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Aura, his own master, made Chu Yan stunned for a while.

“Hehe, it’s a big gift !? How about it, and then refining it …” Baio Dao Venerable looked extremely proud.

At this time, he finally shocked the boy.

As Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, he also wants to face, and finally found the scene.

As a result, the two people continued to cooperate, and refining a few masters of aura came out, all stored in Qi Sea of ​​Chu Yan.

After a full breaths time, it gradually stopped.

At this time, Chu Yan’s Qi Sea produced a total of 7 Silk Road Master aura.

“Hu… sorry, my God Soul Power is too poor, so I can only help here!” Divine Soul’s body in Dao Venerable is obviously weak.

“Many thanks Senior!” Chu Yan thanked.

This master aura is definitely a treasure, not weaker than any Taobao, and even stronger.

Whether the aura is attacked or directly suppressed, the master can have an absolute crushing effect on the Supreme.

If this is encountered at a critical time, it will definitely resolve the crisis if it is directly exhibited.

Including when you want to impact Dao Lord Realm afterwards, these 7 auras are definitely a strange soldier, which may produce unexpected effects and greatly increase the chances of breakthrough.

“Don’t be polite, it should be!” Dao Venerable hurriedly smiled politely.

Speaking of which seems to be a trivial matter, but seeing him Divine Soul has lost a circle, he knows that he is in the capital to please Chu Yan.

No way, he is trapped in Chu Yan within the body now, it is equivalent to life and death in Chu Yan’s hands, as long as Chu Yan is willing, pinching him is like pinching a ant.

But for the daytime Dao Venerable, he is not really sincere and sincere. This Yan Yan with 2 big masters within the body exists, out of the ordinary.

This is not only a pleasing, but also a bet.

Can live to Dao Lord Realm, that one is not a human essence, of course, starting with killing two birds with one stone.

Chu Yan didn’t say much, the Supreme guys who turned their heads towards towards all around, their mouths lightly raised.

Now Chu Yan and aura have changed a lot, but because they have been in battle and are covered by the gang power, it is not obvious for the time being.

However, the improvement of battle strength is definitely a great leap forward.

“A bit wrong!”

Shengtian Supreme and others saw the smile on Chu Yan’s face, and suddenly a chill came up in his heart.

After his Divine Consciousness probed, the complexion changed at the same time.

“That tenth heir seems to be pretty good, or decide to body possession him !?” Bai Ri Dao Venerable is okay, while recovering Divine Soul, while turning his eyes around 4, as if picking prey.

However, just as he was about to look at the next person, his face suddenly shuddered, his pupils shrank, and he shouted loudly.

“Boy, run!”

This roar made Chu Yan startled, but without hesitation, he directly cast a sword of Vault of Heaven. The streamer of body and sword rushed to Yue Linglong, and she was involved in the word light. moved towards the edge of the sky.

Of all the people present, only the daytime Dao Venerable has the highest cultivation base. As a Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, his sense of danger is certainly much stronger than that of Supreme.

Therefore, in the daytime Dao Venerable’s sudden reminder, Chu Yan will not have the slightest doubt.

“Hmph! Want to escape !?”

“Chu Yan, don’t dream, today …”

“Chasing! Don’t let him run away, kill him!”

“Quick, everyone …”


Because Chu Yan made a sudden move, but everyone’s expectation, after all, one person dealt with so many Supreme gangsters, it is certain to run away.

Therefore, Chu Yan fled suddenly, the big brothers on the scene had no accidents, they would chase after roaring together.

However, within a few breaths, Chu Yan, Star Mark, Feng Xuantian, the Supreme gangsters who were still on the scene, including Pan Tianxing, who was refining cross-legged on Black Stone, were all violently alert in their hearts.


A violent shaking and rumbling sound sounded between Heaven and Earth, as if outside of this world, a sledgehammer fiercely hit it.

The sound of ka cha was loud, and the sky suddenly cracked and collapsed, as if the whole sky was bursting.

Boom … Rumble!

What followed was that the sky rift suddenly exploded, and a very thick gang without giant hands protruded from it.

This gigantic Yuan Yuan is extremely stout, tearing the sky with tremendous majestic power.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth vibrated, and the wind rushed.

The huge gap is like a black hole, and a silhouette is coming out of it, straddling the sky like God.

This silhouette is taller than any mountain peak in the world. It stands between Heaven and Earth. It seems that Heaven and Earth can’t bear his height. Everything in front of him becomes extremely small.

“Tao … Master !?”

Everyone saw this scene, Qi Qi Divine Soul was shocked, scalp numb.

But everyone recognized that this silhouette is the existence of a Dao Lord Realm powerhouse.

“He is the master of this master Inheritance Land !? God, this Fleshy body too terrifying!”

each and everyone 9 Domain Supreme, all of them are like ice in their hearts, and they can’t believe their own eyes at all.

“This … this is another guy’s fleshy body, how could …”

Dao Venerable, who was in Chu Yan within the body, was stunned and could not believe it.

There are a total of 3 masters inheritance in this piece of Inheritance Land, but one of them has been destroyed, so there are only 2 left.

Therefore, of the three altars, only two are true, one is’s empty.

But now, the Fleshy body of another master appears! ?

“Fuck, he was refining !?”

When Dao Venerable Divine Consciousness was swept away by day, the whole body of hair was suddenly upright, and the entire scalp was numb.

This is Dao Lord Realm fleshy body, which can exhibit the existence of Heaven and Earth on one side, how terrifying the power is! ?

There are people in this world who can refining the Fleshy body of Dao Lord Realm! ?

“No! Not refining, but secret skill control!”

Dao Venerable with great doubts, and constant Divine Consciousness exploration, finally found something special in the master Fleshy body.

Divine Soul’s power was suppressed into his eyes, and the entire fleshy body was more like a kind of Puppet Technique, and became a kind of existence.

“That is to say, this man who is controlling is still fighting the Divine Soul of the Master, but now the upper hand is just gained!”

Bai Ri Dao Venerable Speaking of here, suddenly his body trembles, and quickly urged Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“Little friend, you leave quickly! This master fleshy body is completely in a crazy state under the amount of 2 kinds of God Soul Power …”

Although it is only a corpse now, it does not have the Peak battle strength of Dao Lord Realm, but the master is the master, how terrible the battle strength is.

If this were to be slaughtered indiscriminately, everyone here would add up, and I’m afraid it wouldn’t be enough to stop the teeth.

However, as soon as he finished his sentence, he heard a thunderbolt sound exploding above the sky.

“Dead! All die …”

Roar! roar!

The corpse roar towards the sky, his eyes, one black and one red, was like two groups of ghost fires burning in flames, while the roaring sound soared into the sky.

In an instant, all around Heaven and Earth shattered, the mountain range at the foot turned into powder, countless gangs thunderbolt surged, and the earth was cracking.


In the next moment, the master Fleshy body raised his hand to hit the crowd with a punch.

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