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Not only Chu Yan, all the gangsters in the show are all look of shock.

In the previous battles, they have all seen Yue Linglong ’s Three Talent Array, and they also know that this Great Array formidable power out of the ordinary is by no means an ordinary thing.

Therefore, when the Supreme Sage Supreme exhibited the Three Talent Array, no one thought it was because the Supreme innate talent of the Holy Day was amazing.

Such a Great Array is fundamentally easy to learn, and it is not a problem of innate talent or aptitude at all.

There is only one possibility. This Holy Supreme has a special secret skill and uses unusual means.

“I have understood! I have understood!”

Suddenly, there was a big guy crying out in surprise loudly, and his eyes were full of light.

This sentence fell to the ground, the big guys all turned around and looked at it, all with a look of doubt.

“The tenth man of the gods, his method of asking is … The method of Pisces asking!”

A word to awaken the dreamer!

It was almost the moment when the two characters of Pisces exited, and the big men present were startled at the same time.

“Yeah! The tenth man of the gods, in the Antiquity era, relied on the method of the Pisces to ask the question, and the achievement was the tenth man Position!”

“Good! Good! Pisces asked …”

“Trouble this time! How to forget this thing!”

“The Holy Heaven Supreme is deep enough to hide this trick until now!”

“Putting it that way, he can perform any Taoism he has seen before !?”

“The Pisces asked, but Divine Soul’s technique was accomplished by detecting the fluctuations of Divine Consciousness of others!”

“Be careful of him!”


Among all kinds of exclamations and comments, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong suddenly appeared.

Pisces asked the law!

This matter Chu Yan has not had time to understand, after all, this Holy Heaven Supreme until now battle strength is not outstanding.

And after the tenth person has passed down, it seems that it has not caused much fluctuation at all.

At this time, everyone underestimated Holy Heaven Supreme and let him successfully complete the plan to hide from the sky.

“That’s ah!”

Chu Yan looked at the Supreme Sage with a smug look, slightly narrows the eyes.

It has to be said that with this method of Holy Heaven Supreme, it is really a bit of strength.

However, Yang Liuyan also saw it, Shengtian Supreme asked with Pisces, and the Three Talent Array, which was on display, was significantly worse than Yue Linglong’s.

That is to say, Sheng Tian Supreme this method is not 100%, at most not more than 50%.

However, he can use any person’s Daoism and secret skill at will, which is amazing enough.

“Chu Yan, do you think it is less than 50% of formidable power, right?”

Seeing Chu Yan’s gaze, Shengtian Supreme’s mouth suddenly raised, sneering.

This sentence sounded, which suddenly surprised Chu Yan’s expression.

This thing … will not be a roundworm in his stomach, he knows what he is thinking! ?

“50%! Ha ha ha … Then let you take a good look, 50% means, plus all 50% means, can you stop it!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the might of the Supreme Supreme broke out again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, and a tall mountain emerged across the sky, across Heaven and Earth, like a towering Heavenly Mountain.

This is a mountain range, with dozens of main peaks undulating like waves, and each mountain peak has a different color of light rising from the sky.

“Dao Realm mountain range !?” Chu Yan suddenly started.

Not waiting for him to react, the sky above the Supreme Supreme’s head, the void was broken, the large Divine Red Clouds traversed out, and a scroll of scrolls flew out, slowly opening.

“I’m relying, Heaven and Earth scroll !? You … even copied me !?”

This time, Chu Yan was really surprised.

Dao Realm mountain range and Heaven and Earth Daojuan, which is now the strongest 2 moves Daoist, was taken away by this guy at one time.

“This guy, won’t even be able to copy Green Armor and 5 Divine Beast !? No, I haven’t played 5 Divine Beast, he shouldn’t be able to copy it!”

Chu Yan thought in his heart that his biggest secret would be taken away by him.

After all, the secret of the will of the two great gods must never be known to anyone.

“No! These are not Taoist skills, they are measured by God Soul Power, he shouldn’t be able to copy them!”

After a quick pondering, Chu Yan had some bottom in his heart.

“Sun and moon 10000, Holy invincible!”

At the next breath, on the Supreme Supreme, a tall stone tablet rushed out, rotating like a pagoda, rising into the sky, sucking all the aura into it, instantly becoming extremely tall and standing above the void.

In an instant, no matter it was Three Talent Array, Heaven and Earth, Dao Realm mountain range, even the tenth person illusory shadow was merged by the Holy Sky Tower.

A huge pressure, swept out!

“Holy Heaven Stele !?”

At first glance, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered.

Chu Yan is very familiar with this golden stone tablet. At that time, at Ten Directions Star Domain, he broke this stone tablet before flying to Divine Realm continent.

didn’t expect, I saw it again today, and it’s not real!

Obviously, after this real body has been enforced by many Taoist techniques, the formidable power is more than 100 times more powerful than the Ten Directions Star Domain!

Holy Heaven Supreme stood in front of the golden monument, shrouded in 10,000 zhang golden light, like a god.

“Then I will break you again today!”

Chu Yan looked at the Holy Heaven Stele, the aura in the whole body kept rising, and three illusory shadows appeared behind him.

Dao Realm mountain range and Heaven and Earth came out together, and all the forces began to gather and turned into a force destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, crashing into the Heavenly Stele.

Bang! Bang!

In the majestic waves, all the golden light of Shengtian Monument was instantly blasted into powder.

next moment , Chu Yan within the body 2 1 The law of the door asking and running at the same time, the Clear Sky Sword in the hand is soaring, and the bright sword light splits into the air.


sword cry is like a dragon, Heaven and Earth collapses, sun and moon lose their color …

The endless sword was turned into a wave of gang wind, sweeping Heaven and Earth, and the big brothers present all changed color.

This sword, the might of the might, even Pan Tianxing in the distance looked stagnant.

The sword light, the silhouette of the Holy Heaven Supreme, the shadow of the Holy Heaven monument, all disappeared, only a golden streamer still exists, competing with the sword light.

“Chu Yan, you can’t win, impossible win!”

The roar of Holy Heaven Supreme sounded with obvious grief and madness.

At this moment, all his power has been urged to the extreme, and the whole sky is breaking and recovering in the middle of the week.

“This move, the result!”

The Supreme gangsters in the 9 domains present were all dull, eyes fixed.


The air waves are pulling the sky, the violent voice creak Lu, trembling the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

Dazzling sword light, dazzling golden light, and simultaneously shattered, a silhouette rushed out from the endless gangway, standing between Heaven and Earth.

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

Everyone’s eyes looked at them together, but they saw a long sword shining, and a black robe greeted Feng Feiyang….

On the other side, what appeared to be tumbling like a rag from the mighty waves of the gang was the Supreme Saint, but his face was pale, his mouth was covered with blood, and the long robe was broken.

In one move, the winner is the winner!

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