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In any case, Wang Kun and Chen Zhou looked towards Feng Nine Heavens’s complexion, and it was all abusive.

Let you provoke Chu Yan!

To provoke who is not good, you must provoke this son of Wu Celestial Emperor reincarnation, this is not to find yourself! ?

Chu Yan at this time is also in a good mood.

Perhaps the big brothers present believed that Chu Yan was raised by Feng Nine Heavens, which seemed to have suffered a big loss, but Chu Yan knew that more then 10 original crystals, but only a fraction of himself.

Besides, it does n’t matter if it takes a little more. If you have time to go outside and make a turn, you can get a few 100 original crystals.

It was just a hurry before, not at all deliberately collected, and more than 300 primary crystals were obtained. If it is specifically collected, it should be no problem if it is over 1000.

Moreover, this confrontation can make a Dao Lord Realm suffer a loss from himself, and it feels good.

At least let your sunset canyon trip have a good beginning.

So next, the trade fair continues …

All kinds of heavenly materials earthly treasures, Guatemala treasures continue to appear, attracting everyone to scramble.

The big brothers of all parties began to compete for the critical moment, and they all looked subconsciously in the direction of Chu Yan.

Wang Kun and Chen Zhou finally met their favorite treasure, and the two used 2 pieces of original crystals together to take them off.

This treasure was originally worth at least ten original crystals. Perhaps because of Chu Yan’s relationship, when Wang Kun and 2 people bid, the others immediately stopped following the price.

“Fellow Daoist, time is almost up, now is the last treasure, please taste it!”

Deacon, a stinging fish on the stage, raised a hand to take out a piece of Jade Talisman and showed it to Dao Lord Realm.

“This Jade Talisman is not an ordinary Jade Talisman! It is a war symbol, bred in a dangerous place, naturally bred, extremely magical, and it can be used to achieve Dao Lord Realm Great Accomplishment battle strength!”

“No matter who it is, as long as you take this symbol, you can use it for a month!”

As soon as this remark came out, the big men present had their eyes bright.

Dao Lord Realm Great Accomplishment Battle Symbol!

This is a good thing, it is equal to double the battle strength, how powerful it is! ?

Two Dao Lord Realm teamed up, it is not as simple as one plus one, at least it is 2 to 3 times the battle strength improvement.

Some dangerous places that even dared not go, or even chances, can be boldly tried.

If you are joining forces with other people, you have to share with each other, and you have to worry about breaching the breach attack. Now, you are all yourself. You do n’t have any worries. You can keep the secret and increase your harvest. ,

Such a good thing can be said to solve a major problem for many Dao Lord Realm.

“Don’t be happy, everybody, this Jade Talisman has been appraised by our sunset building and given a guarantee, the price is a little higher than the original price of 30 original crystals!

Stinging fish Deacon a word, so that the big brother of the audience instantly discouraged most people.

30 Original crystal, it is not all who can get it.

But it is out, but hesitant, 30 primary crystals are not a small number, which is too expensive.

After all, there is only one month. If it is not used well, there is a 50% chance of losing money.

In an instant, the whole scene was silent.

“Isn’t anyone bid !? Let’s go for it! Since that is the case …”

The Deacon seems to have known such a result for a long time, and didn’t care about it. After all, such a treasure is not worrying about selling. It only needs to wait until the large-scale trade fair once a year. When the big brothers of all parties gather, they can definitely shoot.

The sunset building never sells at a loss, on the contrary, every trade fair will make a big profit.

After all, to open Chamber of Commerce in such a dangerous place, the profit is definitely not much lower than any Chamber of Commerce outside.

“30 Yuan Jing! I want it!”

Just as Deacon prepared to add Jade Talisman, a strange sound rang through the silent scene.

Chu Yan looked at the Jade Talisman in the hands of the stinging fish, and the flames in his eyes were very excited.

This is a good thing!

30 The original crystal only, in exchange for a Dao Lord Realm Great Accomplishment battle strength body protection.

In this sunset canyon, there is no treasure more suitable for you.

“What !? You … You have 30 original crystals !? No, add the previous, you …”

Stinging fish Deacon marveled.

Even as an indigenous cultivator who had been working on Deacon in the sunset for many years, he had seen countless powerhouses and wealthy people, but at this time he looked at Chu Yan and was shocked that all his spikes exploded.

Not only him, all the big guys present looked at Chu Yan with dumbfounded look, all with a look of shock.

A 9-domain Supreme, there are 50 original crystals on his body! ?

Isn’t he the helper Wang Kun and Chen Zhou found! ?

Wang Kun and Chen Zhou, there are so many original crystals! ?

“Not bad! Not bad! I really underestimate you. Didn’t expect this time, you go to Guatemala, and you have gained so much!”

Feng Nine Heavens stared at Wang Kun and Chen Zhou, his eyes flashing.

I only had 20 original crystals in my hand, these two guys are usually poor, or they will not join forces.

I didn’t expect a trip, but I had a great opportunity, and now I have more money than myself.

Not only Feng Nine Heavens, the big brothers present looked at Wang Kun and Chen Zhou.

Heavenly Nether City, after all, is only so big, the masters know each other.

So, a green and faint look came over, and Wang Kun and Chen Zhou involuntarily hit a chill.

This time … seems to be playing big!

“It has nothing to do with 2 Seniors, this Jade Talisman was taken by myself!”

Chu Yan landed in one sentence, and Wang Kun and Chen Zhou almost knelt down on the spot.

Too timely!

If this is a little later, they may not even be able to get out of the gate of Heavenly Nether City.

As soon as they go out, there is a pile of colleagues waiting for their turn.

“Ha ha ha, your own …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Feng Nine Heavens’ whole body trembling with laughter.

“A trifling 9 domain Supreme, dare not enter even dangerous places, can have the original crystal !? More than 50 pieces !? You lied to the ghost !?”

Feng Nine Heavens’ words represent the psychological thoughts of all the big brothers present.

Not to mention that he is a 9-domain Supreme. In Heavenly Nether City, even if it is the Dao Lord Realm Initial Stage, there can be 7 8 original crystals on his body, which is not bad.

This basic common sense, whether it is Feng Nine Heavens or any Dao Lord Realm present, is extremely clear.

“This Fellow Daoist, 2 treasures with a total of 47 original crystals, I remind you that they need to be paid on the spot, you can’t default, are you sure !?”

Deacon was stupefied for a long time, and finally reacted, telling Chu Yan.

In fact, Chu Yan is also given a chance. After all, it is a VIP. If you can’t take out the original crystal in front of so many people, it is not very good.

“Yes!” Chu Yan was directly nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he flicked his hand and a storage Jade Talisman flew out, falling straight into Deacon’s hand.

The stinging fish Deacon was surprised for a while, and quickly diversified Divine Consciousness, there were 47 original crystals in it, all genuine.

“Fellow Daoist, these 2 treasures are yours!”

Stinging fish Deacon announced loudly.

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