exhibited strongest Taoism, blasting into all directions in 3 directions.

At the same time, the large divine light rushed out of 3 people within the body, but it was a piece of Daobao, connected together and blocked all around, just like a big shield composed of Daobao.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All kinds of gas exploded, heaven falls and earth rends, sun and moon lost their colors, and the whole heaven and earth were shaking.

This battle is almost a Peak duel between the two sides, just like the battle between Supreme powerhouse, 1st move tentative, 2nd move decides life and death, the battle is extremely simple and rude.

The turbulent flow disperses, 3 Supreme Peaks have bloodstained all over the body, bloodshot eyes in both eyes, scalp burst, the whole body is extremely embarrassed.

“Quick withdrawal!”

Without any hesitation, the middle-aged man hurriedly sipped and was ready to perform the technique of shifting.

However, before he pulled out Jade Talisman, Chu Yan on the opposite side had moved.

“Want to go !?” Chu Yan sneered.

Although these three people can hardly escape if they try hard to escape, after all, the trick that Chu Yan just played was a bit expensive.

However, no matter how impossible they were, they left so peacefully.


Suddenly, as soon as Chu Yan was ready to shoot, he felt a distant light flashing out of the sky, a silhouette flashing in the light and shadow.

“Chu Yan, you are very good!”

The voice sounded, a followed by a, two silhouettes appeared above the void, all staring at Chu Yan coldly.

These two people, Chu Yan had met before in the palace of the Lord of Dao, they are … the Dao family.

2 people are all in a suit, with a long blade, just like twin, the aura is very powerful.

It’s just that anyone can feel a clearly extremely murderous aura from their powerful aura.

“The Dao Clan, Dao Child overtakes !?”

On the faces of the 3 Supreme Peaks, there was also a burst of joy.

How did they didn’t expect? Just when they lost the whole situation and were about to escape, there would be such a surprise.

Of course, the relationship between the Yandao clan and Chu Yan is clear.

“Fellow Daoist Ba Xia, this Chu Yan battle strength out of the ordinary, I will join forces, when the time comes all the resources on him, we are flat …”

Middle-aged Supreme hastened to sound transmission.

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