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This time, a group of Yin Puppies Supreme was completely coming to the spirit, all of them were full of bone red light, strode forward.

Not to mention, with them leading the way, Chu Yan was completely relaxed and the speed was obviously faster.

All attention is focused on all around, and when there are heavenly materials earthly treasures, I put them away.

And those Supremes, who looked at these things for 100 to 1000 years, directly ignored them all, just stared at all around, constantly looking for other silhouettes.

“Sir Chu Yan, someone in front!”

In a word, Fassen has stopped. As a shameless puppet, their Divine Consciousness is much stronger than Chu Yan in this place.

Because, their aura can be integrated with Heaven and Earth, spread farther.

“En !?”

Chu Yan looked up and saw that in the seaweed bushes in front, a shadow appeared blurred, but he was a young man wearing a purple robe, cultivation base in the Great Accomplishment of Supreme.

Seeing Chu Yan, the young man glanced at the group ghosts all around again, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed.

“Senior Brother Chu Yan be careful, they are yin puppets!”

At this point, Chu Yan understood why Fassen shouted, someone in front!

“You call me Senior Brother !? You are …”

Chu Yan was amazed, didn’t expect The first one he met was not a Yinyong, but a cultivator, probably 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

“Senior Brother Chu Yan, under the jade tree, is the core disciple of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect. I came to this cultivation not long ago. These people are really yin puppies. You are quick …”

The man was anxious. After finishing his sentence, he wanted to shoot, but Chu Yan raised his hand and stopped.

“Don’t worry, I know what you said. Now that I have joined forces with them, there will be no danger!”

Hearing this, Jia jade tree was stunned.

What! ?

Join forces with Yinyong! ?

However, for this Sect’s first Legendary, Jia Yulin also knew that he was out of the ordinary, shaking his head at the time said with a bitter smile

“Senior Brother really is out of the ordinary, I can’t do anything here, although I got a map, I want to find an opportunity breakthrough, but …”

With that said, Jia Yulin took out the map for Chu Yan to watch, and Fasen also came over.

“This map should be true, that place is good! Not far from the location of our main hall!” Fassen looked at the map and replied.

“That’s good! Yulin, you are in danger here, or follow us first, and then I will take you to Inheritance Land!”

When the distance is close, Divine Consciousness will be swept away, and Chu Yan will be able to confirm that the aura cultivation base on this Jia Yulin is 100% out of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, the identity can be determined!

In this ghost place, people who meet the same sect will naturally have to help.

It’s just that Chu Yan didn’t understand that Jia Yulin was only in the Supreme Great Accomplishment environment cultivation base, so he dared to go to Extreme East Land alone.

Either it ’s bold, it ’s …

“Thank you … Thank you Senior Brother!” Jia Yulin was overjoyed and quickly bowed to saluted.

“You’re welcome, let’s go first!”

Chu Yan took a group of people and went on. After a long time, a passage appeared and went down all the way.

This is a seabed mountain range, connected by several huge main peaks, extending all the way in the seabed.

Above one of the main peaks, there is a huge black palace, which releases the powerful aura and Baleful Qi, making people afraid to get close.

And Divine Consciousness swept, you can find that this palace turned out to be a treasure.

Such a great Taobao, I do n’t know how long it will exist in the seabed.

Chu Yan entire group moved towards the palace, and the palace has Divine Consciousness swiftly passing by, constantly exploring, and retracting one after another, just like a group of frightened octopus tentacles.

Obviously, they found an outsider coming and were extremely excited.

“Farson brought the living people back !?”

“Bold! How dare you take someone back to the main hall!”

In the great hall, the sound of anger screamed, causing all the yin and puppets to tremble at the same time, but everyone was puzzled.

This Fasen Entire Group is in Extreme East Land, and it ’s not 2 days a day. I usually encounter people who are extremely cruel, impossible leave a live mouth, but why this time …

“Is it possible that….”

There is Yinyong Supreme thinking of something, Soul Fire beating in his eyes.

Xiu xiu xiu !

In the sky-splitting sound, each bone and bone puppet puppet, and even some flesh-and-blood puppet puppets flew out of the great hall.

Before the blink of an eye, dozens of silhouettes hang in the sky above the great hall of black, looking at the entire group flying into the distance.

And in the distance, Jia Yulin saw this scene, and his body suddenly felt numb and his scalp burst.

Chu Yan did not take it seriously at all, but instead looked excited.

Sure enough, the number of Supreme Yinyang nearly 100, the cultivation base level is different, at least has half of it in the Peak state.

“Sir Chu Yan, their current state, may be the same as I used to, you will see it as soon as you see … So, can you break some of the poisonousness on them first, and give them a little freedom!”

Fasson saw that it was almost there, and hurriedly reminded.

“Yes!” Chu Yan nodded.

With a wave of his hand, he exhibited Heaven and Earth scrolls, first included Jia Yulin, and Chu Yan’s sword exploded into a startling rainbow moved towards the crowd.


“kill him!”

“Bloody …”

A group of yin puppets above the great hall saw Chu Yan rushing in, and it was really impossible to bear all shots.

Chu Yan has experience and does not resist it head-on. When he dodges, he waves 10000 Sword Qi.

These Sword Qi formidable power is not strong, but the speed is extremely fast, the area is also large, and all directions Heaven and Earth are covered by the sweep, and nothing is missed.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Sword Qi sky-splitting sound sounded, where the word light soared, 4 overflowed the audience.

a path of black Soaring into the sky, most of Yinyin are unavoidable, and they resist directly with the power of recovery.

As a result, the moment of hitting the sword froze, all looked towards the wound on his body, and his face was dull.

“This … cracked the poison !?”

“I … didn’t recover !?”

“Ha ha ha, very good! Broken, really broken!”

“Hurry up! Don’t move, stand and let him cut!”

The reaction of a group of yin and puppets is almost the same as that of Fasen before them.

At the end of the day, there was only Chu Yan’s sword light above the sky. All the attack of Yin Puppets stopped, and there were even Yin Py chasing the sword light, and sent it actively.

In less than a moment, the void was quiet.

All Yin Yang looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, red.

“Fason, who is this person !?”

there is a person The whole body of Yinyong came out and asked Fasen.

This person has white hair, golden eyes, Golden Soul Fire, and aura thick throughout his body, which is obviously the strongest puppet here.

“Sir Chu Yan, he is the 8th, 2th, and 100nd Holy Son of the Bai family, named Bai Gang, 11 years ago, the existence of the ranked 1th on the Supreme list. In the past, we … leaders!”

Fassen not at all directly replied Bai Gang’s question, but first introduced to Chu Yan.

Afterwards, he turned to look towards Bai Gang, quickly explained what happened before, and also introduced Chu Yan’s special methods.

This time, Bai Gang was excited …

Bringing directly a group of yin puppets, all of them on their knees kneeled down, constantly bowing their heads at Chu Yan.

“Many thanks Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, this grace is as great as heaven!”

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