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The Holy Heaven Supreme at this moment urged the inheritance secret skill of the tenth man of the gods. After the fusion, the might skyrocketed.

Moreover, at this time Chu Yan can clearly sense that his Heaven and Earth scroll is being hit by a violent aura.

This is an offensive aura coercion, just like the battle between monks, it seems that the kind of power wants to seal Heaven and Earth to the seal.

“Tenth person !?” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes.

Now Chu Yan understood why, before, the same powerful and familiar force can be sensed.

Moreover, before Star Mark and Holy Heaven Supreme chased behind themselves, as with long eyes, it should be all because of this.

“Ha ha ha, the inheritance of this tenth person, I can get it, and many thanks to you ah! Chu Yan!”

Holy Heaven’s Supreme laughs proudly, and under the urging of various forces, it continuously produces a seal of magic and attacks powerful Taoism.

“Thank you !? Do n’t you remember that I am the 5th heir of the gods ?! The inheritance of your tenth man …”

Chu Yan spoke softly, the voice fell to the ground, and the towering silhouette stood up.

The sound of rumble exploded, thunderbolt 10000, the tall silhouette of War God in the green armor came out like a mountain, and the void around all around was stepped into a powder.

In an instant, a powerful and vast state of coercion swept through.

This powerful force struck out, the tenth person might on the Supreme Supreme was instantly suppressed, and the imposing manner of the Supreme Supreme itself was instantly reduced by a large amount.

“Hmph! What a War God! Your inheritance is abolished today!”

Shengtian Supreme’s face was instantly dark, staring at Chu Yan and roaring.

In the next moment, two silhouettes rushed out and fiercely bumped together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The battle is fierce, heaven falls and earth rends, the whole void is shaking …

The endless gusts of wind swept through and destroyed everything around all, whether it was mountain peak or plain, it was all messy.

Holy Heaven Supreme fights with Chu Yan, and at the same time the god surveys all around.

This Chu Yan, if there is a trouble.

4 all directions People who are staring at Chu Yan now, most people are there, he must always be careful.

After all, this is a melee situation, and accidents are very easy to happen.

Sure enough, in less than ten breaths, a chaotic battlefield began to change the situation.

The key point is that Pan Tianxing, as the 7th existence of the Supreme list, he has one man one sword, and there is almost no enemy.

All who dare to deal with him are either dead or seriously injured, even Supreme Peak can’t resist it at all.

Eventually, he rushed over Black Stone, sat cross-legged, and deter all directions with his sword, no one dared to step forward.

“Can’t let him refining!”

“Everyone joins hands!”


All the big brothers, who does n’t know that this black stone is the core of inheritance, but there is Remnant Soul.

If the inheritance of the entire master is worth 100,000, then this black stone alone accounts for 50%.

Therefore, the big brothers who are still at war, Qi Qi complexion greatly changed, and at the same time turned around and rushed to Pan Tianxing, making a monstrous attack.

This tide of attack came from all directions in four directions, rushing towards Pan Tianxing like a tide.

The scene, like an island, was about to be engulfed by the outbreak of frenzy.

Even Pan Tianxing, in the face of such a frenzy, could not resist it at all.

However, Pan Tianxing sitting on the black stone seemed to completely ignore the attack on all around and remained unmoved at all.


In an instant, the four frenzy suddenly stopped at a distance of 4 steps from him, as if hitting a huge wall, and stopped instantly.

In the next moment, all the attacks are turned into light spots, and the 4 scattered disappear.

“What !? Guardian power !?”

“God ah! This master Remnant Soul actually guards the refining person !?”

“How can this be!?”


The gangsters present were stunned and completely foolish.

The amount of defensive power that appeared in Pan Tianxing’s all around turned out to be due to the will of the Taoist master. Don’t say that these Supremes of them, even if other Masters came, it was extremely difficult to break through.

This shows that while Pan Tianxing began to refining Black Stone, the will of the Master in Black Stone began to actively protect him.

In this way, in addition to Pan Tianxing, the others have no chance! ?

“pu …”

At this moment, Pan Tianxing, sitting on Black Stone suddenly, opened his mouth with a sip of blood mist, his face pale.

4 The void in all directions shuddered, and the Daoist guard immediately shrank and retreated to a range of 1000 steps.

“what’s going on!?”

The big brother asked with a startled expression.

“The Master Remnant Soul is too strong, he can’t refining all of them!” A big man exclaimed and exclaimed.

When this sentence hit the ground, other bigwigs also found this result, and their eyes were shining.

If this is the case, then they have a chance.

Pan Tianxing cannot refining all the master Remnant Soul, then they can refining the rest, which means everyone has a chance.

This is really every cloud has a silver lining, but not everywhere, only the sky above Pan Tianxing.

So next, in order to snatch that place, the big brothers who had just joined forces not long ago had another scuffle.

Moreover, the scuffle at this time is more terrifying than before.

After all, no one has started refining before, and now Pan Tianxing, as the first person to start refining, has made other big brothers completely jealous.

Therefore, when fighting again, some gangsters started to die, just to grab the slightest chance.

Chu Yan on the other side of the battlefield, of course, also saw this scene, but he will not get involved.

Although he is also interested in Remnant Soul of Dao Lord Realm, he can’t make it now and the situation is unfavorable.

Buzz …!

At this moment, the stone seal in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly rushed out, releasing 10000 auras in his Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

In an instant, Chu Yan’s heart shook suddenly, and Divine Consciousness stagnate.

This stone seal has not responded since he succeeded, and now it is moving! ?

Could it be that Heavenly Tribulation is coming! ?

The stone seal seemed to prove Chu Yan’s idea and suddenly broke out. 10000 auras turned into substantial streamers, and they shot directly at the black stone outside.

In an instant, a powerful God, Soul Power, poured into the body along the stream.

This force obviously brought Dao Lord Realm’s will and aura, and came with a violent pressure, rushing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“No way….”

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, completely blinded.

Stone seal actually helped him to rob … the will of the master! ?

Moreover, the big brothers present hadn’t found anything like that, they didn’t look at themselves at all.

“Not bad! It seems that this stone seal is still useful!”

Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised, nodded, and raised his lips.

In the next moment, Chu Yan did not hesitate, directly Divine Consciousness divided into two, while fighting, and began to refining the inheritance of these masters.

As a result, the streamer from the stone seal to the black stone obviously began to increase. Less than ten breaths, it covered 90% of the black stone area.

The remaining 1% was also occupied by Pan Tianxing, and Chu Yan did not invade his piece, worrying about being discovered by him.

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