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Liu Liang ’s small movements naturally did not escape the eyes of the big guys present. Coupled with the performance of Guo Shuang and Wang Dragon Sect, all the big guys were frowned.

“Someone actually supports Chu Yan !?”

Tianhui Taoist Master, Jade Tiger Venerable Lord and Hong Yan Supreme and the others looked at each other, and their hearts were full of doubts.

When star marks saw this scene, they were all dark, gritting their teeth, thinking about the method of killing Chu Yan.

At this moment, the mutation is born!

With a bang, a sky above the sky shattered, and the tall Dao Lord Realm fleshy body burst out.


Before the person arrived, the fist came first, and under the evolution of the broken void under one punch, another master fleshy body appeared.

The Dao Lord Realm fleshy body that appeared from the broken in the sky was punched out directly into a fleshy hole, straight through the chest and back.

In the entire Inheritance Land, there are only two master Fleshy bodies, so this second Master Fleshy body must be the Fleshy body of Dao Venerable.

In the next moment, the Fleshy body of the Sun Family Dao appeared from the in the sky, and his mouth was swallowed by the flesh of the Dao Dao, and his body was soaring.

Among a pair of blood pupils, all are crazy killing intents, looking at 10000 in front of the Yang Temple, a group of gangsters like ants.

The beating of the blood pupil is like seeing a pile of fresh flesh, and the murderous aura is turned into substance surging in the sky.


As before, there is no nonsense, drink it in one word, the violent murderous aura and the power of the master burst out at the same time, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth is shaking, rushing directly to the Supremes in front of the temple.

Boom … Rumble!

10000 Yang Dian obviously sensed this huge aura, and was instantly touched, bursting out a dazzling rays of light, directed at the master Fleshy body.

With a click, it seemed that the skeleton joint of the Fleshy body of the master was forcibly locked, and a terrifying bone-sounding sound was emitted, and the Fleshy body of the mountain-like master was forced to stop instantly.

However, in the next moment, the Lord Fleshy body roared again, suddenly stepped up and moved forward again.

Although it is difficult, it is still moving forward, which is obviously the two sides fighting.

Tianhui Taoist Master and the others saw this scene, and all of them looked dull.

Sure enough, the master Fleshy body still found them. After all, most of the cultivators in the entire Inheritance Land are now concentrated here.

“Everyone, this master Fleshy body was a Peak cultivation base during his lifetime. It is not an ordinary Dao Lord Realm. However, his current strength is at most Small Accomplishment Realm, plus there is no spirit wisdom Divine Soul, secret skill and Taoism will not be used at all. Will only attack like wild beast. “

The Jade Tiger Venerable Lord spoke, the power of Supreme surging all over, and the murderous aura soaring into the sky.

“Not equal to me and other teams, kill it!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and some people immediately opposed it.


It was Tianhui Taoist who opened his mouth and directly shook his head to deny that “before fighting, I and the others were not the few injured, and now they are fighting with it, the outcome is unpredictable!”

Hearing this, the Supremes who were present waited and watched for 4 times, and they were all nodded.

The Supreme gangsters on the scene, injured accounted for more than 50%, plus Supreme power and the consumption of True Qi, how much can maintain the battle strength.

This is not a Supreme opponent, but a master!

“Then you should …”

The Jade Tiger Venerable Lord was angry and asked questions.

But without waiting for him to finish a sentence, there was another sound of explosion above the sky, and everyone looked up together.

I saw that in the huge void crack, endless worms flowed out, densely packed like a river.

“I depend, Soul Eater !?”

The big guys present were cry out in surprise, their scalp tingling, and their faces pale.

It was really leaking and raining again and again, the master Fleshy body had not been resolved, and the soul-eating ants came out again.

If there was a chance to fight hard with the master Fleshy body before, now, it can be said that there is no chance.

“Hurry to break the door and enter the great hall, this is the only way out!”

Tianhui Daoist roared, the whole body burst out to the extreme, fiercely slammed towards the gate of 10000 Yang Palace.

Behind him, a group of gangsters all reacted, and violently issued a strongest might, blasting towards the hall door.

There is no need to say anything at all, he knows that Tianhui Taoist Master is right, now if there is only one road of 10000 Yangdian.

However, the gate of the 10000 Yang Temple seems to have a great prohibition. It has been attacked for a long time, but now it is still standing still in the face of violent attacks.

This situation made all the bigwigs anxious, all kinds of Daobao, Jade Talisman, and the bottom card were all displayed, and they attacked the palace gate.

Finally, the peng sound hall door could not support, completely exploded …

shua shua shua!

No one needs to be reminded at all. All the gangsters turned into streamers and rushed into the hall door.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong followed the crowd and saw that the temple turned out to be a small world.

Endless forests are full of vigorous scenes, and in the depths of the forest, there is a gleam of glow.

“Don’t disperse, everyone. The situation is still unclear. If the master or soul-eating ants come, we’d better get together!”

When this sentence hit the ground, there was a ray of light that the cultivator looked towards in the distance. As soon as he was about to speak, he was directly deterred by Tian Hui Taoist’s next sentence.

“Who dares to violate, don’t blame the true body, you’re welcome!”

Not only Tianhui Taoist masters, the Franciscan princes who were present rushed all around and stared at everyone like a hungry wolf.

The Jade Tiger Venerable Lord also came to a group of Supreme in Immortal Ascension Sect, moved to all around, and the tiger looked at the crowd.

Hongyan Supreme stood in two people, with a determined look on his face, obviously supporting them.

In this way, all three Venerable Lords were photographed, and everyone shrank their necks, and no one dared to say anything.

“Then we are waiting here !? Waiting for death !?”

There were dissatisfied people in the crowd, shouted.

“Don’t worry, as far as I can see, the former 10000 Yang Dian can suppress the master Fleshy body, so as to speculate that this place should be safe, they can’t pass! We are just in case of 10000 one!

“After all, everyone is clear, no matter what chance there is, it is most important to save your life!”

“So, 10000 must also be guarded! When the time comes If they come, everyone will fight alone! You want to run there, I don’t care!”

“But now, no one can move uncontrollably. As soon as 10000 touches the ban on this place, that is to be enemies!

After saying this, the big brothers present were all nodded.

Even the day of Dao Venerable in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, also has a strange face and says “This old facetious is quite smart!”

“Senior, is this place safe?” Chu Yan asked.

“This … hehe, Rong old man sells a pass, anyway, you will immediately know the result!”

After saying this, he continued to spread Divine Consciousness and began to probe the crowd to find his next prey.

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