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Just as Chu Yan was thinking about how to strengthen his precautions, he moved forward carefully, and suddenly, the silent stone seal in Sea of ​​Consciousness flashed again.

The aura released by this time stone seal is obviously disgusted. Aura is extremely strong and will attack all the Baleful Qi of Chu Yan body protection Gang Yuan.

Moreover, after the stone seal aura was integrated into the body protection Gang Yuan, all the rushing Baleful Qi ran away, and they dared not get closer.

What’s the matter! ?

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, eyes full of doubt.

Before the stone seal hooked the Remnant Soul of Dao Venerable in the day, there was basically no movement. Now that I see these Baleful Qi, it is like the enemy of life and death.

What does it matter! ?

Chu Yan didn’t understand it at all and couldn’t find the connection between them after thinking for a long time.

At this moment, the stone seal suddenly burst into a powerful gang of power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World. Chu Yan’s brain buzzed and suddenly looked towards stone seal with a stunned face.

At the next moment, Chu Yan seems to understand that this stone seal is clearly reminding himself.

“OK! You Boss, you’re in charge!”

Chu Yan shook the head, since I do n’t understand, I do n’t want to. This stone seal is probably very mysterious.

Anyway, this stone seal has solved a big trouble for myself now, just take this opportunity to do the right thing quickly.

Keep going, keep going deeper …

Chu Yan found some problems only after a short time.

Just now, the stone seal suddenly went off, not to deliberately beat myself, but to this place.

After walking for so long, even a prohibition and murderous intention were not triggered, which must also be related to the stone seal.

It’s just that, when you continue to go deeper, a demon appears, rushing with a strong black qi, moved towards Chu Yan roar.

However, it is almost always a trick, not difficult to deal with.

Extreme East Land has had a large number of cultivators since it appeared, but the end result is the same. No one can come out.

This also made Extreme East Land’s fierce reputation almost become Forbidden Land.

Of course Chu Yan knows that if there are only a few such low-cost Demon Beasts in this kind of place, then it just doesn’t make sense.

In other words, the origin of this place is still composed of these Baleful Qi.

When the Baleful Qi field is suppressed or deterred, the resulting attack effect will be greatly reduced.

“Yi!? Something …”

After a few more steps, Chu Yan suddenly saw a few dark and dark fruits in the grass in front of him.

Not to mention, there are even such high rank heavenly materials earthly treasures in this place. If Yue Linglong is here, I am sure that it will be happy.

This black fruit is nothing worse than the rewards previously received in the clouds and poles.

No wonder so many cultivators, risking mortal danger, rushed here to find opportunities.

Moving on, Chu Yan hardly ever stopped, and he was even too busy. There were heavenly materials earthly treasures everywhere his eyes passed.

Moreover, there is no merit at all, every heavenly materials earthly treasures are extremely valuable.

Therefore, Chu Yan also swept all the way, like as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, one thing is not left, even if it affects the speed of progress, I don’t care at all.

Although these heavenly materials earthly treasures are all high-priced, Chu Yan has just broken through the Supreme Peak. Among them, a small number can be used, and most of them can only be reserved for Yue Linglong.

As a result, Chu Yan swept along the way and continued to move forward, and soon a day passed.

For this day, for Chu Yan, the excitement from the beginning was completely numb afterwards.

Legendary is full of treasure, it is estimated that this is the image.

“This is close to the middle ground!”

Chu Yan looked up towards all around and looked at the nearby seaweeds. It was obviously a bit different. The rich Baleful Qi between Heaven and Earth was also significantly stronger.


Punched out, blasting a purple seaweed just behind to move into slag, Chu Yan did not stagnate, and immediately accelerated.

He found that these seaweeds engulfed everything, including the purple seaweed that had just shattered, the debris that exploded, and was instantly swept away by the seaweed all around.

Chu Yan suspected that these seaweeds must have devoured flesh.

If the cultivators damaged here, most likely have become fertilizer for seaweeds.

Continue to speed up and stay longer than 3 breaths in one place.

After a long time, Chu Yan looked towards the front, brows slightly wrinkle.

The sea water here is full of vortex, and the turbulence is like tide, which is obviously not so easy to pass.

“Ga ga… there are living people!”

a Yin laughter sounded, causing Chu Yan to start suddenly.

“Mine! Don’t grab it! Laozi hasn’t eaten fresh flesh for a long time!”

“Fart! Laozi breaks your teeth and roll away!”

“Do you want to fight !?”


The next few sounds sounded at the same time, seeming to be noisy.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette of a followed by a continued to emerge, appearing in the seaweed bushes in front of it, like a group of ghosts.

At a glance, there are Supreme Peak and Supreme Great Accomplishment….

Cultivation base is second, mainly because the blood and flesh of these people have begun to erode, and 2 of them even have a bone in their eyes, and their eyes are full of sparks.

The most complete is Supreme Peak. There are several large plaques on the body, black hu hu, and it seems that there are insects crawling in and out of it, and the black blood is rolling on. ,

If this ordinary person sees it, I’m afraid it will scare soul flies away and scatters.

But for Chu Yan, not at all is special. This is not much different from Yin Pang and those from Tabu Ling.

“You guys, want to stop me !?” Chu Yan said.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the group of ghosts across from them giggled, like a cat playing with mice.

“It’s okay! Don’t be afraid! As long as you have a few pieces of flesh and blood, just join us at last!”

This sentence fell to the ground, a group of ghosts broke up at the same time, a large piece of Baleful Qi surged away, and moved towards Chu Yan rushed over.

“I take the first bite!”

“Fuck off!”

“I will come first!”

Each and everyone roared, like a group of hungry wolves rushed, and at the same time blasted a path of powerful attacks, all covering Chu Yan.

A group of Supreme shot at the same time, how amazing might, and also formed some kind of powerful battle array, echoing each other, formidable power doubled.

Ordinary Supreme Peak, in the face of such an attack, there is almost no chance of winning.

No wonder the cultivators who entered here were eventually lost.

I am afraid that these should be the cultivators who entered here before, but I don’t know why, it will be completed like this.

As a Supreme state, you can already get rid of reincarnation, at worst discard the Fleshy body, and re-cultivation is.

Now these people are obviously trapped here for at least two reasons. One is to leave but can’t leave. The other is that they don’t want to leave at all, and they have huge benefits to lure them.

“En! Pfazong’s !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept away, his eyes flashed suddenly.

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