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Now, as long as you want to grab the core inheritance of the master, all are enemies, and there is no such thing as an alliance.

Of course, the powerhouse between the Sects still maintains the most basic joint state, but it is really hard to say when it is time to grab the final ownership.

Pan Tianxing turned his head and glanced, seemingly ignoring all this, but looked towards another position.

Not far away, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong stood there, also looking around towards the sky.

I saw that in the void of Heaven and Earth, there were faint ripples in the void, as if numerous water splashes appeared in the sky, constantly rippling and spreading to all around all directions.

“Heaven and Earth mutation !?”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong startled at the same time and looked at each other.

The two of them are very familiar with this mutation, like the aura and feeling of various mutations caused by green lotus.

The next moment, another huge aura, suddenly appeared above the sky.

At the same time, a thunderbolt-like roar directly exploded, echoing the void.

“I’m relying on it! Who’s making trouble, don’t you know that the owner of the palace is refining !?”

When the sound started, a group of silhouettes suddenly appeared in the ripples in the sky, and it was a group of people in Tianxuan Earth Palace.

The nature headed is Feng Hetian, Heaven Sealing Xuan!

It’s only a few days that I haven’t seen it. Heaven Sealing’s cultivation base aura has made great progress, and it has actually broken through into the Supreme Great Accomplishment environment.

“Yi!? This is … ha ha ha, get rich!”

The moment when Feng Hetian and the others appeared, his face was angered first, and then he glanced at it, instantly ecstatic.

shua shua uh …!

Without waiting for them to finish their excitement, various silhouettes appeared in the other void ripples all around.

“En !?”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong both browse slightly wrinkle at the same time, because they see the silhouettes that each and everyone are familiar with constantly appearing.

A group of people such as Ancient Sect Star Marks, Supreme Heaven Sect Supreme, etc. are also among them.

“This is … the master’s core inheritance !?”

As soon as these people appeared, like Feng Hetian, they were shocked and ecstatic.

In the next moment, when the star marks and Holy Heaven Supreme saw Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, the smiles on the faces of the two people became more intense.

“Chu Yan, Chu Yan, this is the way to kill you! Prepare to die!”

Under Xingchen’s giggling laugh, his face flushed red, and he was so excited that he couldn’t speak for a few days, and finally let them find it.

the past few days, he and Holy Heaven Supreme were constantly searching throughout the place of questioning, and even missed a lot of inheritance, just to find Chu Yan.

However, the more anxious to find, but could not find any relics at all, and even their secret tracking skills could not be used, leaving Star Mark and Shengtian a bit desperate.

Chu Yan’s evil spirit level and battle strength, they know it, and they spend all day in search and worry, it is completely suffering.

Because they were afraid that Chu Yan would find a strong inheritance in the Inheritance Land, and the cultivation base would skyrocket. At that time, it would be more difficult to deal with Chu Yan than Heavenly Ascension.

But now, there is no end in sight, so that they appear directly in front of Chu Yan, and all around there are so many forces and big brothers can unite.

In this way, it is absolutely better than ever before to form a perfect game against Chu Yan.

This of course made them extremely excited.

“Linglong, wait and lead them directly to the black stone side of the altar …” Chu Yan sound transmission said.

“Well, good!” Yue Linglong beautiful eyes shone, nodded responded.

Including Chu Yan, Yue Linglong and Pan Tianxing, no one knows that a big storm is gathering.


When the smile on Xinghen ’s face turned into a grin, a scream was made, and when the order came out, within the body True Qi broke out, and the strength of the domain like a torrent flooded away, hiding the sky and covering the earth ’s cover towards Chu Yan 3 people.

Chu Yan glanced at it, while the body True Qi was also running, asking the method of simultaneously moving, the strength of Domain sky shattered instantaneously, turning into an endless wave of frenzy.

Star mark, Holy Heaven Supreme and the others, face all changed.

“Who … who …”

In the distance, Feng Hetian saw the star mark, and immediately raised his finger with contempt, pointing at him, and kept pointing his finger

“You dignified a blood god Sect Lord, with more than a dozen Supreme Peaks, besieging a Great Accomplishment environment, do you want a face !?”

This remark exit, suddenly let the Holy Heaven Supreme who just had a shot, stagnation, almost fell.

His face flushed red when he got up, his face embarrassed.

This is Feng Hetian, and if it is replaced with other practitioners, whether it is the Supreme Heaven or the Sect Lord, it will not be reasonable.

But this Feng Ye, on the surface, but hung World’s First forces, the Palace Master of the Earth Xuan Earth Palace, theoretically equivalent to the Number One Person in the sky!

In any World, such existence almost has a special function, that is referee!

With the ability to make rules and guide the direction of World, there is naturally a special prestige for that kind of ruling.

Therefore, when Feng Hetian sneered, and Star Mark and Holy Heaven Supreme knew that their behavior was somewhat to have no shame, they were a little bit embarrassed.

After all, in this Divine Realm continent, they are all people with heads and faces. In the face of the world’s heroes, they are beaten and somewhat can’t get through.

“Feng Hetian! Do you want to fight against our blood heaven Ancient Sect and Jue Tianzong !?”

Xing Hen and Sheng Tian Supreme couldn’t get rid of their faces, and all the green muscles burst up, shouting at Heaven Sealing Xuan.

This kind of words didn’t have any formidable power for Feng Hetian, especially the star mark. Not long ago, Tianxuan Earth Palace destroyed him, and he didn’t have any qualification to speak.

However, the only thing is that this pedigree is still qualified for somewhat.

“Senior, don’t have to …”

Chu Yan heard these threatening words and immediately turned to Feng Hetian, preparing to persuade him not to intervene. After all, because of himself, he involved the other party in a Sect, which was definitely not what he was willing to see.

After all, this person is too affectionate!

But without waiting for him to speak, Feng Hetian already stood up, shouted at Star Mark and Shengtian Supreme with his hips and his neck thick

“Go to war !? I’m afraid you are a bird, there is a species, so Laozi wiped out your entire sect, the male kills, the female …”

After the words were spoken, the audience was suddenly dead, everyone looked at the World’s First person, their faces twitching together.

This is too … wild! ?

In this silence, Feng Hetian’s face was proud and arrogant, but on the other side, Divine Consciousness sound transmission had chatted with Chu Yan.

“Boy, the star mark is the former Changwei! He dared to move us to Tianxuan Earth Palace, Laozi and he never stopped!”

“You brat don’t have to think too much. I think it’s good for me before me to Tianxuan Earth Palace. After all, I took care of my 2 little bastards, so I helped you, 2 don’t owe you!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan was startled, and adapted to the chat evidence of “World’s First Man” a little, and quickly opened the mouth and said

“Senior, I haven’t helped Tianxuan Earth Palace, Heaven Sealing Xuan and Fengxuantian 2 brothers, and have helped me before …”

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