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Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness scans the black rune, and you can find that there is Yu Wenhuang’s memory.

Chu Yan, who had an experience once, knew that this kind of memory awakening, impossible opened at once, was all incomplete fragments.

It seems that after breaking through to Dao Lord Realm, you can see the memory fragments here and join together.

And this is samsara awakening!

Unlike Wu Celestial Emperor, Yu Wenhuang’s reincarnation setting is Dao Lord Realm!

“2 reincarnations !? There is no one anymore …”

Chu Yan is a little speechless, and he still has two samsara awakenings on his own, not the same person.

Just when Chu Yan was inexplicably helpless, the wood house opened, Yue Linglong walked out of it, and the first glance at Chu Yan’s aura change was a surprise.

“Big Brother Chu Yan, you broke into Supreme Peak !?”

I haven’t seen it for one day. Although Yue Linglong’s cultivation base is still in the Supreme Great Accomplishment environment, it is obvious that aura has undergone a change, more solid and thick, and it seems to have a splendid color.

“What opportunity does Senior give you !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“There is not enough time. Senior just taught a method to urge a little bit of Constant Antiquity!” Yue Linglong finished, jade hand waved.

Suddenly, a flash of green light flashed behind her, and the surplus green interest changed in her jade hand, which was extremely wonderful.

“This is not the power of Constant Antiquity !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes widened suddenly, his face curious.

He was the first to see the power of Constant Antiquity in Green Lotus, although he had been exposed to various mutations under the influence of the power of Constant Antiquity countless times before.

However, those are intangible and intangible, and cannot be seen at all.

didn’t expect One day, the power of green lotus will appear in front of my eyes.

“Big Brother Chu Yan, with the power of Constant Antiquity, I can help you beat you!” Yue Linglong smiled like a flower in full bloom, his face full of pride.

Previously in Yuye City, the old Supreme thing made her a little bit grudged.

Because she was too weak, Big Brother Chu Yan broke her chance to help her, which always made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Plus a few times later, they were jointly chased and killed by those forces. Almost all of them were flying by Chu Yan.

But now it’s different. With the power of Constant Antiquity, don’t say the same level powerhouse, even Supreme Peak is not her opponent.

Moreover, the power of Constant Antiquity is still very small. After she improves the method cultivation better, she can use more power of Constant Antiquity.

“Good! Whoever you want to beat! We should go out!”

Chu Yan also chuckled lightly, and his face became more dignified with his breath.

On the other side, 10000 deep inside the Yangdian …

Heaven shaking earth shattering’s violent sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, for a whole day and one night, without stopping for a while.

That crazy master Fleshy body, with the ant tide hiding the sky and covering the earth, continued to impact the talisman seal gate, making it constantly dim.


In the distance to the horizon, the silhouette is like electricity, rushing.

Gangwei is like a tide, moving with the shadows, like a thunderbolt cloud coming from far and near, Mercedes.

These Supreme gangsters, all with red light on their faces, bright light glittering in their eyes, are extremely excited, and obviously they are not small gains.

There are only a few of them, with blue eyes and red eyes, obviously there is nothing to gain, all eyes are red.

After a while, powerhouses flew everywhere and regrouped in front of the talisman seal.

Tianhui Taoist Master, Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, Hongyan Supreme, including Star Mark, Pan Tianxing, Feng Hetian, Baxia, King Dragon Sect, etc., all together.

At this time, in the sky ripples appeared, and Chu Yan and Yue Linglong came out of the void ripples.

Everyone’s eyes looked together, and their eyes flickered.

“Breakthrough !?”

Everyone didn’t expect that the cultivation base of Chu Yan’s breakthrough actually reached Supreme’s Peak.

There are 3 Tianhui Taoist masters, but their eyes flickered, not at all changed a lot, but the star marks and Shengtian Supreme’s complexion were dark.

It’s just that in less than a moment, a grin emerges, killing intent surging …

These two people knew that Chu Yan cultivation base breakthrough reached Supreme Peak, and they were no longer able to deal with it. They dared to release the murderous aura so brazenly.

These bigwigs, I am afraid there will be no small gains.

Especially that Pan Tianxing, aura restrained, more pure and strong, obviously also has a breakthrough.

“Good boy, what’s in the black pen !?”

Feng Hetian saw Chu Yan’s eyes flashing and asked.

Looking down, I saw Wang Dragon Sect, Baxia, Guo Shuang, Liu Liang and the others aura all changed, and when looking towards Chu Yan, all of them were all smiling, gently nodded tribute, just As if it had happened before, simply did not happen.


Chu Yan nodded the gift, swept vertically, and fell to Feng Hetian.

“You brat, don’t tell me anymore! Anyway, I’m your Senior too! From Heaven Sealing Xuanna theory, I’m still your uncle, as far as we are concerned, I don’t greet you in advance, it’s not enough!

The frustration of Feng Hetian’s face seemed to call Tianda’s loss, and suddenly Chu Yan’s mouth twitched.

Whatever is the uncle, what is not interesting! ?

You robbed the grass, did not see you say ah in advance! ?

And it seems that the grass most likely fell into your hands, isn’t it enough! ?

“Everyone, it’s almost time. Let’s take a count and see if it hasn’t arrived yet!” Tianhui Daoist stood up and announced loudly.

On the other side, Jade Tiger Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme also swept all around and began to help check the previous number of people.

“Wait for the battle to start, we don’t expect everyone to do their best, but at least we must work together in good faith, not to destroy unity, otherwise … hmph!”

Tianhui Taoist Master was waiting to count the number of people and spoke again.

Then, it was the arrangement of tactics and attack lineup. The Supremes present heard that and gently nodded to agree.

Before long, everyone’s eyes looked towards the talisman seal door in front of him, his face dignified.

Some Supreme realm, has begun to urge True Qi, ready to go, the whole body killing intent surge.


In the next moment, the golden talisman seal gate finally couldn’t hold up, and the whole broke apart, exploding into stars.

The roaring roar sounded, Dao Lord Realm fleshy body was unblocked, and roar sounded like thunderclap resounding between Heaven and Earth.

Even after the crazy attack of one day one night, the power and aura of Dao Lord Realm fleshy body showed no signs of weakness.

At the same time, when its gaze swept over the group of cultivators in front of it, the bloody killing intent was more intense.

Oh la la !

Large swarms of soul-eating ants flowed in behind it, rushing through like a black tide, passing deep into the Yang Palace.


Tianhui Taoist shouted, True Qi burst out of his body, and rushed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heaven shaking earth shattering’s violent explosion exploded, and all Supreme gangsters burst out the strongest battle strength at the same time.

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